blood pearls

The next morning:

I woke up on top Kai, man this guy's arms where strong.

I stretched then went downstairs for a cup of coffee.

everywhere was empty everyone must still be sleeping.

I did a two hour work out then took a shower it was already 7am, after everyone was a wake and had eaten I told them we where going to dock the ship for a while.

I told them about Zombie pearls and why we need them , the pearls are found near there heart, they come in different shapes, colours they will help us get stronger and smarter.

if we eat them we will gain some super human abilities, but it has it's limit, most of the time one will gain element powers, such as: fire, water,earth, wind, but in rear case one can gain, telekinesis, super strength, super speed or teleportation, in rarer case on can gain more than one power. your power also depends on two things, your mental strength and the up coming blood rain.

it going to be in the next few days.

we have to collect zombie pearls and store them until the rain comes and we drink and eat the blood and pearls.

that will boost our immune system against zombie bites, and give us even stronger and better power the catch is that we will never be the same again even after the apocalypse.

The pearls are either purple, red or black.

the purples are common and they just boost your strength and intelligence a bit.

the reds are a bit rare and you have to kill stronger zombies to get them.

the blacks come from higher class zombies and mutant animals or plant.

also one very important thing if you don't have a Zombie pearl don't get wet by the blood rain or else you to will become a zombie.

you eat the pearl then drink the blood no other way.

don't drink the blood then eat the pearl, do that you will become a higher class zombie.

got it.

and also we on land no group should be more than 10 to many people and you will attract Zombies, to much noise also attracts zombies, if they smell blood they will come to you, they can see, there weak and they have abnormal body movement, unsteady walking and that can't think.

well majority of them are like that, if you see a zombie that has similar human behaviors Run!!

they are of higher class, they are so much smarter and stronger than the more common zombies and they to sometimes have power only relating to elements, like water , fire, earth and air.

the ones above them, cross your fingers and pray you don't come across one.

and for those of you who didn't pay attention good luck.

we are docking this ship in an hour the elderly people and kids stay on board till the blood rain occur.

the rest of you follow me.


they are 25 of us now, you younger siblings or are safe on board and you have the responsibility of protecting them okay everybody.

I hope you packed a set of clothes, weapons , food that will last you 4 days and a tent.

if you forgot something it's time to go back.

l looked at them all, good no one.

we move out now.

after 18 minutes of walking we encountered our first zombies.

Kai easily killed three of them and I took care of the remaining 5 .

we cut open there body's and picked out there pearls 8 purple pearls,

I told them, always be ready if you don't it might cost you your life.

after one hour of hiking trails, with an hour we killed 13 zombies well mostly me and Kai did all the work.

but some seem to adjust to the situation and started fighting back.

I rolled my eyes at them and keep walking. I tell them we are going to split up to cover more ground.

I and David with 11 other people

while Kai and lora with 10 other people.

we meet back here in 3 days.

I kissed Kai goodbye and gave him a home made bomb, a rocket and a walkie talkie and tell him to come back alive.

I went with David into the town, and there where not many zombies around, something most be going on.

I tell everyone from here on to be quiet.

we hide behind cars, bus and various vehicles, before going to attack I put a silencer on my gun. I told others to do the same. one by one we shoot them down leave nothing but the undead corpse, and black blood, and rotting flesh.

my men hated the smell, some where even throwing up.


I went to all the corpse to colly pearls.

after we went into a parking lot. I scale the brick walls of the building and made it to the roof i let down a thick rope after checking the surrounding areas. I told them to climb up.

I just noticed that we just climbed up a school building.

I went and checked the water tanks empty.

but not totally empty meaning survivors.

I opened up the roof top door it was unlocked weird, I went inside cautiously.

I sneaked down the the stairs.

we meet a long hallway and classrooms full of infected zombies.

they don't notice us good .

I went to open the door leading to the exist, it was locked, don't tell me they locked all the infected up here.

I signed David to follow back up stairs.

as we where going back up one of my men used a pipe to break on of the safety axes, then a loud crash as the box which contains the axe fell 4 foot down.

I sprinted up the stairs I grabbed him and punched his face I quickly got up to help David. I shoot 9 zombies who where hurrying towards us .

I used a thick metal pipe to block the door. I jumped down from the 3rd floor and told them to follow and that I am not waiting for anyone. David slid down the rope and so did 4 others, some where scared but I didn't care I run to the front door and it was locked, but good thing it was glass.

I used a screwdriver and broke in I open it up and saw four zombies shoot them all, I quickly moved around checking the classrooms no one, I looked into the teachers lounge, and saw 5 people in there they looked normal, I knocked on the window and waved at them, I told them to unlock the door and let me in they didn't move I grabbed noodles from my bag and showed them they looked at each other and middle aged man came to the door and unlocked it he pulled me inside and locked the door again.

I asked him how many are there of you he said 12 I asked where are the rest, in the bathroom above us.

I looked up and saw what looked and saw a hand sided hole above us I went to the window in front of me.

I looked up and saw no windows there.

I asked them about the floor above us. they said it was full of zombies.

I asked what did they use to create that hole.

they yanked a pipe that was there before.

wait was this a toilet hole.

what the hell.

I pulled some tables together and climbed them I looked into the whole and saw a teacher and some students.

I pulled out one of my home made mini bomb. it's small, silent and powerful. I told them to step backwards.

I placed two bombs there and put a bunch of paper on the ground to lessen in impact of the falling bricks, rocks and metal pieces. after making sure everything was okay, I threw a pencil at the bomb and it triggered it. dust, dirt and rock came falling down. after a few seconds the place cleared up.

I told the to jump do I could catch them they did so. one by one they came down. I opened the door and checked the area then told all of them to run to the exist.

I reunited with my men and we made a run for it into the forest where we camped for the night the next morning we are going to a shopping mall to get supplies.

I tell the female teacher to follow us and 5 of my men to follow me the rest will protect the kids and David is in charge.

it took us 40 minutes on foot to get there. I went into the empty parking lots, I looked at the map and saw a the female section in the mall.

Lora had sent me on a mission to get pads, hair ties, sports bra, leggings, and menstrual underwear.

good thing the it on the button floor.

I went looking through the windows, zombies, I went inside the building, zombies, I garbed my gun and shoot 400 feet away from the store I was after. after the bullet landed on the target it started making a a bunch of noise but not to loud and all the zombies in the area moved slowly towards it. I told my men to follow me into the women section I told the to a suitcase each and fill them with tampons, pads, underwear, clothes, shoes, make up, hair ties and anything useful.

right across us was the men section I told those whose suitcases where full to go back and the rest should follow.

we entered the men section and told everyone to pack boxers, clothes, watches, shoes, shaving cream and razors.

after that we all left the building but we ran into some trouble, I attracted a high level zombie.

I threw my suitcase at on of them and told them to run back.

I grabbed my guns and took aim, the zombie then stomped on the ground making small shock waves which where enough to send kids flying.

I grip my gun tightly and ran at him I dodged his punches and kicked him behind his knee he knelt down instantly and then I latched onto him grab my gun and aimed it at the back of his neck and shot him, his not dead.