"You look like you saw a ghost...."

"I-I'm fine. I just have a few flashbacks here and there..."

"Was it that bad?..."

Quang placed his cold palm onto her face making her flinch slightly.

"I don't remember it clearly but I do have clear visions of the truck."

"I'm sorry that you had to experience that but..."


"How would I have found such a cool accomplice if you weren't here?"

"How flattering.."

Truthfully, Daiyu remembered nothing about her accident. What she had stated was what was relayed to her by the nurses and Yu Yan...


A scream could be heard from the room above hers."

"Oh no..."

"What is the matter?"

"My mother..."

"You can't hide forever..."

"I know but, I am finally at peace."

His eyes lowered to her lips.

"We can exchange numbers... Well, that is if you want to."

"Of course!"


"I just remembered..."


"I don't know where my phone is..."

"Here. You can ask for a phone from your grandfather right? I'm sure he will give it to you as soon as possible. Until then, Keep these digits safe."

Quang Lowered his hand to hers. Pulling a pen out of the pouch around his waist. Skillfully, he scribbled his phone number onto her palm.


Madam Mo started to shout at someone.

"Is it always this loud at your home?"

"Kind of...But just around me. I was not supposed to be born...A big mistake. Everyone else is very loving and Thoughtful around my older brother. I'm ok though. This is just the life that I was destined to liv-"

"I am happy that you were born."


Daiyu rose her hands to cup his face.

Quang's misty eyes gazed at the girl before him.

For the first time in his life...Someone was happy that he was alive.

"Is this the point where we kiss?"

"EW NO!! YOU PERVERT.....sorry."

Quang clutched his stomach as he once again busted into a fit of laughter.

"I like you."


"Not like that! You are just admirable. If you lose my number I really will kill you."

"Sir yes sir."

"I-I am heading back up... Sleep tight Zhao Daiyu."

"You too Mo Quang.



As the sun began to rise, Daiyu continued to gaze at the numbers on her hand.

" If you lose my number I really will kill you"

"You really are a character...."

When he returned to his room last night she could hear his mother verbally abusing him. If the media got their hands on that. She would be done for! Her image was a pure one in the public eye. Who really would have thought that a family could have such a big secret...

"Good morning Ms. Zhao."

"Good morning."

A team of doctors and nurses came in to run some tests.

"How are you feeling?"

" My feet and hands started to hurt..."

"That must be the pain killers wearing off."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"When will I get out of the hospital?"

"Not anytime soon kid.."


"When your wound has healed then you have to start bone training since you have been inactive for 7 months."


"I have been in a coma for so long?"


Daiyu finally realized that her shoulder-length hair was reaching her hips.

How did she miss that?

"But don't worry. You will be fine. Master Zhao said that you are a fighter. You being alive right now is pure evidence."

"If I were to recover soon... Will I leave faster? "

"It is better to not skip steps. Each level is meant to prepare you for an upcoming one. Right now you should focus on a healthy recovery."

Though she understood the doctor clearly, She still felt locked up.

"One last question."


"Do you happen to know my grandfather's number?

" I will have to ask someone for it."

"Do you need something?"

"A phone...."

"I will relay your request."



The day flew by as any other day would.

Yu Yan visited and filled her in on all of the 'important gossip' Grandfather dropped by to give her the phone and chat and after everyone left, she boldly conversed with Quang.

Luckily she enjoyed those days...

Her slow days in the hospital were the only form of peace that her mind would have.



5 months later...

After almost a year...She followed her teacher into the hallway of Xiang Academy. A private school for children of rich families.

"attention.... ATTENTION!!! Thank you. After a tragic event that impacted one of our own... Zhao Daiyu is finally back with us."

The class erupted in applauds. Daiyu awkwardly smiled at the them.

"You can return to your seat next to Yu Yan."

Daiyu politely bowed to Mrs. Rong

As she was about to move off, Her eyes landed on a few students.....

"Mrs. Rong"

"Yes child?"

"W-who are they?"

"Who?.. Oh! they are transfer students from Kin Education. Wang Lee,Chu Hua, Chaoxiang and Lu Shan."

Wang lee, Her ex Boss

Chaoxiang the cashier who had a crush on her..

Lu Shan Her manager!!

And Chu Hua the suck-up who was 10 years older than her...

To Be Continued...