
During the next few days, Shiro began practicing on how to infuse magic to the cards in a faster pace and in a more detailed manner this time. It took him an embarrassing amount of time to just move his magic to the sub-space where he hold his cards. And it took him an hour to barely complete the card he wanted to make.

-Save (Passive/Permanent)- Increases the chance of a person dying by 100%.

A passive area affect spell that increases a person's chance to live which was expensive piece of magic to create. He wasted a lot of magic to get it to work, leaving him tired at the end, then he has to think of a way to deploy it.

Luckily for him, he was near a wall, so he was discreet about it and placed the card in there. But the weird thing was that once it was melded to the wall nothing happen. Which led him befuddled.

He was expecting something to happen, like a ripple effect of light spreading across the area or something that let's him know it was a success. At least he could tell it was a success once he placed his hand back at the wall and felt some magic energy coursing through the walls.

After that one success, he was over confident and made a spell that can allow one to leave their body.

-Ghost (Active/Temporary)- Allows the user's soul to leave the body and come back.

While the spell allowed him to leave his body, it was suppose to protect him from any negative affects it may had when he come back. After learning the consequences, he decided to hold off casting more spells of the sort until he has someone to teach him.

'At least I already know how to "create" some spells from watching anime, manga, and light novels, but I am having trouble recalling them.' He could only sigh helplessly as those memories being are blurred.

In his last world, he was an average student with an average memory. He lived his life like a drone, going through the motions of living without thought. But once he has a manga or a novel in his hand, then he feels alive.

Like any hot-blooded male in countless realms, they all crave excitement, adventure, and even romance. It's why he was not sad that he died and instead was excited. A new world of possibilities he can have with beauties in front of him, nothing is out of reach!

'Though it's not so bad, being this young. I would almost give everything up if I can see this everyday.' He thought, unable to tear his burning gaze away from his mother as she applies lotion to her naked body.

'If only my penis work right now, I'll be spanking to that everyday.' Watching as she applies lotion to her arms, tracking her jiggling and swaying breast as it goes up and down, left and right.

Before squirting more lotion in her hands as she moves down to finish her lower half. Which left him feeling disappointed when she sat down and applied it to her legs.

After that she begins putting on her clothes, making him sad that he can't watch her nacked all the time. 'Well, maybe I could...' With a devious smile on his face, he rack his brain to come up with the best solution for it.

Before he go too deeply into it, his mother brings him back to reality. "Are you ready Shiro, we'll be visiting my sister and niece again in the hospital." She was radiating happiness that he couldn't help, but join in.


"Yes that's right! Your so smart!" With a kiss to his head, she pick him up and brought him with her as they get ready to leave.

(Time skip)

As the months went by, his parent brought him to his aunt's house every few days, so he and Saeko can get to know each other better. Well, it was just him sleeping next to Saeko whenever it was sleeping time until she was old enough to play with him.

It also help that his aunt has become addicted to feeding him her milk like before when she was pregnant with Saeko. Not that he mind as he gathered at least twice or three times of points each day he visits and having access to her breast is just a bonus.

Moving on to his magic, he has a better grasp of controlling it now and was much smoother than before. Last time, he wasted about 80% of his magic to create 1 card, while now he used 60% to create 1 card.

A drop of at least 20% when he first started, an improvement he made in months. It would've a lot more if he wasn't being distracted by an affectionate Saeko, who never leaves his side most of the time.

It didn't help that he is now in a crib with Saeko, who was sleeping against him as her tiny breath washed against him. She was sleeping peacefully as their parents began taking embarrassing pictures of them.

He has gotten use to it so he wasn't bothered about it anymore. 'Though, I will gladly enjoy teaching my mother a lesson if she showed anyone my embarrassing baby moments.

'My aunt is already in trouble as she laughed at my baby dick, I don't mind adding my mother together in her punishment.'

At first he was going to spank them, but he felt they might enjoy it after a while, so he needs to spice it up a bit. His imagination began turning lewd as he "whipped" them into submission.

When their parents leave them alone, he sent small amounts of magic throughout his body, strengthening it bit by bit. Since without a strong body, he will be squashed easily like a bug against stronger opponents.

And if he is weak, his women and family will pay the consequences. Like those background characters who are victims to someone who has power. Watching as their family being raped right in front of them, helpless to do anything.

'I won't let that happen!' He thought with great determination as he continued to hone his magic.