Stepping down the lonely night street alone. His mind has been wandering the world ever since. Remembering the beautiful memories that have been passed with the Beloved. As a medicine to give him a little consolation.

His phone rang again, but he ignored it. Choose to keep going.

"So now you dare to ignore my calls?" said a woman from behind Ryan.

The voice belonged to the woman he missed so much. His footsteps stopped, but instead of turning to the owner of the voice, he chose to shake his head. Feeling that voice was just a figment of his wild imagination tonight because he missed her too much.

"Great. You didn't answer my phone. I called, but you still didn't answer. You are looking for death, huh!" the woman growled at Ryan.

The woman's footsteps were heard getting closer to Ryan. Made the man become convinced that the voice was not just a fantasy, but indeed real. Turning around with a happy hue on the face. Running reduces the distance between them. Stretch both hands in a position to hug the lover. However, Malika instead held the man's forehead with her index finger.

"You idiot! What are you doing walking alone in the middle of the night like this?"

"I thought it was all just my imagination. Never thought you'd follow me to this place," the man softly lowered his face in shame.

"Of course I didn't do that. I'm still very upset that you left me, even though our meeting has been delayed for a week. However, Mr. Rendra called me ten minutes after you left. He said, if I didn't pick you up, you might just walk home alone ."

That's exactly what his boss was worried about. The woman looked annoyed at the lover's stupidity. Cursing him for not ordering a taxi, but instead choosing to go home on foot.

Malika took Ryan's hand, clasped and intertwined their fingers tightly. Pulling the man into a hug. Then, the woman's brown irises stared intently at the lover's eyes.

"You chose to walk alone instead of calling me to pick you up? Did you forget? From head to toe this is mine, so you must take good care of it."

Malika then hugged the man and gently patted his back.

"Good, you've worked hard today," the woman said smiling until her eyes formed crescent moons.

Gently patted the top of the man's head several times. However, Ryan actually put on a sad face, then hugged him tightly.

"Thank you darling." The man buried his face in his lover's shoulder.

"Why? Did Rendra torture you?" she asked as she felt her shoulders wet.

However, he just shook his head and tightened his grip even more. The woman patted her back lightly. Maybe today is very hard for her lover. I just don't want to talk about it.

"If he bullies you tell me. I will teach him a proper lesson. How can he torture my beloved like this," added the woman later.

"He does torture me a lot. However, I am like this because you are so good to me and that makes me love you even more." The man said by touching the tip of his lover's nose with the tip of his index finger.

"So it's true that he pranked you?"

"Yes. He even told me to replace him on the blind date earlier," replied the man, nodding his head quickly.

"Extraordinary!" said Rendra clapping his hands a few times.

Staring at his assistant with a sharp gaze. Walked closer to the man. However, Malika blocked by spreading her arms.

"Are you dares to hurt my boyfriend in front of me?" asked the woman with an annoyed face.

Rendra had a smirk on his face. Pointing to the man behind his cousin's body, then placing his thumb around his neck and pulling him aside. While saying "die you" silently.

"Oh, Bro Rendra is brave, yes. Come here, fight Malika first."

The woman clenched her hands in the air and put on a stance.

"I will never fight or hurt you. Remember that!" said Rendra to his cousin. Makes her smile happily.

"Not just me, bro. You also have to promise not to abuse my boyfriend," said Malika, clinging to her lover.

"Arg, damn it. Don't make out in front of a single person. You don't feel sorry for me?" asked Rendra to the two people in front of him.

Instead of pity, the woman actually tightened her arms on her lover. Sticking out his tongue to mock his cousin.

"You should be thanking me. Didn't I call you to pick up Ryan," he said to Malika. "Then you, I take care of you and watch over you from the moment your lover picks you up," he added then to the Assistant.

The couple looked at each other, then smiled at him. Compact cupped both hands in front of the chest. Bow slightly to show appreciation, then say thank you in Korean. Breaking Ryan's thought that the man who had been his boss all this time was a heartless person.

The man drove the vehicle after the departure of his cousin and assistant. Pity yourself who doesn't have anyone waiting for him to come. In fact, to just feel worried if he came home late.

It is true that many women are waiting in line to be his lover. Just by moving the index finger, then he has got a lover. It's that easy. Who does not know the Alister family, who has been respected since their ancestors.

However, that's not all that Rendra wants, but a woman who sincerely loves him regardless of who she is. The figure who is famous as a playboy is in fact just a play that he designed to judge the women who approach him.

So far the search has yielded no results. Of the many women who had been in a relationship with him, none had truly truly loved him.

Besides, he actually had a crush on his childhood best friend. The woman who had stolen his heart long before he grew up. Yes, maybe not a few will think that all of that is just monkey love. However, not for Rendra. From the moment he fell in love with her, at that moment he believed that his best friend was a beautiful destiny that God had created for him.

It's a cliché, a cliché of feelings that have rusted in the heart even though it's been a long time since they've given each other news. It was as if there was no more room for another woman to enter his heart. The man woke up from his daydream, then again recited a prayer that never missed being said. Hope that God will soon reunite with his childhood friend and first love.