In the darkness of his office, Mo lei pondered upon the request of Daiyu. Was he really about to carry out an investigation based off of a dream?...

Yes , he was.

"I need you to find me as much information as you possibly can on Master Zhao."

"If you don't mind me asking sir...Why do you need to know about-"

The piercing gaze in Mo lei eyes cut his question short

"I will get back to you on that."

It had already been a day after the marriage and confessions and he felt uneasy.

Master Zhao had come in contact with him a few times prior to his death, He was a man full of wisdom and he held such respect for being fair and logical.

The minutes they spent together could be counted on his hands but, in those few minutes, He was deeply inspired. He was who he was today because of the guidance of the old fellow.


"She is joking right?"

Boss was waiting anxiously for Daiyu to reveal that it was really a joke.

"I am not joking Mr. Wang. "


"I am willing to pay."

Ceo Wang had smoke pulsing out of his ears and his pale face became red with anger.

Daiyu was one of his best workers....

"Manager Lu, convince her to stay."

"I tried sir but-"


The door of the office opened and revealed a makeup plastered B*TCH.... :)

"Why are you so angry Wangie pooh? If she goes then our company will not have to worry about Dictator..."

"YOu- I am actually impressed that you came up with that"

She was normally really dumb.

"Don't underestimate me love "

Manager Lu and Daiyu , again, sat in disgust...


"*cough cough* Sorry for interrupting your... thing but I would like to finalize my leave please."




After a long process which involved lawyers, Daiyu was free from the chains of Red Lotus Services.

Originally ,she was forced to join because of circumstances, Life then became fast and crazy.

She was having fun fulfilling the lust of the rich. Then, because of the uncertainty with her grandfather and Mo lei, she started to seriously question life and regret most of her decisions.

She was raised honest and she became dirty.

How could she stand beside such a respectable man? He would be seriously mocked and loose face.

"Grandpa...I've made life so confusing."

Immediately the blue sky became gray and water poured out.

Was grandpa crying for how pitiful life became?

Daiyu rushed to her car and hurried home.

Just as she was about to enter her house, A tightly dressed lady appeared before her.

" OH MY GOD!...sorry you scared me... May I help you?"

"I apologize. Are you Zhao Daiyu?"


"Take these."

The lady placed 3 bracelets into her hands and looked into her eyes sternly.

"Your grandfather worked sleeplessly for everything that he had. It is all here in your hands. Protect it."

"What? Who? How do you know my grandfather?!"

"Can we talk in a more private place?"

"Come in!"

She did not know who the stranger was but, if she could acquire knowledge about her grandfather...she was willing to take the risk of letting a stranger enter her house.



"So, how do you know my grandfather?"

"I worked as his assistant for 7 years."

"W-what are these?- wait- they look just like my-"

She finally got a good look at the bracelets.

"Mmhm, Your grandfather always took precautions before he did anything in life. He transferred all of his wealth into the bracelets."

"T-that is extreme...Why would he suddenly turn everything he worked for into bracelets ...unless-"

"Yes. I have held unto these for long enough. I am sure that Master Zhao would be happy with these in your hands. He always had a strong liking for you."

As the assistant talked, Daiyu could see the pain and happiness of her memories of Grandpa.

"I will take care of them."

"I know you will. I must be off now"

"So soon?"

"I am afraid that someone will track me down. Daiyu listen to me carefully. DO NOT let these get into the hands of your family. Speak nothing of them."

"Why are you so scared of my family?"

Did she know something vital?

"No- Don't ask questions. Just live peacefully now. Your life is going smoothly. Do not deliberately go into rough waters."


"I really must go.."

"If something goes wrong...How do I find you?"

"Ask for Tang Young."


Ms. Liu bolted out of the room and into the dark streets.

Who was Tang Young?....

Should she really avenge her grandfather's death , A man who stood at her side and showered her with love


Should she follow the instructions of Ms. Liu and Live life comfortably as a millionaire...

Her thoughts were cut short by the gently music of her ringtone.

To Be Continued...