
In what universe did things like this occur?

Was there a hidden book to explain what was happening around her?

Was there a chance that she could be taken back to that world that she has full memory of?

The troubles that she faced... Where they for nothing? The mistreatment and hate that she had built up... Who was she to vent to? No one would understand why she resented who she decided to. Events like this could make you seem crazy to 'normal folks.'

The many 'madmen' that walked the streets cursing, and threatening people. What was their story?

Did they also experience what she had?

She had so many questions but no one to provide logical answers...

What caused her to get in the way of a Truck?

How did she fall into a coma because of a crate truck and wake up because of another?

"Why was everyone appearing and why were they all her age?

Why did grandfather freeze up 5 months ago when she relayed her dream?


"Is something wrong Daiyu? Do you need me to call the nurse?"

"I am okay."

Daiyu dragged her body to her chair.

Boulders of burdens were buried deep in her shoulders. No one in this world would understand her... No one.

"Hello there...I'm Chu Hua...I heard about your accident a-and I hope you are ok now..."

What you know about her is a dream Daiyu

A dream!

"Oh...I'm fine."

Chu Hua sat awkwardly fiddling her fingers as she tried to start a conversation.


"Alright, class! Please take out your English books, Today were are going over a past paper."

Their English teacher, An old lady from England had interrupted the conversation.

Unlike Daiyu who was relieved, Chu Hua was a bit bummed out.

She so desperately wanted to befriend Daiyu.



Lunch Time...

"Hey... If something is on your mind...You can tell me you know."

"Could I really?"

"Of course."

The two best friends sat in the quietest place in the school. Almost no one passed this area if they weren't the gardener.

"Daiyu...Why are you crying?"

"Ughhhhhhhhh!!!!! I am just so frustrated!"

Yu Yan placed her chopsticks into her lunch box and fixed her focus on Daiyu.

"Is there any way that I can help?"

"Most likely not..."

"Tell me from the VERY beginning. It will clear your chest. Promise."

"I-I don't know how to say this..."

"Did you get a boyfriend? "


"Steal anything?"

"Jeez no"


"YU YAN!!!!!!"

"Ha, I know that you won't get pregnant. "

"I just had a dream...and I saw people that I have never met in my life!"

"Like Superman?"

"No! Like Chu Hua, Wang Lee, Lu Shan, All of them!"

"I-I don't understand..."

"I am not crazy but they were all in my dream. Everyone one...Even The son of the Mo Family. Mo Lei."


"No...I am not!"

"I even overheard the conversation between The Doctors and Grandfather about Tang Young... HOW THE HELL DID I KNOW ABOUT HIM?!"

"What exactly did you see in your dream?"

"Well, I was a prostitute."


"J-just let me continue the story."

"My Apologies.."

"So I was an 'Adult worker' and Chu Hua was also a worker. Wang Lee was out boss, Lu Shan was my manager. Choxiang was a clerk who had a MAJOR crush on me and Tang Young a name the assistant of Grandfather told me to look for."

"I am getting chills. Are you sure that they are the same people?"

"Yes!! "

"So what about Mo lei? WHO WAS HE?!!"

"M-mo Lei w-was...Ummmm H-He was...I-"

"Why are you so flustered?.... WHY ARE YOU BLUSHING!!"

"Jeez Yu Yan.."

"Don't jeez me. Let me get this right. You were a prostitute and when you think about Mo Lei you blush...Could he have been one of your clients?..."

"Ughhhh! You are going to be the death of me."



"You can't kill a woman for wondering."

"It was d r e a m. Nothing but a fiction of my imagination."

"That makes no sense. How can you dream about someone you have never seen."

"OH RIGHT! You were there too!"

"ME!? Please tell me that I was not a prostitute...My mother would flip."

"You were a model. At Moko"

"Wait! That is why you said that I worked at Moko when you first woke up!!!!"


"WOAHHHH! What else happened with me?"

"From what I remember. You dated a boy named Hyang Lingpin"

"Hyang Lingpi-"




"He asked me out last Tuesday...."



"BRO WHAT!!!!!

"I-I don't understand...."

"Does he want to be in the medical field?..."

"Not to my knowledge... I think he wants to be a lawyer."


"Was he a doctor in your dream?"

"He was going to Stanford to study for 7 years."

"WOAHH. His brother is going to Stanford next month!!"

"This keeps happening..."

"What? "

"The truths are twisted."

As the two carried along in their conversation a thought popped into Daiyu's head.

Wasn't Hyang Lingpin Abusive?...

Should she warn Yu Yan?...


It was just a dream. If she were to spread false rumors, Yu Yan could miss out on the loveliest relationship ever.



"This is not related to your dream but...I am so so glad that you woke up. I visited the hospital so many times and would tell you about my days. Hoping that one day you would open your eyes. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you slept forever."


Daiyu fell into the arms of her Yu Yan. Both girls poured their tears out for each other.

Unknown to them, A man dressed in all black watched their every move. He was carefully hidden behind one of the many green bins. A few locks of hair hung out of his oversize Hoodie as he gazed through binoculars.

"Are you watching the girl?"

"I have my eyes on her."


To Be Continued...