Aleeta still stares at Rendra. Her nets interlocked, but only for a moment, as the woman immediately broke eye contact between them. He immediately ran leaving Rendra who was confused by his reaction.

"Aleeta! Wait!" shouted Rendra while chasing Aleeta.

Rendra tried to catch up with Aleeta, but the woman immediately got into a taxi with the passenger just got off.

"Go, Sir!" Aleeta orders the taxi driver hastily. She didn't want Rendra to chase after him. Not ready to answer the statement that seemed very sudden. Moreover, the woman still wasn't sure about her feelings.

Aleeta did not dare to turn her face towards Rendra. She only focused on controlling his heart rate which had been going crazy ever since. Never thought Rendra would say something like that to him.

"No... I'm sure this was all just a dream," Aleeta muttered still in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Rendra is frustrated because he lost Aleeta. He brushed his hair roughly.

"Shit!" cursed repeatedly. Cursing his stupidity unable to contain himself. "You idiot! Why can't you control yourself?" regretted it over and over again.

Rendra looked more and more annoyed and kicked the air. He took out his cell phone and dialed Aleeta's number. But the woman ignored all calls from him.

Resigned. Finally Rendra left the restaurant with mixed feelings. He had expressed his feelings in such a hurry. He shouldn't get carried away. However, what can I say, jealousy ruled his heart at that time.

His approach to Aleeta has been in vain all this time.

Aleeta has reached her house. She walked straight into the room, then plopped down on the bed. The woman blinked repeatedly. Her brain is still trying to accept and digest everything.

"Is it true that Ryan loves me? But what is the reason? Why is he jealous of Dimas?"

Aleeta tilted her body. The memory of Rendra lying to Dimas because he was jealous again danced in her mind. Ah, it feels like now he is soaring to the seventh heaven.

"Ryan loves Aleeta...." the sentence rang in Aleeta's ears.

Ah, Aleeta decided to clean up and cool off her head. He had to think things through properly.

"Everything is ready, Miss Aleeta," said a maidservant, waking Aleeta from her daydream.

The woman walked to the bathroom and soaked her body in the bathtub. Enjoy the sensation of roses that burst into the sense of smell.

"I have to confirm my feelings for Ryan." Aleeta is still thinking about what happened earlier.

"Ah … why can't I stop thinking about it?" Aleeta is getting frustrated. She stopped what she was doing, drying her hair. Staring at her reflection in the mirror. "Come on, Aleta. Aren't the words he spoke the same as most other men say?" Aleeta talks to herself.

Aleeta grabbed the cell phone that she placed on the table. She ignored Rendra's many calls. There were also several messages from Rendara that conveyed the man's apology. Aleeta wanted to reply to the message, but she immediately canceled it. Put the phone back and lay down on the bed.

Her mind wandered to the events of the past few hours. She still doesn't understand his own feelings. Why did she not like it when Rendra was close and seemed close to other women? Could she be jealous? Could that feeling have started to grow in his heart?

"No, Aleta. Not. Don't start your own wound." Again, Aleeta dismissed the feeling. "There is someone more deserving of your feelings."

Neutral then closed. Because the owner is quite tired of wrestling with the heart and mind. He only hopes that tomorrow morning she can wake up and forget all that happened tonight. Act and run the day as usual.

A very busy schedule at the office is able to distract Aleeta from being a Rendra. Until the time to go home, Aleeta chose to lean her body for a moment on her pride chair. Stretch for a moment the muscles in his body that feel so tired. He looked out the window and then turned to the clock that was wrapped around his left wrist.

"It's only five o'clock in the afternoon, but it's very dark outside. Looks like it's going to rain." Aleeta hastily tidied the table and grabbed her bag, quickly leaving her study.

The weather in the capital, which is entering the rainy season, is sometimes quite difficult. Aleeta doesn't want the incident where she was caught in the rain to happen again. However, when Aleeta arrived at the lobby, her eyes caught the figure she desperately wanted to avoid. Wanted to pretend not to see, but their gazes had already met.

"Miss Aleeta. Wait." Rendra immediately approached the woman who had made him willing to wait up to two hours.

Yes. Today Rendra really couldn't take his mind off Aleeta. He was so afraid Aleeta would hate him.

"Miss Aleeta. Can we talk for a minute. Let me interrupt your time for a moment." Rendra realized they were still in Aleeta's office. So he had to speak formally to the woman.

Aleeta wanted to refuse. However, just as her mouth was about to speak, the cell phone in her bag rang first.

"Miss Aleeta, Mr. Ryan has been waiting for you for two hours. He was deliberately waiting because he didn't want to interfere with your work." The voice on the other end was enough to make Aleeta flinch. The call was from his assistant. Aleeta looked at Rendara who was also looking at her expectantly.

"Well. Thank You." Aleeta disconnects the call. Then he fiddled with his thumb to send a message to someone.

"Okay, Mr. Ryan. I will come with you." Aleeta agrees to Rendra's request. Mera then went to Rendra's car.


"Sorry for making you wait so long Mr. Ryan." Aleeta sincerely said those words.

Aleeta and Rendra were in a cafe not far from Aleeta's office. Ryan deliberately chose that place because the atmosphere of the cafe was quite calm and comfortable for just chatting.

"It does not matter. I don't want to interfere with your work." Rendra smiled awkwardly at Aleeta.

Silence, for a moment there was no more conversation between them.

"Miss Aleta. Can we talk normally? No formal calls like this. It felt quite strange and awkward." Lace tries to express her wish.

Aleeta chuckled seeing Rendara. "Please, Ryan. Don't you usually need my permission?" Now Rendra's face was red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Aleta. Maybe yesterday I seemed pushy because I wanted to be closer to you, so I sometimes talk and act without your consent." Rendra looked at Aleeta, but the woman deliberately turned her gaze away. Reaching for the glass and sipping its contents.

Rendra seemed to take a breath. Inhaling as much oxygen as possible, mustering up the courage to continue his sentence.

"Aleeta ...." Lace's call was able to make the woman look up and their gazes met. "I'm sorry for my behavior last night. I know you must be very uncomfortable. Everyone seems very rushed. I don't know why I really don't like it when I see you so close and intimate with other men. Your laugh and smile that is so loose when you are with that man is very disturbing and makes me angry." Rendra paused for a moment.

"Aleeta… maybe you think I'm playing with your feelings, but really I can't lie to my own feelings. I didn't expect you to reciprocate my feelings, because I realized, maybe I'm not the only man trying to get into your heart. There must be many better men who deserve your love. But I just want to say how I really feel. For me it's much better, than me having to keep it under wraps."

Actually there was a little disappointment in Aleeta's heart when Rrendra said he didn't really expect Aleeta to reciprocate his feelings. Aleeta turned her gaze back. He didn't want Rendra to know the look in his disappointed eyes.

"Aleeta ...." For the second time the call managed to make Aleeta look up again. This time Aleeta looked at Rendara more deeply. Want to find one answer there.