Malika still enjoys Rendra's annoyed expression. Ah, what a rare sight and opportunity. She thought about teasing his cousin once more.

"I can lend Ryan to you as long as ...." Malika glanced amusedly at Ryan, then at Rendra.

"From what?" asked Rendra curiously. Ryan also leaned towards Malika following Rendra.

"As long as ... you pretend to be a couple," said Mika with a serious face. However, making the two men in front of him stare at each other in disgust, then look away.

Ryan pretended to vomit after hearing that, making Rendra feel annoyed to see him.

Rendra patted Ryan's shoulder a little hard. "I don't deserve to be your girlfriend? Where can you get a handsome, kind, rich, and not arrogant man like me, huh? I'm a limited edition, you know," said Rendra, not accepting.

"Yeah, I know you're a rare species. But, you mean you want to pretend to be 'oranges eat oranges?"

A smack landed perfectly on Ryan's head. Ah, again he was always the only one being persecuted. All because of the law of power.

"Hey, why did you hurt my boyfriend?" Malika shouted disapprovingly. She then smacked Rendra's head back, then rubbed his lover's head affectionately.

"Ah, why did you join in, anyway. I'm just annoyed with what he said. This is unfair, you guys are playing a gang," protested Rendra, not accepting it.

"So what? Do you agree or not?" Malika asked without caring about the annoyed look on the two men's faces.

"No! What if it reaches my father's ears? I'm afraid he'll be angry and take me to a mass ruqyah." Rendra shook his head annoyed after imagining what he would go through later.

"All right. Come on, Honey." Malika went to hold Ryan's hand.

Rendra swiftly grabbed Malika's hand and said, "Where are you going? Ryan has to work late with me and I don't have time to play with you."


"No buts, there is only a necessity, period." Rendra deliberately put emphasis at the end of his sentence.

Malika stomped her hand and suddenly made Rendra's hand off. She sat back down as usual. Ah, that woman is now frowning in annoyance at her sister-in-law. The man who was smiling happily because he felt he had won.

However, Malika wouldn't give up that easily… if she couldn't spend time with Ryan, then neither could Rendra. The woman grinned slyly as an idea flashed through her mind.

Malika took out her cell phone from her bag. Her fingers seemed to dance swiftly on the screen, while typing a short message to someone.

It wasn't long before the ringing of Rendra's cell phone caught the man's attention. His father's name was written on the phone screen. Maybe he wanted to make sure that his son would attend tonight's meeting. Yes, Rendra can answer according to what he wants. It's a matter of him meeting the woman or not, his father will never know anyway.

"Hello, Dad," said Rendra with a relaxed face.

"You didn't forget the appointment I arranged for you, did you?" his father asked in a probing tone.

"Of course, Dad. You think I'm senile?" Malika chuckled hearing that, making Rendra annoyed.

"I know you're not senile. But why do I hear you're going to work late with Ryan?"

Rendra immediately turned to Malika, but the woman looked away in another direction. He gave his cousin a sharp, piercing gaze. Oh, this isn't fair.

"That's . . . after dinner I'll continue my work with Ryan, Dad. Yeah, that's exactly what I meant." Rendra tried to find an excuse. Hopefully his father can accept that excuse.

"Are you sure?" James still couldn't believe his son.

"Of course, Dad."

"Really?" Rendra snorted in annoyance because his father still didn't want to believe it.

"Oh, come on, Dad. Why are you so curious anyway, anyway?"

Of course, because Uncle James has a reliable informant like me, Malika thought, laughing in her heart.

However, even so, Malika still pretends to be playing with her cellphone and seeing infotainment about famous celebrities. She certainly didn't want her cousins ​​to find out. Even though he might have been suspicious of her from the start.

Ten minutes later, James finally believed in Rendra and hung up the phone. It took time and struggle to convince the middle-aged man.

"I know that all of that was your doing. But sadly, Dad trusts the most handsome son in the world more than you," Rendra looked at Malika's face with a triumphant smile.

Malika chuckled, then pulled Ryan's hand to go with him. However, swiftly again grabbed his hand.

"I told you to leave him Malika. We'll be working late." Malika and Rendra looked at each other.

"I told you we were going on a date," said Malika, not wanting to lose.

"Ryan can't leave without my permission. Moreover, I will increase the bonus amount." Rendra smiled lightly. Bonus is always Ryan's weakness because he wants to marry his cousin immediately.

"Then I'll be the one giving him the bonus." challenged Malika.

Ryan exhaled weakly. He was tired of always being between the two cousins. Always like a toy that the two of them fight for. The man stomped hard enough to let go of Malika and Rendra's grip.

"Why don't you guys ask me what I want?" Ryan walked away with an annoyed look on his face. His steps were getting faster and wider because he wanted to leave the place immediately. Bonuses were always a tantalizing option, but he was sick of being fought over all the time.

"It's all your fault." Malika raised her index finger. "Honey, wait!" he shouted immediately following his lover.

"Argh, shit!" cursed Rendra annoyed. If Ryan left, it meant he had to attend the dinner appointment. Even though he had used the bonus as a lure, but somehow this time his plan failed.

Rendra glanced at the watch that was faithfully wrapped around his wrist. Ah, he only had ten minutes left before the woman his father had chosen would arrive.

Rendra immediately gave orders to the waiter to clean the table. Then, order food and drinks according to his taste. As usual, he didn't want to ask the woman who would be his blind date partner tonight.

It can be a double-edged sword. Either the woman will feel Rendra is a man who is attentive or disrespectful because he does not want to know the taste or desire of the woman.

Five minutes later a tall, slender woman smiled at Rendra. Her face is quite beautiful with a body like a spanish guitar. In fact, the woman was wearing a closed and modest attire.

Hm, looks like Dad chose a different woman this time, thought Rendra smiling happily.

Looks like tonight's going to be a little more fun. However, a second later Rendra changed his mind. The smile on his face disappeared quickly as he looked at the figure who was right behind his partner tonight.