(10 years ago...)
Master Zhao sat calming on the sand of Daiyu's make-shift beach, fanning the heat away and sipping on fine wine.
"Master, why are you writing your will so early?"
His assistant never understood him....
He always did questionable things that make people worry...
Was he planning to live in the spirit world?!
"Child, You will not understand my actions because of your status."
Was he calling her poor-
"When you have reached the pinnacle of the world, people who want to live lavishly without the hard work will target you. If you do not put things in place before such things happen, they will benefit."
"I thought that being at the top would become easier...were all of the hardships before... for nothing?"
"The hardships are there to mold you. They are to prepare your heart for what is to come. The top is not a place for weak hearted and those ready to give up. The process goes on until you retire or die. If you do not guard your territory well it will be infiltrated and confiscated."
"Should we also guard our territories from family?...."
"Especially from your family!"
The world of the one percent seemed like a lonely walk....
(Present time...)
Ms. Liu gazed sourly at the grave of Master Zhao
"I wanted to show you that you could trust your family, That you did not have to walk this path alone...Again, you proved me wrong. You really have to be wary of those around you."
In her hands were 3 black jade bracelets.
Mr. Zhao had turned his fortune into them. This was the only way that he could guarantee that his money did not fall into the hands of the monsters called family.
Originally, there were 4 but, he gave it to his grand daughter all of those years ago.
Master Zhao described her as a jade and wanted her to live well after he left this earth.
"I will give these remaining bracelets to your grand-daughter, you looked highly upon her so i believe that she will value your hard work.."
It is always a bitter moment to wish someone who taught you everything that you know farewell...
"Do you think that he left clues anywhere?"
An old feminine voiced called out not far from the grave yard.
Assistant Liu sprinted three rows behind Master Zhao's grave.
Madam Zhao arrogantly squatted to the ground and brushed her had against the grave.
"Foolish old man, why do you have to be stubborn even in death! If you had only given me what i asked for then you would still have that life of yours..... Must you always make me out to be the bad guy?"
Fiery tears fell from Ms. Liu as she wept...
Such a despicable creature.
The noise caught the attention of Madam Zhao who slowly walked over to her.
"Are you okay?"
Think fast! think fast!!
"M-my friend passed away and I never got to tell her that I forgave her.."
"But the grave stone says that she was gone for at least 10 years.."
"I know.. It is just that the guilt that i have makes me remember her.."
"Oh, take care then...."
Quietly Madam Zhao left the grave yard and boarded a luxury car..
"I hope that you get run over but your conscience. Guilt should follow you for the rest of your life and when you pass on, you should shamefully face Master! I hope that he walks all over you and torments your soul. Here on this earth , everyday before I go to work I will visit you just to spit on your grave!!!!"
Ms. Liu really needed to get the bracelets to Daiyu...If they were to fall into the hands of that vile creature.....
Hell would break loose!!
To Be Continued...