The chaos of the day soon settled into a calm night.
"Here you go." Out from his pocket, Mo lei pulled a small red box.
"What is it?'
"If you open it then you will find out"
Cautiously she flipped the top off, Before her was the most beautiful Diamond ring that she had ever seen.
"I thought that this would make things more official"
"This is beautiful..."
Unknowingly, Tears started to fall from her eyes.
"My precious jade, When you are older...You have to marry someone that will cherish you ..ok?
Grandpa wishes to see you happy for once. I will not always be here.
"Why are you crying?"
"I don't know...I feel so many emotions that I can't choose one!"
Daiyu pushed herself out of the chair and onto the cold floor, Dragging her hands to her hair as she roughly tugged onto the strands.
"Hey, Hey I am here for you now... ok? You can depend on me. I've got you now!"
Dictator pulled her into his arms tightly, The firmness of his hug made it impossible for her to pull away.
"Mo lei.....Though this package may look fancy on the outside, the inside is filled with stones...Heavy stones. I come with way to many burdens for someone like you to handle. Where ever I go, problems follow. I may have been selfish earlier, asking for favors but, Please...Before I change my mind...Forget about me.. Throw me away from your sight. I didn't even get to choose my job! My job is shameful, my life is shameful, MY NAME IS SHAMEFUL!! There are many wome-"
"DON'T FINISH THAT SENTENCE! I KNOW THAT THERE ARE MANY WOMEN OUT THERE....BUT THEY ARE NOT YOU! you have burdens? Then I'll help you lessen the load until your back is completely free !If you consider yourself an empty box who is worn out and useless...Just know that I don't view you as such. You're life has only just begun...How do you expect the box to be filled already? Let me take care of you ok? You have me to fall back on now..."
The world slowed down for a few seconds.
Mo lei felt his heart shattering. It was as if a knife was constantly going in and out of the same spot.
How ironic...
Here he was thinking that this girl was having fun in life, making money her own way and enjoying every bit of it!
This poor woman...
How hard it must have been.
From what he gathered tonight.
She suspects that her grandfathers death was intentional and She did not get to choose her career .
As she bawled her eyes out in his arms , Daiyu did not notice the smirk on Mo leis' face.
It looks like there is going to be a bloodbath soon...
To Be Continued...