The Silver Mercedes Benz car carrying Aleeta and Meisya was already driving through the downtown streets.

"Today's meeting is so fun, Miss," said Meisya, who was leaning her back on the back of the passenger seat, right next to Aleeta.

"Hmm." Aleeta seemed to focus with the device in her hand, without wanting to turn to Meisya for a moment.

"Moreover, Mr. Rendra's assistant, huh ...." Meisya deliberately hung her sentence as if she wanted to get Aleeta's attention.

Succeed. It turned out that her efforts were not in vain. Aleeta glanced at her while looking questioningly. "What?"

"Are you not aware, Miss?" Instead of answering, Meisya actually asked back.

"What do you mean?" Aleeta is getting confused by Meisya's words.

"Oh my Gosh, Miss. You don't realize it. He's so handsome, humorous, intelligent, so cool again. This is the first time I've found an assistant as cool as Mr. Ryan." Meisya smiled and cupped her own cheeks, as if imagining something.

Meanwhile, Aleeta squinted slightly, observing the behavior of her secretary.

"I don't think so." She said flatly, then returned her focus to the flat object in her hand.


Meiya's eyes widened. How could her boss respond to such a very handsome man with just a casual attitude?

"I'm really scared. Could it be Miss ...." Meisya hung up again, when she thought about crossing her arms in front of her chest and moving slightly, keeping her distance from Aleeta.

Aleeta exhaled roughly. She glared at her assistant.

"I'm still normal, Meisya!" said Aleeta who seemed to know what Meisya was thinking about her at this time. "I'm still interested in the opposite sex. I'm not interested in other men because in my heart there is already a name engraved." She added later.

"Are you serious, Miss?" Meisya shifted back to her original place. "Who is he?" she whispered.

"Don't be curious! Curiosity will only shorten life!"

Meisya immediately pursed her lips, when she received a striking response from Aleeta.

"Curiosity will only shorten life?" Meisya whispered while trying to digest the meaning of the sentence.

Meanwhile, Aleeta just smiled at the silliness of her secretary.

How could Meisya not be curious, as long as she worked with Aleeta, she had never once seen Aleeta being close to any man.


Handsome man in black glasses in a navy suit, sitting cross-legged in a five-star restaurant. He deliberately chose a place next to the window and of course opposite the table where Ryan was.

The reason is tonight Rendra will watch Ryan replace himself for a blind date with Anggun, just wanting to know how well his assistant is carrying out the mission he has given him.

Rendra took a glass of wine that had been poured by the waiters a few minutes ago. He held the glass leg using three fingers. He seemed to slowly rotate the tube made of clear glass repeatedly, in order to catch the aroma of wine for him to enjoy.

His face was half lowered, inhaling the distinctive aroma wafting from the glass. He took a sip of the red drink while closing his eyes, as if enjoying the alcoholic drink.

While in another chair. Ryan is still faithfully waiting for Anggun while trying to reduce nervousness, because his boss is directly monitoring his actions. If he makes a little mistake, his salary can be a target. The man shuddered in horror, gently rubbing his arms which felt a little goosebumps.

His eyes caught a tall, lanky figure with brown hair. Plus a tight red dress attached to the woman's body. Beautiful and sexy. It's God's masterpiece that is so beautiful to pass up.

Long legs wrapped in high heels of the same color as her dress, seemed to be swinging confidently towards Ryan. For a moment Ryan's attention was diverted to the cellphone screen, making sure if it was true that the woman was the target of tonight's blind date.

The woman flashed a smile while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, as soon as she stood in front of Ryan.

Without thinking, Ryan immediately stood up to greet the woman, then reached out with a broad smile.

"Good night. I'm Rendra, please sit down, Sis."

Ryan's words managed to make Anggun and Rendra glared at him. Even he was surprised when he realized the last words spoken. Ah, he got carried away by the habit of serving customers at the online shop where he used to work.

"Y-you're so beautiful." He corrected a little nervously.

"Um, thank you. I'm Graceful."

Just talking for a moment, the food ordered by Ryan arrived. He deliberately ordered in advance, without wanting to ask the woman's opinion. The reason, of course, is to be labeled as an insensitive man. The worse Anggun's assessment, it will be much better.

"You've ordered food apparently," said the woman still smiling.

"Yeah, I'm afraid you're waiting. So, I ordered it in advance. I hope it's to your liking."

"You are so considerate, you even know my taste for well done steak." The man smiled wryly when he realized his strategy had failed. However, Rendra who was behind him actually looked very relaxed.

Anggun looked at Ryan's order with a frown. "do you like rare steaks?"

"Yep. Doesn't this look very tempting? Just look at this reddish piece of meat." The man lifted a piece of steak with a fork. "I think I can taste this animal in my mouth. Ah, the melted flesh mixed with a little bit of fishy blood, what a perfect combination."

Anggun stared at the meat for a moment with an indescribable expression. She then lowered his head and went back to her steak.

Ryan ate the steak with a smile, even though he really didn't like rare steaks. However, for the sake of the coffers of money that will flow into the pocket. Yes, that's the reason why the food he hates escapes his throat.

For a moment he glanced at Rendra who was holding back a laugh. His fault for trusting the bad idea of ​​the boss. It seems the man is still holding a grudge because of what happened this afternoon during the meeting.

Anggun still ate the dish in silence. I don't know what she was thinking so he didn't have time to talk to him. Didn't they come to that place for a date?

Seeing that the woman was still relaxed, Ryan put down the knife and fork he was holding. He took the initiative to change the way he eats, took the steak pieces with his hands, then licked his fingertips one by one.

It immediately diverts Anggun's attention. It's illogical for a CEO of a big company like Rendra to eat like that.

"Um, I just came back from a business trip in Brazil and the way they eat steak there is like this. Unexpectedly the taste is more delicious and the spices are more pronounced." Ryan explained, as if he understood the meaning of the woman's gaze. Anggun just nodded slowly, without saying anything.

"Is it that delicious?" Anggun asked curiously to see Ryan who was eating voraciously.

"Yes, this is very delicious. You want to try it?"