First words

'Well, that was interesting.' He thought, feeling happy he was back inside his body as he shivered once last time. Remembering how cold it was after leaving his body.

It was like he was being showered with cold water before releasing a sigh of relief as the water turned warm when he entered his body. He frowned worryingly as he didn't expect this to happen.

As protagonist in other worlds, who has the ability for their souls to leave their bodies, nothing like what he experience has happened to them. They came back to their bodies all fine and dandy, unless they were being attacked that is.

'Maybe, it has something to do with how I made the card, leading it to being defective and not protecting me right. 'Not that it should matter anymore as I won't be using this type of magic anymore. Afterall, I don't know what the consequences will be for doing this.'

Each realm has it's own rules on how the souls of people are handled. In cultivation like realms, they can strengthen their souls, so once they leave their bodies, nothing other than soul attacks can damage their souls.

However, on normal realms like the one he is in, once the soul has left the body, then it will slowly fade somewhere to be reincarnated. Or that was the case in his last world, but he is fuzzy on the details.

Anyway, this is all just a guess as he doesn't want to think about it anymore as he can feel a headache coming on if he thought about some more. Cutely rubbing his eyes with one hand, acting like he has just woken up. His mother was beside him, looking worriedly down the hall in the visitors area before turning towards him.

"Shh, shh, it's okay little Shiro. Go back to sleep." She quietly said, rocking him back and forth in her arms, trying to make him fall back asleep. 'When can we see my sister already, I'm getting worried.' She thought anxiously, after waiting for hours since they got here.

Before she stopped in place place as she quietly heard her son speak for the first time.

"" Her eyes went wide as she placed her son into the crook of her arm as she gazed at him in a daze. Waiting for him to say it again, not wanting it to be a part of her imagination before she heard it again. "" He said as tears of delight appeared in her eyes and she smiled widely. "C-Come on, Shiro. Say it once more. Come on." She coaxed her son to speak again. Briefly forgetting her sister was in the hospital as she was happy thst his forst words was "mama".

"Mama." He said it cutely, before giggling along with his mother as she planted little kisses on his face. At this point his father returned from the bathroom as he saw his wife being happy and kissing their son's face. "Do you receive news about your sister?" He asked her, wondering why she was happy. She stop kissing her son's face as she look at him, her excited smile turn dimmed a little before returning to normal. "Not yet." She replied with a shake of her head before continuing. "But you can never guess why I'm so happy right now."

"Oh?" He stood next to her, wondering what made her happy. "Our son said his first word and it was mama."

"Really!" He yelled louldy, before getting smacked on the arm by his wife as she reprimand him. "Shh, not so loudly."

"Sorry, but it's his first word." He replied back, bot even bothered by his wife hitting him as he was wrong for shouting. "I know, I almost did the same thing. Now, Shiro. Say mama, say mama." They focused on him with a bated breath as they watch their son speak.


"Haha, that's my boy. Now can you say dada." He said, urging his son to speak "dada" too like he did with "mama". They watched quietly with happy smiles on their face, but stiffened as Shiro said, "Mama." Feeling awkward, they look to each before looking back at Shiro.

Clearing his throat uncomfortably, he said, " No, not mama, but dada. Can you say dada." After he finished speaking, Shiro replied back with, "Mama." With a twitch of an eyebrow, he said it once more while holding his son under his arms in front of him. "Say da."

"Ma." "Da." Ma." "Da." Ma." "Da!" Ma!" They said, back and forth like a tennis match, all the while Yuki, his mother, was amused by their antics by the side. Quietly holding in her laughing with one hand over her mouth, but her shaking shoulder's gave her away.

At this point, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She laughed loudly, holding her stomach as she bend over and proceed to sit down. "Pfft~. Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha, aahh~." They stopped at once as they heard her laugh. Feeling embarrassed his dad, Hiro, cough uncomfortably as his face flushed pink.

"Cough, cough. Well, let's finished this later. Here." Giving Shiro back to his wife, he sat down next to her feeling embarrassed as he grumbled under his breath. "Hmph...only saying mama...aren't I his...."

Smiling at them both, she kissed her on his head before putting back in the carry-on while comforting her husband. Not a few minutes later, a nurse came by told them her sister is ready for them.

"Hi, are you the family of Busujima?"

"Yes, we are. How is my sister and her baby? Are they alright?" She asked, standing up with her husband behind her in solid support. "Don't worry, they are both fine."

"Thank goodness." She let out a breath of relief before asking the nurse, "Is it alright if we can visit them now."

"Yes, but only for some time as she needs some rest and visiting hours are almost over." The nurse nodded, leading them to Ami's room before reminding them it was almost time for them to leave.

Once inside, they quietly greeted Ami as she held her daughter in her arms. "Hey there Ami, how are you doing."

"Mmm, tired, but I'm glad your here." She said with a tired smile on her face as she introduce them to her daughter. "I would like you to meet Saeko, Saeko Busujima."

"Hi there, little Saeko."

"Hi, Saeko." They greeted her one by one with smiles on there faces as they gaze at the sleeping baby in her mother's arms. It was pretty quite as the only sounds were heard is the heart beep monitor.

So it came to a shock to all of them when they heard Shiro speak. "Sa..eko." Then, unexpectedly his dad dropped to his hands and knees and cried loud enough to wake the baby from her slumber.

Thankfully, she didn't wailed like normal babies as she only blink her cute little eyes at them. All the while the three adults just stare, wide eyed and mouth at Shiro as he gets better at saying her name.



"It's alright dear, don't be depressed now." She said, rubbing her husband's back in a circular motion as she tried to comfort him. "Just because he said everyone's names besides you and his uncle, it's not the end of the world."

They were back at their house, after leaving the hospital, planning on visiting them tomorrow as Hiro released a sigh. "Yeah, you're right." With a tired smile he slowly trudge his way towards the door when he froze in place after hearing his son speak. ""

Then he begin trembling in excitement as his son called out to him once more. "" Turning around as tears gathered in his eyes, he hugged them both as he roared out happily in the air, "Haha, my son called me papa! Haha!"

That night after taking a video of his first words which was Mama, Saeko, Ami, and finally Papa, They went to bed semi-drunk as Shiro check out the notification he just receive for today.


[You have made your dad angry for not calling him papa x12 (Hate points +540)]

[You made your father happy for calling him papa. (+0.001)]

[You have made your mom "happy" (orgasm) x6 (2,639)]

[You have made your mom happy and eased her worries a bit. (+800)]

[You have made your aunt happy. (+259)]

[Total points for today: 4,038.001 points]

[Total points: 174,620.031]


'A little less than I was expecting, but not bad.' Closing his heavy eyelids, he went to sleep, dreaming about killing zombies with Saeko. Then it change to them making sweet love as their mother's joined them.