"So what, Aleeta?" asked Rendra increasingly panicked.

Instead of answering, Aleeta turned off Rendra's phone and laughed with satisfaction.

Aleeta keeps the phone after changing its setting to silent mode. Then, return to focus on his work.

"Looks like you're having fun, Mrs. Aleeta," Siska teased to Aleeta after seeing her boss laughing with satisfaction for a moment before turning off the phone.

Aleeta just cleared her throat without responding to Siska's words. Because even she herself was not sure of his feelings. Yes, even though that woman had chosen to give Rendra a chance. However, she needed something to test the man's sincerity.

When Siska was about to walk away after bringing the file to Aleeta, her boss grabbed her arm.

"How ...." Aleeta who looked doubtful revealed the thing that was stuck in her heart.

"How's it going, Miss?" Siska asked surprised.

"How do you make sure that someone's feelings for you are genuine." Aleeta said in a low voice because she was embarrassed to consult her assistant about love matters.

"Miss Aleeta has a boyfriend? Oh, he's the one who sent the flowers, right?" Siska exclaimed excitedly.

A red blush instantly spread across Aleeta's face. Disgusted with shame.

"Not me, but my friend." Aleeta argues that she doesn't want to distort the truth.

"Friends? Does Miss Aleeta have friends?" Siska looked at Aleeta inquiringly. He was quite sure that his boss did not have close friends because he was too busy at work.

"Of course I have friends. You think you're the only one." Aleeta looks annoyed even though in fact what Siska said is true.

Siska seemed to think for a moment before responding. Nodding his head as if he understood what Aleeta was saying. Although it's not really like that.

"I have a good idea to find out that the man is serious and sincerely likes Mrs. Aleeta. I mean Mrs. Aleeta's friend," said Siska, correcting her words after receiving a sharp glare from Aleeta.

"What?" asked Aleeta curiously.

Siska sat down beside Aleeta, then gestured for her boss to bring her ear closer.

"Lies," replied Siska firmly. It seemed that he truly believed that the way he thought it was very correct.

"Lie? What do you mean?" Aleeta was even more curious to hear the words that came out of the mouth of her beautiful assistant.

"Ask Miss Aleeta's male friend to pretend to be your lover or your fiancé. Later, Miss Aleeta will be able to see how the man reacts. If it's just a crush, maybe he will immediately back down and give up. But, if he really means it, then he will maybe he will still fight for his feelings. Isn't there a saying that says to never give up before the yellow leaves curl?" Siska explained at length while holding back laughter seeing Aleeta's expression when she heard her words.

"So, what is the name of the man who approached Mrs. Aleeta's friend?" Siska added by emphasizing at the end of her sentence.

Aleeta thought for a moment after hearing Siska's words.

"Okay, I'll try your idea. I mean I'll tell my friend your idea." Again, Aleeta re-corrected her words.

"So ... what is the name of the man who is approaching Mrs. Aleeta's friend?" Apparently Siska is still very curious about the man who is able to shake and break down the barrier in Aleeta's heart.

"Even though I told you you wouldn't know him," said Aleeta, not wanting to prolong the conversation.

Siska looked still very curious. She was sure that her boss was actually asking for her own opinion, it's just that maybe Aleeta was embarrassed to admit it. Ah, his dazed soul was struggling at that time.

"Got it. Work, Sis, work." Aleeta got up from the sofa and sat in her oversized chair. "What's my schedule for today, Sis?"

"This morning until this afternoon, Mrs. Aleeta has a meeting with several clients. I have sent the data via email. In the evening you have an appointment for dinner with your uncle, Miss. Ah, tomorrow will be a busy schedule." Aleeta exhaled slowly hearing the busy schedule that seemed to chase her every day.

"Busy day as usual," complained Aleeta shriveling her head against the back of the chair.

Meanwhile, Rendra, who almost died from curiosity, after Aleeta hung up the phone. Ah, it looks like she was deliberately trying to make him even more curious.

He stepped his feet towards near the glass window in his room, then sat back down on the sofa. Rendra crossed his left leg over his right. Then, he stretched one hand on the back of the sofa.

Rendra snorted in annoyance when Aleeta didn't answer the phone. Even though he really wanted to hear the continuation of the woman's apocalypse earlier.

"It's about time, Boss." Ryan warned Rendra for the umpteenth time from behind the door of the room. It seemed that the man was already at the limit of his patience.

"I know, Ryan. Even I know very well. Can't you just have a little patience. I just want to hear Aleeta's voice. That's all. Is that even too much for me, hm?" complained Rendra sulking to Ryan.

Ryan smiled wryly at that. Again he walked into Rendra's room and decided to wait until his boss finished calling.

"Okay. I'll give you five minutes, boss. I'll sit with you and won't leave my place," said Ryan, sitting right in front of Rendra. He said that while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Rendra rounded hearing Ryan's words. Then he lowered his left foot from above his right. Then, leaning forward.

"Ugh, even you dare to order me, Ryan? Are you tired of working full salary? Do you aspire to receive half your salary next month?"

Ryan shuddered to hear about the pay cut. Of course because that was the thing he avoided the most. The man reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

"Sorry, boss. If you insist, I will call your father right now. He knew about this today. About you trying to avoid the meeting because you missed Miss Aleeta," Ryan threatened before dialing Rendra's father's number.

"Ryan! How dare we threaten me! You won't survive. Keep that in mind!" Rendra growled looking at Ryan with an annoyed face. However, he got up from his seat and stepped out of the room.

"Wait for me, Boss!" Ryan shouted when he realized that Rendra had left him.

The corner of Ryan's lips lifted into a smirk. The threat always worked for his boss.

Luckily, Rendra returned to focus during the meeting which lasted until noon that day.

"Is it time for lunch now?" Rendra asked Ryan on the way back to his room.

Ryan glanced at the stainless watch wrapped around his wrist. It was one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Afternoon break is over, boss. If you call now, I'm afraid I'll disturb Mrs. Aleeta's work," Ryan explained as if he knew the meaning of Rendra's question.