In the basement of an all too familiar house, A tall handsome man sat opposite an elderly lady.
"Are you certain of this child? If it is proven that what you are telling me is false I-"
"Madam, I speak the truth. He really is close and I believe that with enough persuasion I can get the required information."
"I will put both of our future in your hands then."
"I will guard them with my life but,"
"But what?"
"Will I really get the girl if this is successful?"
"You can have her. The contract will be waiting for you when you have completed what I asked."
A coocky smile rose to his face as he clinked glasses with the lady.
"Hey, Wake up. WAKE UP!"
Daiyu cleared her throat before screaming the latter.
"Good, Come on down. Grandpa says breakfast is ready."
"Did you really wake me as if the world is ending to say that breakfast is ready?"
"Of course, when it gets cold it loses its appeal."
"Fair enough."
Quang pushed himself out of the warmth of the bed and followed Daiyu into the dining room.
"Good morning Master Zhao."
Grandfather nodded his head at Quang, Acknowledging his words.
" After breakfast, I have to discuss something with you."
"Of course."
"Don't be frightened child, it is just a simple task."
Daiyu looked suspiciously at her grandfather.
What tricks was this old fart about to play?
"Breakfast is served." Chef min wore a bright smile as he presented his art-like dishes.
"Woah! This looks and smells heavenly."
"You praise me too much young mistress."
"I praise you too little!!!"
The middle-aged man started to blush at Daiyu's kindness.
"Hurry and eat Daiyu, You have an exam today."
Daiyu scuffed the food down her throat and bowed to her grandfather.
"I will take my leave grandfather."
"Be careful of your surroundings jade."
"I will."
Sprinting upstairs, Daiyu grabbed her book bag and hurried to her driver.
The chaotic noise of the young girl was soon replaced by a deafening silence and utensils connecting with the bowls and plates.
"Do you attend a school?"
Mo Quang's fearful eyes met with the blank gaze of Master Zhao.
Earlier, he had Daiyu to speak up for him, but now...
He was to fend for himself!
"I was homeschooled my entire life sir."
"Was there anything that you were allowed to do outside of the Mo Household?"
"The only time that I left the house was when I needed to go to the hospital or I ran off."
"How do I really know that you are the Mo blood and not just someone that was sent under that guise to gain information on the Zhao family?"
"I-I can't prove my identity. The only thing that I have in this world is my word."
"Child I will trust your words for now but, If you dare betray my trust mark my words. Your life will officially become a living hell."
Master Zhao was very firm with his words, never breaking eye contact or showing signs of defeat with his gaze."
"I understand Master Zhao."
"Now that we have that out of the way, I will enroll you in Daiyu's School."
"What? Will I have to change my name?"
"Your Mo family is not the only Mos' in China Kid."
Quang gagged internally at his silliness, Why was he embarrassing himself like this?!
"I will treat you as my own and as I would to Daiyu. Since you are now under the Zhao household I will also hold you to the same standard as the Zhao children. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. When you are finished eating, wash up and follow Mr. Long to get your school supplies."
"W-when will I start school, sir?"
And just like that Master Zhao exited the Dining room with his walking stick. Leaving Mo Quang to contemplate on what he got himself into.
Unknown to him, a cheeky grin was on the face of Master Zhao. It seems as if this old man was about to enjoy life.
Yu Yan sprinted toward her best friend.
"What cutie."
"Did you hear the news?"
"The son of the Mo family is joining this school today!!"
The joy in Daiyu's face was completely washed away by her friends' words.
"Mo Lei!!! I heard that he is so handsome and his hair is so silky and smooth. Wait, Did you not sleep with him in your dream?"
"CUTIE! Lower your voice!"
"Jeez. Are you sure that he is the son of THE Mo family?"
"YES! His parents are in the office right now."
Those bewitched dogs!
"Whatever. We can't be bothered by such things. I have to go over notes for my test."
"Test? What test?"
"The English test that is happening first thing this morning... Did you not listen in English?"
"Oh boy-"
"Come, I will help you study with my flashcards. You can at least pass this way."
"Marry me."
"Hell no."
Both girls jogged to their classroom and began their recap secession."
The daughter of a singer squealed as she poked her head out of the door.
Just as Yu Yan was about to follow the crowd to see the infamous young master, she felt a stronghold on her shirt."
"I advise you to continue studying and forget about boys Yu Yan."
"If Master Yu finds out about another fail from you... "
Daiyu pulled Yu Yan out of the Clouds and back to reality.
"You are such a boring person."
"Thank you."
For the remainder of the morning, both teens worked tirelessly on their revision. This was their last grade and spotless reports were what both of their elders were expecting.
"Good morning class. Please take a seat. Thank you. Today is your final English exam, I hope you guys have studied well!"
The majority of the class questioned the teacher with confused faces.
"Exam? What exam?"
The old English lady smirked whilst pulling a stack of papers out of her folder.
"All bags to the front of the class, please. You are to have only a pen on your desk. If I catch anyone cheating and breaking the above rules then your paper will be confiscated and you will automatically be given zero."
Daiyu and Yu Yan grinned at each other, each having eyes of hope. They were bound to pass!!!
To Be Continued...