"I will accept your offer."
The serious gaze in Daiyu's eyes made Mo lei wonder, What had gotten into her?
"Only yesterday you were strongly against it...What changed?"
"Just like you have your reasons for the marriage, I have mine."
"I won't ask any further. If that is all, Let us get down to business"
The dark iris of Daiyus' eyes drifted toward the coffee table.
There sat a document. That must be the papers that she was to sign.
Still amused, Mo lei pulled a pen from his jacket and handed it to her.
"I have already signed my parts.."
As Daiyu scribbled the last required signature, a cold smirk appeared on her face.
Because of her dream, She had a sneaky suspicion that her parents had something to do with her grandfathers death. Though it was just a dream, it felt as if grandpa was sending her a message!
"Avenge my death"
With her current position it would be hard to gain anything, You could easily fabricate information on those who worked in the adult industries. They could be framed for sleeping their way up and having a money motive. If she were to fully investigate this incident .then she would need a new identity. A respectable one.
One that suited the man in front of her.
"Mr Mo, May I ask for one thing..."
"I'm listening "
"Can you help we change my identity?"
His gaze grew a few shades darker.
"Why would you want to do such a thing? Your identity does not matter to me-"
"I- I have to do something..."
"I can only help you if you explain the matter to me. Our marriage is something that can easily be looked over by the law but, changing identities..."
"My grandfather, The one that I always talked to you about... I don't think that his death was natural.."
"Why would you say that?"
"I had a dream...I asked him how he died and he said something strange.."
"This is based off of a dream-"
"I know that I sound crazy but, He said something along that lines of when people are blinded by greed someone is bond to go.. I know that my grandfather was not sick! He was one the healthiest persons for his age. He never took chemical filled medicines, only Chinese medicine! Now looking back at it...He passed so sudden and it was quickly covered up as well!"
Daiyus' once pale face was now red. Rivers of bitter tears poured from her eyes as she recalled memories of her grandfather..
Her eyes soon rose to meet Mo Leis' eyes.
"I might not have the best profession, I may not be the ideal type, I may sound insane. F*CK I probably even look crazy! All that I know is that I want to grasp onto this little hope! I might only be a piece in a chess game for you but- I beg you, please help me find the truth.."
"It is unnecessary for you to change your identity.. I will have my assistant look into it for you. Until then, You should have something to eat..."
Daiyu fell to the feet of the god-like man,
If this dream was proven to be right and Grandpa really did reach out to her...She would make whoever was involved pay!
Quietly, Daiyu sat beside Mo lei, slowly devouring the soup that he spent 2 hours making for her.
"How long will this marriage go on for?"
The question reached Mo leis' ears.
"Until I have completed my mission."
"So maybe 2 years?...4 years? 10 years?.."
Daiyu questioned.
Mo lei so desperately wanted to shout "A LIFETIME!"
"You know- Tonight is our wedding night"
Mo lei shamelessly answered in an attempt to change the subject.
"O-oh Y-yeah, Is that right."
His voice deepened as he gazed at her haggard appearance.
"Well that is wonderful, I would love to stay and chat but, I have an appoint- Oh yes I am married now... I should change jobs"
"I can be your only client if you want to stay there"
The hot soup in her mouth was immediately plastered all over his face.
"So shameless!"
"Why are you acting so bashful?! I know how every part of you looks, EVERY PART!"
"Save me with a little pride will you."
Daiyus' gaze softened as she witnessed a miracle
The dictator was pouting .
To Be Continued...