While basking in her own annoyance, Daiyu heard a knocking sound coming from her window.
"OH GOD!.....May I help you?"
She did not know who the person was so she kept her windows up...
"Mr. Mo would like to meet with you"
OF COURSE this lying B*tch would send someone to speak on his behalf in the creepiest way possible!
"Tell your boss that I only want what is mine! I do not intend to carry on a conversation.."
"Ms...I suggest that you comply with his request"
"If it is a request then I should be able to reject it without feeling threatened!"
"He has what belongs to you.."
The suited man revealed with a straight face..
"You should have stated that earlier...instead of threatening me!"
"I do apologize ms.."
"hmph..Where is your boss anyways?"
"I will escort you to his car"
"Lead the way"
The suited man soon led Daiyu to a white rolls Royce.
Opening the door, he gestured for Jade to enter.
"Thank you"
She replied faintly
"Glad to see you again"
A deep venomous voice blurted from the drivers seat...
Immediately tingles spiraled inside of her stomach!
"I-I am here for my ...stuff"
"I don't have them on me"
"But your guard said!"
"Whoops, he lied..."
Daiyu attempted to exit the vehicle but the doors were already locked!
"Why then do you have me here?!"
She gritted whilst grabbing his shirt.
"You are becoming really bold-"
The unpleasant stare that Mo Lei gave Jade, sent her into a state of fear.
His gaze was dangerous...She was scared...
The working engine of Dictators' car was the only noise that Daiyu wanted to hear as they drove.
Her legs were visibly shaking and her hands clammy. The tone that he spoke to her in earlier brought her back to reality. The boy that she knew back then had developed into a dangerous man... She was to keep her guards up and her head on!
There were many rumors about the unlawful things that the Mo family were entangled with...
How could she forget that she was in the presence of an untouchable God!
Obediently she retired to the back of the seat, allowing him to take her to where ever.
As they drove further .the streets became more recognizable.
"Are you taking me to your house?"
He answered right away.
Memories of a week ago exploded in her mind like an over pumped balloon!
This was the first time in her career that she felt bashful about an encounter..
Frankly she was terrified !
He could restrain her in a split second!
She was as weak as a baby in his eyes....
"Follow me"
His voice broke Daiyus' trance.
They both left the vehicle and entered the mansion.
Daiyu followed closely but shyly behind Mo lei.
His strides were large, making her jog at times to keep up with him!
"There are your belonging"
He announced.
Daiyu briskly ran the bag and attempted to exit the room..
As she was about to exit, her arm was pulled into a tight hold.
"Why are you doing this?! I don't have anything that belongs to you!"
"I know"
She became extremely confused...
Why then would such a powerful man Lie
To see her demise?
"I wanted to ask you a question"
Jade remained silent, awaiting the question
Mo lei led her into a secret part of the house and finally released her wrist after locking the door.
"What is so important that you have to bring me into such a hidden room... Do you plan to kill me?"
"Depends on how you answer"
His lips rose into a smirk.
Daiyus' heart was on the verge of bursting!
"Please hurry with your question..."
"It is more of a proposition.."
She exclaimed before hearing the actual content!
He looked disappointed...
"I am looking for a wife-"
"So you want me to help you find one! Why didn't you say something? I know quite a few ladies who would love to get in you pants!"
She blurted shamelessly...
Mo Lei gritted his teeth whilst looking at the energetic woman.
"Should I rid you of some of your energy?"
He taunted whilst staring at be tits.
Cautiously she crossed her hands in front of her boobs.
"I'm fine.."
"As I was saying, Will you become my wife?"
"I'm sorry...WHAT?!"
Her breath quickened as her eyes gazed into his serious ones..
"Did I time travel? In what universe did this still occur?"
"Daiyu...I do apologize for being so blunt with you.. It is because of certain circumstances that I have asked you to marry me."
He walk directly in front of her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I am most familiar with you...Please consider this.."
"What are the circumstance?"
"It is confiden-"
"I must know what I am walking into before I do something so ridiculous!"
Her tiny hands pulled his away from her waist.
"Can I explain at a later date?"
"No! I am not marrying you just because you WANT TO BE MARRIED! You might be comfortable with me around you but I have not seen your face for years! Yes we were close for a short period but, That was a long time ago.."
Her face became bitter thinking about the past..
He along with Yu Yan were the only lights in her life after grandpa died but He had disappeared from her life soon after..
Yu Yan was the only one that she trusted dearly!
Mo lei sat in a chair that was close to them and pulled Daiyu into his lap.
"I will explain, But you must accept after I have done so.."
"I will make no promises!
So thickheaded ..
Seeing that Daiyu was going to listen to his story meant that she considered his offer. Hopefully she would verbally accept when he gave his reasoning!
This was a personal matter and he only trusted her...
To Be Continued...