"What do you mean, Doctor?" Aleeta, of course, was very surprised by the doctor's statement that seemed unreasonable.

Didn't the doctor just say that he was okay and Aleeta also felt that the wound on her ankle was just a minor wound. So why did the doctor say he would never be able to walk again? Does not make sense.

"What happened to his leg, Doc? Is there a very dangerous internal wound? I thought everything would be fine after a week and it would only take a minute for the wound to heal. But, what is this? Is there any chance you may have misdiagnosed?" Rendra attacked the doctor with questions and his face immediately turned into panic.

If Rendra had known that Aleeta's leg would be that bad, of course he would not have taken her to the Emergency Room, but directly to the operating room.

"Ehem, it's like this...." The doctor deliberately paused his sentence and looked at Aleeta and Rendra alternately. It made the two people a little curious about what he was about to convey. "For now Miss Aleeta can't walk because her legs can't move too much. She really needs your help, sir." The doctor smiled meaningfully at Aleeta.

Aleeta's beautiful eyes widened perfectly when she heard the doctor's words. It seems that the doctor was deliberately teasing Aleeta and Rendra. Wants to push Aleeta and Rendra closer to the reason for his sore leg.

"Oh my God. I don't think she'll be able to walk forever, Doctor. You've shocked and worried me." Rendra breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that the doctor was only joking.

"Okay, then I'll excuse myself. I wish you a speedy recovery, Miss Aleeta." The doctor said goodbye after giving a prescription paper to Rendra. Of course with a seductive smile full of meaning that the man couldn't decipher.

However, Aleeta who knew what it meant became embarrassed herself.

"Okay. Thanks for everything, Doc." Rendra said with a friendly smile.

Ah, Aleeta want to hide behind the pillow. Sometimes the doctor teased him and said that when Rendra was also there. It would be a long business if the man knew the implied meaning of the doctor's sentence.

"Okay, Aleeta. You wait here for a moment, okay. I'll pay for this medicine first. While waiting, you can lie down first. I don't want you to get tired. Okay?"

Aleeta just nodded in response to Rendra's words. He continued to stare at the man's back until he disappeared behind the door.

While waiting, Aleeta kept remembering the doctor's words earlier. Is it time for him to give an answer to Rendra's feelings?

The more he thought about it, the more Aleeta's heart became restless. Guilt enveloped his heart again when he remembered someone he had been waiting for. It is undeniable that feelings for Rendra have started to grow in Aleeta's heart. However, he still needed a little more time to completely convince his heart.

Every time Aleeta remembers Rendra and wants that man, that's when the image of someone she really misses flashes back in her mind. However, at the same time his heart was filled with guilt. Yes, Aleeta blamed herself for thinking of another man. As if betraying the man who had been on the throne in his heart.

"Where are you anyway? Why did you make me wait so long?" A tear rolled down Aleeta's cheek as she closed her eyes and remembered her little best friend.

Not. Even the tears continued to flow along with the tightness that Aleeta felt. The woman covered her mouth with her palms. Shed tears silently there. Why is he always indecisive and unable to choose? There was no way he would be greedy to want both.

A soft caress on her head made Aleeta wake up. However, he was reluctant to open his eyes. Aleeta knew it was Rendra. His eyes actually produced more and more lacrimal glands and squeezed his own fist tighter to muffle the sound of his crying.

Rendra pulled Aleeta's body into his arms and buried Aleeta's face in his chest. He gently stroked the woman's head, then said, "Cry as long as you want, Aleeta. But after this you have to promise you'll be fine."

Actually, Rendra had already returned, but his steps stopped in the doorway when he saw Aleeta crying. For a long time he saw Aleeta from the doorway until he finally decided to approach the woman. For some reason his heart ached when he saw the woman crying by holding her voice. He didn't know why Aleeta could cry like that. Rendra wanted to hug Aleeta's body, giving her peace.

Slowly Aleeta started to feel calm. He opened his eyes and wiped his cheeks which were wet with tears.

"Sorry." That was the only word that came out of Aleeta's mouth.

"Crying is natural. Have you calmed down now?" Rendra asked. He wiped the remaining tears on Aleeta's cheeks with his thumb.

For a few seconds their gazes met. For some reason Aleeta was reluctant to turn her gaze away, the woman seemed to be looking for answers to her doubts.

"It looks like the wound on your leg hurts a lot, huh. Until you cry like that." Rendra smiled teasingly Aleeta.

Actually, Rendra knew that it wasn't the wound on Aleeta's leg that caused the woman to cry like that. A strong woman like that woman couldn't be weak just because of a small wound. However, Rendra didn't want to force him by asking Aleeta.

Aleeta chuckled in response to Rendra's words.

"Did I look so weak when I cried just now? Huh. Even I have to cry because of this small wound. What if I received an even bigger wound." Aleeta laughed softly to cheer herself up.

"You can only look weak in front of me, Aleeta. Because my shoulders are very strong for you to lean on. Don't cry in front of other men. I really don't want anyone else to wipe your tears, let alone give them a shoulder to lean on." Rendra snorted harshly at the thought of it.

Aleeta laughed even more when she saw how irritated Rendra was at imagining things that didn't necessarily happen.

"I promise you won't feel any more pain than this and I will make sure that no more tears of sadness will fall from your beautiful eyes, Aleeta."

"Ryan ...." Aleeta gasped when Rendra suddenly carried her to leave the room.

"Just hide your face if you don't want others to see your puffy eyes." Rendra smiled seductively. Aleeta just followed Rendra's words. He wrapped his arms around Rendra's neck and hid his face in the man's chest.

Of course, Rendra's treatment of Aleeta caught the attention of the people in the hospital. Several pairs of eyes looked enviously at Aleeta. As if they were whispering. 'What a lucky woman'.