"We have been waiting at the door for 30 minutes already..."
"I am not going in..."
"Why not?"
"Your grandfather is a literal legend, How could I ask so much of him."
Daiyu grabbed onto His wrist and dragged him into the living room. Just As Quang was about to make a run for it, a gentle voice called out.
"Why are you two making so much noise?"
"Grandfather, I have something to speak to you about."
"Come closer."
The old man beckoned Daiyu to his side, Leaving Mo Quang standing awkwardly.
"Grandfather, This is my friend...Another son of the Mo family. He was like a brother to me since the day I woke up in the hospital... The thing is though..."
"Speak child."
"His situation is kind of like mine but much worse. Not too long ago he was kicked out of his family for a trivial matter."
"And you want me to take him in?"
"How did you-"
"I might be old but I am still clever."
Master Zhao Looked into the eyes of the fearful child and tapped the seat next to him.
"What Is your name boy."
"M-mo Quang."
"How come I have never heard of your existence? I have been connected with the Mo family for many decades but never have I heard about Mo Quang."
"I am but a stain to that family Master Zhao. My birth was a sin so I was treated as such."
"Grandfather, Can you help. He supported me a lot when I was struggling in rehab. It would be a pity for him to end up on the streets...."
"Seeing that you were such a help to my beloved granddaughter...I will allow you to stay here for the time being. I believe that good should be rewarded."
"Thank you Master Zhao."
The old man nodded at the two then called out to his servant."
"Mr Lin, Please show this young master to a guest room."
"Right away Master Zhao."
Quickly the servant grabbed his luggage out of his grasp and showed him to a room on the far end of the mansion.
"Jade, Grandfather wants to ask you a serious question."
"Do you recall what happened before your accident?"
"I have no memory of the events. All that I know is that I was hit by a crate truck, that was what the nurses told me."
"You really don't remember any conversations prior?"
"I'm sorry."
"Grandpa is not angry with you. I am just worried that something could happen to you again. There is an unsettling feeling that there is more to your story."
A chill ran down her spine as he said that.
"This old man has no intention of scaring you or sugar-coating anything either. You have to be extra careful of your surroundings. I know your intentions, you are very pure but, be careful who you keep under your wings.
"I will."
"Good, Hurry to your room and wash up. Chef Min has prepared a special dish for you."
"Can't I shower after I eat?"
"Zhao Daiyu, go and wash up"
"Hmph ..fine."
"Such a dirty girl...How are you my blood?"
"Uncle Fang said that back in the day you showered only once a week."
"Back in the day, I was not fortunate enough to shower every day-"
"Uncle Fang also said that when they told you to go with them to wash in the river you declined."
"That was because-"
"Just admit it, grandfather...I am strictly your blood."
"You tricky girl!"
With a grin, Daiyu sprinted to her room.
After Dinner...
"Psssst, Next door!"
"How are you?"
"I am perfect.. Why?"
"Just thought that I would ask. You kind of left the place that you grew up in..."
"I am completely overjoyed..."
"Then why does your voice say that you are about to break down?"
Mo Quang refrained from answering because he knew that if he spoke, he would end up crying.
She was right, he was not okay leaving the place that he grew up in.
He had so much love for his grandfather and family. All that he wanted was the same love returned...
Just an ounce.
"Mo Quang...May I come in?"
The silence started to worry Daiyu.
A worried face followed by inches of hair poked through the door.
"Hey Quang, Do you want to talk?"
"JESUS CHRIST DAIYU! you scared me!!!!!!!!!!"
"Sorry. I thought the walls swallowed you or something..."
"I am ok."
"I really don't think that you are."
"Trust my words...I am fine"
"How can I trust your words if you don't even trust them yourself?"
"I-I trust my words..."
In times where you are at your lowest and someone asks you if you are ok or even shows a tiny bit of concern, you depend on them dearly. If you grow up in a household where everyone disregards your presence and your words fall on closed ears, When someone finally listens, the world stops for a second.
When you are not the first person to send a text message. Things like this help validate a person with low self-esteem.
Without even noticing it, Tears were spilling out of Quang's eyes ferociously.
"Hey... It is ok...I-I'm sorry but I do not know how to soothe your pain right now..."
"Like this..."
Quang opened Daiyu's arms and fell into her embrace.
"Can I stay like this for a few seconds?..."
The way that his voice cracked whilst he questioned her made Daiyu's heartache.
"You can stay like that for as long as you need."
"Thank you Daiyu..."
To Be Continued...