They shook hands and introduced themselves. There was something that made Aleeta feel uncomfortable, when Rendra held her hand for a while while looking at her closely.

"Ahem!" Aleeta cleared her throat and managed to awaken the man and immediately let go of his hand.

"Sorry." Rendra whispered, whom Aleeta knew precisely as Ryan.

Meanwhile, the man called Rendra is actually the real Ryan. The personal assistant that Rendra asked to switch roles with him. Maybe that's the reason Ryan looks nervous and stiff, because he suddenly has to act as the company's leader in front of Aleeta and Meisya.

"Please sit down, Miss. Aleeta." Ryan asked trying to neutralize his feelings.

"Thank you, Mr. Rendra." Aleeta replied quietly.

Having a boss like Rendra makes Ryan have to stroke his chest often. Rendra often gives unreasonable jobs. Not infrequently he had to change roles as it is today. Not just to meet business associates, but also to reject the women he was paired with through blind dates.

Aleeta watched Rendra after she and her secretary sat opposite the men. Her brow furrowed slightly, seeing Rendra's appearance who looked very relaxed. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, even his attitude seemed relaxed and bossy. Just look at the way he sits crossing his legs and supporting his chin while biting the tip of his little finger. Ah, don't forget the loyal smile on his face. He looks more like a model doing a photo shoot.

"Sorry, Miss. Aleeta. Ryan is actually not only an assistant for me, but also as a friend. Sorry if his attitude and appearance is a little impolite. That's how my assistant is, too relaxed. Sometimes he even acts like a boss, while I'm his subordinate." Ryan, who seemed to know what was in Aleeta's mind, immediately gave a long explanation about Rendra.

Meanwhile, Rendra glared angrily at Ryan. How dare his assistant defame him in front of Aleeta. The protest that almost came out of his mouth he had to undo, remembering their current play.

To show his annoyance to the assistant, Rendra seemed to widen his eyes, then kicked Ryan's shin lightly, making the man have to keep smiling despite the pain down there.

"Okay, Miss. Aleeta. Can we start now?" asked Rendra intending to start a discussion of their work plan.

"You saw it, Miss. Aleeta? What a boss he looks like here!" Ryan said trying to lighten the mood, while at the same time deliberately trying to make fun of his boss.

Rendra huffed in annoyance, then looked away for a moment. Of course he was just angry with Ryan's behavior. Even the threats he gave through sign language, in fact had no effect on Ryan.

Rendra started the conversation with a serious face. Contrary to his appearance, the man was in fact very master of the discussion about the cooperation plan that they would have. It turns out that the saying is true, "Don't judge a book by it's cover".

Aleeta glanced briefly at Ryan, it seemed that the man was also carried away by the presentation from his assistant.

"How is Miss. Aleeta? Is there anything you would like to add?" Ryan asked after Rendra had finished his explanation.

"Um, I don't think so, Mr. Rendra. Your assistant explained very well and in detail. I am very satisfied."

Rendra pulled a corner of his lips. "Of course. Who do you think this company is for? It must have been my intervention. A very talented overseas doctoral graduate." The man chuckled at the end of his sentence. However, Aleeta only showed a flat face. Let alone praise, even the smile had disappeared from his face.

Instead of responding to Rendra's unclear attitude, Aleeta prefers to look away and talk to Ryan. Rendra's jaw tightened, his hands clenched in anger. This was the first time he had received such humiliation from a woman.

Ryan who saw this bit his lip to hold back a laugh. Never once had he seen such an attractive sight. Within seconds, his laughter filled the room. He really couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. Even the corners of his eyes were dripping with clear liquid.

"What are you doing? Is there something funny?" asked Aleeta, frowning in surprise.

"Ah, sorry, Miss. Aleeta. I just remembered the comedy film I watched before you arrived." Ryan explained as he wiped the clear drops in the corner of his eye again.

Aleeta arched an eyebrow, getting an answer that she thought didn't make sense.

'Weird! There seems to be something wrong with these two clients of mine.' she mumbled while staring at Ryan and Rendra's faces alternately.

This time, it was Rendra who had to keep smiling. Although angry with his assistant's words.

'Shit! How dare he! Even he openly laughed at me in front of Aleeta. Comedy, he says? Just wait until this meeting is over. I'll make sure he regrets having been born,' thought Rendra at that time.

The meeting went smoothly and both parties signed the cooperation contract between them.

This meeting felt different for Aleeta, as well as for her client, more precisely for Rendra who disguised as an assistant in front of Aleeta.

"You look so satisfied today." Rendra kicked his assistant's leg under the table again, after Aleeta and Meisya said goodbye to their resignation 3 minutes earlier.

Although Ryan sounded groan, it didn't stop him from laughing. "How is it, Sir. Do you feel neglected?" Ryan still wasn't satisfied with mocking his boss.

"Began to be brave, huh!" Rendra threw a roll of tissue right at Ryan's face, Ryan swiftly dodged. This made Rendra chuckle in annoyance.

"Hurry back to the office! Remember, at seven o'clock tonight you have a date with Anggun!" Rendra's command was full of warning, then immediately left the place.

"Eh, why me again, Sir?" Ryan's face immediately changed drastically when he heard the orders from his superiors. He immediately followed Rendra's footsteps while constantly protesting.

"Yes you are. How can I meet her." Rendra glanced at Ryan who was already walking beside him.

"I have an appointment with my girlfriend, Sir." He complained while putting on a pitiful expression, hoping that the boss would understand him just this once.

"I give you a double bonus of your salary," said Rendra.

"Ready, Sir. I'll be there tonight."

Ryan's gloomy face brightened when he heard the word "Bonus" which was always used as a ninja way by Rendra.

'Be patient, Dear. This is for money, so I can quickly justify you.' Ryan thought.

"But remember ...." Rendra stopped his steps. "You have to make the woman illfeel to you." He continued.

"Ready, Sir. So far, I've never disappointed you." Ryan patted his chest proudly.

"If you fail, the bonus will be forfeited and I will deduct fifty percent of your salary!" Rendara seemed to lift five fingers of his hand, then immediately got into his black Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300 car, his own.

"Oh my God, Sir. That's really cruel. My marriage will fail, Sir."

Rendra laughed with satisfaction seeing the expression on his assistant's face that changed so easily.