True damage

Today we are docking the submarine,. I want to check out the place, when we docked I left my dad in charge with a gun anyone who misbehaves gets kicked out.

me and Kai get of the submarine into the jeep we are look for a gas station survivors, food , water and anything resourceful.

not long after we left the submarine went down deep into the waters.

me and Kai drove off .

after 30 minutes we hit a deadlock.

we got of with a backpack filled with a first aid kit and some snacks, and 2 hoes, 3 guns and we then pulled the motorcycle from the roof and left.

after 5 minutes we stopped at a convenient store, we took a lot of caution before entering.

the place was ransacked. half the shelves where empty, I took, shampoo toothpastes, toothbrushes, batteries, chocolate, chips,drinks, slippers,candy,and anything that could fit inside the motorcycle compartment,and our bags.

I then went behind the counter where the back door was.

I broke the handle to see a dead woman holding a child, the baby was about 13 months old by the look of it, she died recently less the 48 hours ago. the baby was breathing but it was week , the people who did this might come back. I gave the baby to Kai and told him to feed her, he grabbed 17 cans baby formula food,10 packs diapers and shoved it into a box.

I told him to hide with the baby.

I hide behind the counter and loaded my guns, we waited 2 hours passed then a group of men came inside.

I listened on there conversation.

good thing we killed her or else she might have eaten all this for her self,

but we should have f### her first.

she was dam pretty.

I didn't waste time to shoot the five of them.

disgusting pigs.

I went outside to see five 3 ATV quad bikes.

good more storage units.

I call out for Kai and told him to load the quad bikes I told him we would come back for everything.

he went with the motorcycle and I went with the quad bike, we dropped the baby in the car and I called mom to come fetch her.

soon the submarine resurfaced, I called two more guys to help with the packing, we put the jeep back inside the submarine and me and Kai use skateboard to get there. we finished packing the necessary items and went back.

we boarded the submarine with three new quad bikes.

and more food.

me and Kai decided to adopt the baby girl. I went upstairs with the baby and Kai followed we spent the night thinking about what we should name her.

Kai suggested we name her after her mother, he said he saw her name tag while feeding her. Snow, we made a diy bed for her it's wasn't pretty but it did the job.

I helped in feeding the animals and removing weeds.

afterwards I took a shower.

actually did I ever give snow a shower?

I went to pick her and we headed towards the bathroom. after I tested the the water to see it was warm I sprayed some on her body. she didn't cry or scream, but she moved around to avoid it.

she was Mute.

I kinda felt bad but there is nothing i could do .

I quickly washed her up and dried her. clothed her good thing mom told me to buy baby clothes just in case.

I gave her a blue gown and pink blankets I went downstairs to get her a stuffed white rabbit doll, she liked it.

I put her to bed and went to talk to my mom, she said she supported my adoption but I should bring her down tomorrow for a check up.

I told mom that snow was mute.

she was a bit worried then she smiled I asked her to babysit for me cause we are going to get fuel tomorrow.

this submarine can relay on the sun for power but it's nice to have something else to use just in case.

I went down to the engine room to check the fuel tank we only used about 0.02 percent of fuel.

we need at list 24 gallons back.

the next morning I dropped snow of with mom and went down to the garage picked up two 30 gallon tanks.

we used the quad bikes and after 1½ we found a gas station.

me and Kai checked to see if there where still fuel there was luckily, but it couldn't fill up the two tanks the second one wasn't even half full.

I went inside a shop if we could see any stored fuel. I searched around and nothing.

I looked through the selves and saw nothing. I went around looking for baby wipes, and pacifiers, I saw some and put it inside my bag.

I came across some yarn and crochet needles. put those into my bag.

I ask Kai to put A4 papers into his bag.

I saw a small chalk boards and chalks. the board was about 30 cm on each side it was a bit small.

I put them on the quad bike.

I went back in I looked around and saw a telescope.

Kai found 6 binoculars, good job Kai.

we then left the shop. we where heading towards the docks when I spotted 7 moto cycles chasing us.

they looked like they where being chased actually.

damn the quad bikes aren't that fast.

I looked around and saw a tunnel.

I told Kai to follow me we hide there.

when exploring the tunnel we came across dead bodies of both zombies and normal human being. the bodies where already half way through decomposing.

we went deeper, I heard soft sobs .

the closer I went the louder they became, I reached the end of the tunnel and we where in a cave there where 4 people, two adults and two kids.

one was fighting zombies and the other was defending the kids.

I took out my gun and shoot all 7 zombies.

A guy came up to me to thank me and introduced himself, he said my name's is David the teenage boy is Leo, and these are my two cousins paris and london.

I went around searching the area. no one else was here. I asked if there where anymore people around this area they said no only zombies I got on the quad bike with the two boys.

Kai carried Leo and David they where not comfortable at all.

we went back to the submarine and when the four of them saw it they where shocked, when they stepped inside they where even more shocked. I assigned them beds and in the evening we all had a meeting.

there are now 36 people on this submarine.

I told David he and Leo are going to work on the farm. they agreed but then asked where the farm was. I took them upstairs and showed them around.

they where baffled.