Alleta looked surprised when she realized that Rendra was also in the same restaurant. At first Aleeta wanted to say hello, but she canceled it when she saw the woman in front of her approaching Rendra. And again, Aleeta's co-worker apparently arrived first. Aleeta immediately approached her partner when the man waved.

Aleeta immediately sat down after shaking the man's hand. He sat behind Rendara's desk which was blocked by two other tables.

"Who is she?" Now Aleeta's mind began to lose focus.

"Aleeta. I ordered you to eat. Your favorite menu is still the same as before, right?" The question from the man brought Aleeta's focus back.

Aleeta smiled at the man's words. "Thank you, Dimas."

Dimas is Aleeta's old friend from college. Dimas did have feelings for Aleeta, and the man had expressed his love for it. However, Aleeta gently rejected Dimas' love, but that did not end their friendship. They were still good friends until the end of college and Dimas decided to continue his studies abroad. Until they are reunited in a collaboration between the company Aleeta and Dimas.

"I didn't think that my co-worker was you. In fact, I'm very happy." Dimas started the chat again.

"I didn't think so either. I think you will settle abroad, your family company is there," replied Aleeta.

Dimas chuckled. "I always miss Indonesia, Aleeta." Dimas looked at the woman in front of him. The woman he used to love so much, even now. The woman who always amazes him.

They talked until a waiter brought their order. However, Aleeta's eyes still couldn't be distracted from the table in front of her. His gaze met with that of Rendara. Whether it's a coincidence or what, his sitting position is facing each other with Rendra. Aleeta was quite happy because she could see the interaction of the two humans there. Although he couldn't hear what they were talking about, he could see from their movements and gestures.

After eating dinner, Aleeta again talked to Dimas. They share stories with each other after several years of not seeing each other. Dimas did not mention whether Aleeta already had a partner or not. The man just wanted to enjoy his meeting with Aleeta this time. After all, sooner or later he would know her current status, because after this, they would definitely communicate more often or even meet.

Aleeta, who was carried away by the conversation with Dimas, didn't realize that a pair of eyes had been watching her.

"Who is he? Why do they look so familiar? I've never seen Aleeta laugh like that when with me." Rendra glared at Aleeta who was talking to another man and occasionally the woman laughed.

"Oh, dammit! I can't hear their chatter." Rendra thought again.

Until a call from the woman in front of him woke him up. However, in surprise, Rendara accidentally nudged his drinking glass and spilled its contents onto his date's clothes.

"Gosh, I'm sorry Mona." Reflex Rendra stood up and approached the woman trying to help the woman. Mona, who was shocked and immediately stood up, almost fell because she lost her balance. Rendra swiftly held the woman's body so as not to fall.

"Thank you, Ren. I'll excuse myself for a minute." Mona left Rendra. The man sat back down and realized that Aleeta was staring at him. Instead of replying with a smile, Rendra turned his gaze to the phone on the table. Grab it and play with it.

Meanwhile, Dimas was a little surprised when he saw Aleeta's expression changed suddenly. Aleeta's face looks annoyed.

"Aleeta, are you okay?" Dimas looked worried.

"Yes, I am doing okay. Just a little tired." Aleeta tried to smile at her friend.

For some reason, Aleeta suddenly doesn't like it when Rendra touches another woman. Aleeta felt her heart was not fine. Suddenly he wanted to avenge Rendra's actions.

"Dimas, you just drink like a child." Aleeta thrust the tissue in front of Dimas' face, but it didn't touch the man's face. Dimas immediately grabbed the tissue that Aleeta had handed him. However, when viewed from where Rendara was standing, it was as if Aleeta was touching the man's face, and the man was touching Aleeta's hand back.

Lace is getting angry seeing Aleeta's behavior. He couldn't hold himself back anymore. In fact, he ignored Mona who had returned to sit in front of him.

"Rendra, where are you going?" asked Mona, when she saw Rendara standing, straightening the coat he was wearing.

"Looks like our date ends here, Mona. I have to meet my lover." Rendra left Mona who was digesting the man's sentence.

"Beloved?" Mona lyrics. His eyes followed Rendra's footsteps. The man turned to a woman who was sitting at the table behind them. Mona did not expect that the woman who had entered the restaurant with her was Rendra's lover. Of course he was very disappointed to know that fact

"Hi, darling. Are you done?" Rendra suddenly sat on the chair next to Aleeta. He even shifted the chair to be closer to Aleeta and put his arm around her shoulder.

Dimas was surprised by Rendra's arrival, especially by the man's call to Aleeta.

"Dear?" The question just slipped from Dimas with a tap.

"Oh, sorry. I haven't introduced myself. Introducing, I'm Ryan, Aleeta's lover." Rendra held out her hand towards Dimas. He emphasizes the last sentence.

"I'm Dimas, Aleeta's colleague and close friend from college." Dimas welcomed Rendara's outstretched hand, he smiled. Although it is undeniable that there is a sense of disappointment when he finds out that Aleeta already has a lover.

"Okay, Aleta. Then I'll say goodbye, it seems your lover can't wait to take you home. We'll discuss work another time." Aleeta welcomed Dimas' outstretched hand and shook it. "Maybe on another occasion I can take you home," continued Dimas. Of course his words got a cynical glance from Rendra.

"Thank you, Dimas. Sorry that we didn't talk much about our cooperation last night."

"It's okay. There's still time and other opportunities, right?" Dimas smiled sweetly at Aleeta. Of course Aleeta deliberately returned the smile with no less sweetness. He did this on purpose in front of Rendra.

"Okay. Then I'll go first, then." Dimas also left Aleeta.

After Dimas left, Aleeta glared at Rendar. "What do you mean by talking like that, Mr. Rendra?"

"I don't like you being that close and intimate with other men. Especially to smile and laugh like before. I would go crazy looking at it." Rendra answered casually.

Aleta sighed. "You have no rights."

"But I have a pretty good reason," said Rendara.

"Reason?" Aleeta looked intently at the man in front of her.

"Yes. The reason is because I love you, Aleeta." Rendra looked into Aleeta's eyes. Making the woman could only be silent without being able to avert her gaze.