Together we are one

David was really happy doing dinner.

he cried cause he hadn't tasted real food for a while.

so did Leo

I took Snow downstairs to feed her, when Paris and london saw her they where very curious and wanted to play with her I told them to take a bath then could play with her.

after there bath we had to do full introductions.

London introduced himself he was 7 year's old and Paris older brother. he had Big green eyes and curly black hair.

Paris was 5 years old and London's younger brother. he had brown eyes and curly black hair.

David had short afro black hair and chocolate skin, slender blue eyes and

was 24 years old, he was a soldier

Leo had fair white skin and freckles across his cheeks. he had red hair and blue eyes he was 17 years old.

after the introductions I told one of the men to get us 100 miles away from any land.

for the past month everything was running smoothly but I decided to make a schedule on our meals so we can ration theme. I also said there is a new rule everyone has to workout for at least 7 hours a week. except from the kids. I taught about 15 people how to fight and defend others, I taught them how to handle a gun. I only taught the most hardworking and serious people.

and I made sure to teach everyone including the kids on zombies behavior

and how to kill them easily go for the head and no where else.

there is a weak spot at the back of there neck and ear go for them.

in the morning I teach the kids with my mom and mother in law. , In the afternoon and Evening I work around, from the farm to the control unit to the engine room. at night I help with dinner.

Kai helps a lot to and at the end of the day we both are tired.

a two months passed and everyone is well used to there role. I was in the control unit when I was looking for signals.

I heard the government is creating a base. it not yet finished but it's safe to come, some signals where jambed. some people where asking for help but they where way to far from us.

Lora, kai's older sister told me that one of the water tank is nearly empty.

we both went downstairs to pump the water I dropped a fat suction hoes into the water and within an hour the tank was full.

it was nearly lunch time so we went upstairs to eat. we had roasted sweet potatoes and dipping sauce.

after lunch I helped with the dishes. I went upstairs to wake up Snow I picked up her formula and saw that it was empty, I asked mom if she knew where the rest was she said no.

I looked for Kai and saw him dead tired in the leaving room. so I went upstairs with a bottle.

I headed for the cows and started milking it. I got a whole bucket worth of milk, I took it down stairs to the lab to filters it. after that I put it on the kitchen counter. and poured it into her bottle.

I asked mom to make a chocolate cake for me with the milk and leave the rest for Snow.

London came in with carrying Snow and told me that she was crying.

I felt bad for her I didn't even here a sound while passing the bedroom.

I patted her gently and gave her the bottle.

after eaten she burped, we went to our bedroom. I put her near my chest to calm her, so she could sleep, she went ahead to suck on my chest. Kai entered the room and smiled.after Snow slept .

he took of my shirt, and began to suck on my nipples, we have have been dating for more than four years but never did we have any intercourse.

he asked me if I wanted to do it my face blushed non stop. I nodded, it's the guys birthday was tomorrow so this was his gift, plus I fell like I can trust him with anything.

we stripped each other.

(leave the rest to your imagination)


after our active night, every single part of body was throbbing.

I was tired I didn't have the strength.

I saw Kai walking up and i wished him happy birthday.

he went down to celebrate, but my waist hurts to much, i can't even sit up.

I told him to bring Snow milk from the fridge and her diapers.

at lunch time I started to feel better.

so headed down stairs.

Snow was still in my arms, when I arrived Kai kiss me and Snow.

I sat down for a bit cause the pain on back, I asked Kai to get the laptop from the room.

l gave Snow to mom and Kai and I left for the garage.

we entered the house bus, a bus outside and a home on the inside,.also very efficient.

we went into the bedroom to watch various movies and eat popcorn.

After awhile I feel asleep.

Kai POV:

I noticed when Jade dozed off, did i take it to far in the morning?

I covered him up with a thick blanket and went upstairs to our bedroom, it was already late and almost everyone was asleep.

I saw lora keeping watch in the control room.

I passed her and went upstairs to drop Jade.

jade was a bit of a deep sleeper.

after laying him down I went downstairs to make coffee for me and lora, I sat beside her and handed her a cup.

our little prince is getting really tried these days, said lora.

I sighed, I kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

I went upstairs to see Snow awake, she kept trying to grab for Jade who was 5 meters away.

I picked her up on put her in between the both of us. she immediately crawled towards Jade and started sucking on his chest.

I tried to pull her away,but I heard a soft voice saying it's okay leave her be .

jade hugged her and patted her slowly and gently,so enough she was asleep.

jade then asked me for her pacifiers.

I went to the garage and entered the jeep, l brought a whole box full of them and put it on the bedstand. jade picked a blue one and put it in her mouth. he then carried her to her crib and laid her down and crawled back to the bed the on top of me. he slept again instantly.

my prince was really tired.

i kiss his head before falling asleep.