unknown manslaughter

he was not going down, I quickly grab my dagger from the side of my lap and shoved it into his skull threw his brain and out the other way, what the hell, why didn't the bullet work.

I stood up dragged my dagger out from his Head and I slicked open his chest I yanked out a red pearl a put it in my small sack which already has over 20 purple pearls, and I'm adding a red one.

after checking my body for any injuries or blood I ran toward the camp.

I saw that it was empty, they either ran away or something scared them.

I looked around for a bit and saw David's body laying on the dirty floor I checked to see if he was alive, he is one lucky bastard. I set him in a comfortable posture. I cleaned his wounds and gave him pain killers I carried him up a tree and tied this unconscious body to it.

I went around looking again I saw 5 kids near a river bank 3 of them where dead the two alive kid I dragged there body's back to the camp. treated them then tied them to a tree.

I found the female teachers dead body an hour away from camp I went forward and saw the rest of them dead but one it was the middle age teacher his right leg was roughly cut off and his left ear was missing but he was alive. I carried his body back to camp, I did the same thing to him as I did to the others.

I went back again to collect the suitcases.

and slept in the trees.

at dawn I called Kai to come to our location.

it took him half a day, I told him about our losses and my growing suspiciousness of a high level zombie in this woods.

I asked him about his adventure. he said he lost only one person, she was to scared to shoot a familiar face.

in the process she got bit.

I told him to help me with the suitcase and tell his men to go back to the submarine.

I looked for any sign of life before leaving this place for good.

I saw a body a continued to twitch abnormally.

I took a lot of caution while appoching, I turn the body and saw a young boy crying, I carried him back with us to the submarine it was a two hours hike. and before anyone got on board I checked for bite marks.

claws and starches where okay but bite marks was a while different story.

5 people in kai's group had been bitten.

it would normally take 1-17 hours for one to change into a Zombie it was a long a curel process.

I asked them how long has it been since they where bitten.

they all said 9 to 13 hours.

if they transform they will turn into high level zombies.

the only way to stop the process is by drinking the blood rains water and eating a real zombies flesh.

but the problem is that the blood rain only happy once every 3 years so to get this was hard so I decided to capture this rain .

I took out a 50 gallon tank and put a funnel to capture as much water as possible.

I asked others to bring bottles or containers for storing it.

mom got buckets from the farm and brought them out side.

I told dad to empty 3 barlles of wine the man, poured it into a 5 huge flower pots. I told everyone to enter the submarine.

I then tied the infected people using steel rope to a bulder I then put a small bomb inside there mouth and told them it for protection. we went aboard the submarine and pressed the defense form button.

every entrance or windows leading outside where covered in steel except the control unit.

they later turned into zombies.

I pressed a button on a special device and those guys head came off .

I went outside and extracted there pearls.

I've never seen this before, one had half a black pearl fused with a red one and a pure white pearl.

the others was normal a red pearls.

not long after the blood rain come falling, I told everyone to to take one pearl,

I took the pure white pearl and drank the red rain water, I gave the blackand red pearl to kai, he quickly ate and drank the water, the red pearls I gave it to mom,david, lora and willow, they did as what was told.

the rest had eaten the pearls and drinken the water.

at midnight the pearls will be part of our blood.

I went upstairs took a shower and went to Snows crib I picked her up and feed her.

I took her to the kitchen and placed her on the counter. I to a sledgehammer and crushed the pearl into little bitts I washed it and then rapped in a cloth I took a fryling pan an turned it into dust I made her baby food and mixed the powder into the food I took her sipping cup and filled it up with the bloody rain .

I feed her the pearl and blood water.

and she fell asleep on the spot.

I carried her upstairs for a long nap.

the rest of the blood water was hidden in our room behind Snow's crib there is a door that leads to a secret room

it was the size of half a tennis court.

it was my research space.

I pushed it door open and placed the collected bloody water in it. I made sure to tie it down.

I left the room and locked the door and shut, I used Snow's crib to hide the little door Handel.

and the design of the room covered the doi naturally.

I sat down on the bed when Kai walked inside he just finished his shower.

I asked what power would you like to have, he said the power to heal your wounds, I blushed.

I said the power to protect you.

he sat on the bed. he then crawled to me kissing me giving no room for me to breath.

he must be stressed.

after kissing I asked him, are you upset, he said we lost a lot of people and we have a lot of injured people, tomorrow we should do a head count.

the next day we learnt they are now 35 of us 1 baby, 2 kids, 5 teenager, 20 adults and 7 elders.

I went to the control unit and drive the submarine into the ocean. I saw fishes up and about, I was at least 10 miles from shore.

I check on the blind boy from earlier, he has adjusted a bit.

I asked him if was okay, he said yes.

I kissed him good night and went upstairs. I crawled on my bed and fell asleep, midnights going to be torture.

the transformation process is a bit cruel.

your head will start pounding, your heart will be racing, you will sweat a lot,

you will fell like countless needles are piercing you, you will feel in comfortable in your own skin.

this process takes 15minutes to 4 hours.

at around midnight screams filled the air.

I got up and put head phones that cancels out noises on me, Snow,Kai and my mom.

as I was going back to my bedroom my transform started, I got dizzy and felt like throwing up, my eyes kept twitching, foam come out from my mouth, I felt my heart was being crushed.

the noises from the people and animals where not helping, within minutes I lost consciousness .