After explaining , Daiyu was left flustered.....


"I am begging you Daiyu"

Daiyu's mind started to twist..

If she were to accept this, then any thought of her clean future will be out of the window!

His position was way to high for her to think about..

Will his family question her job...

They might accept a poor girl with zero status , but they most definitely would not accept a dirty slut...

This could ruin her image entirely!

How would China react to her marrying the Dictator?!

(The bitch is trying to ruin our GOD!)

(I bet that half of the nation already tasted her!)

She could already imagine the comments..

"Give me a day to think"


If she was going to marry, she at least had to get her thoughts together..



Daiyu returned home with her belongings..

If she had known that she would run into so much confusion, she would have forgotten about these minor things...

Slowly, she dragged her body to a small box in her living room.

Inside was a bunch of old bits from her grand dad...

"Grandpa....Is it painful to watch me from above?"

Searching around in the box, her hand landed on a circle object. It was protected by a pouch.

Pulling the strings, she unveiled an expensive black jade bracelet!

Her droopy eyes immediately became wet..


"My precious black jade, How was school?"

"My classmates kept saying that I will be abandoned...That my parents don't love me.."

"I am here, why are you worried?"

Mr. Zhao pulled the young child into his embrace.

"Grandpa has something for you"

Daiyu peered over his shoulder, looking for the gift

Out of his pocket, Grandpa pulled a pull-string pouch.

"What is it?"

"Open it and see"

Before her was a shiny black jade bracelet.


"Promise me that you will not let anyone see or know if its' existence. I fear that they would take it away from you"

"I promise, but this must have been expensive.."

"No man-made item in the world could compare to the value of you jade. Worry not about those things and just accept Grandpas' gift."

"I love you"

"So cheesy"

Grandpa acted as if he was disgusted by her loving nature.


She forgot that she had this...

Placing the bracelet onto her wrist, a smile replaced her glum expression.

The fact that this precious gem showed up at this time was a sign!

Grandpa was with her!



Night soon fell, Daiyu laid peaceful under her covers.

She had only just fallen to sleep after tossing and turning...

Her heart was uneasy...

Why did she feel so pressured by a ...Stranger..

She could easily say no,

But why did it take her so long?


"My black jade"

An elderly man, dressed in white traditional attire stood fanning his long cloudlike hair.


She bolted into his embrace.

"You have grown a lot..."

"Don't you hate me? I am dirty now..."

"I would never hate you jade. What you do in life can always change, I know your intention so Grandpa Is not mad. I am only disappointed with your mother and grandmother. If I had known that they would go to such extremes...."

"Pa, I feel so tired...Sometimes I wish that you were still on earth to guide me.. I went so far from the path that you raised me on..."

Her cries became louder as she spoke.

"My precious jade, I can't stay for long. Grandpa just wanted to say ... Accept the proposal."


"You two might be strangers for now, but Pa knows that he will protect you. All grave thoughts will come...it is destined to, but they will only last for a while. Trust my words"

"I will, Grandpa but,...Before you go"

It broke her heart to say the last line..


His gaze showered her with love.

"You were never sick...Why did you die so sudden?"

"When the well dries up, the animals find another well Jade. If that well is already occupied.. Then the only thing to do is to fight for it. Only one will survive. When your eyes are blinded by greed, it is inevitable for someone to go...No more questions"


"It is time for you to wake up"

"NO!!! PA!!!!!!!!!!!!"


To Be Continued...