power house

After waking up, I didn't feel any different.

but something changed, still hearing screams.

I get up to check it out, I open our door and see Kai sweating, he looks the same though.

I went over to check on Snow I tried touch her but she disappeared, I look around the room I saw her next to Kai I tried to grab her and she was back in her crib, I call out for her, she teleported on top of my feet, I picked her up, and patted her.

So Snow power is teleportation.

I carried her out of the room and to the farm I picked a strawberry for her to suck on, and grabbed a handful of strawberries.

we went downstairs to the kitchen and brought out her bottle from the fridge, I crushed up the strawberries and extracted the juices, I poured it inside her milk and gave it a good shake. I removed the strawberry from her mouth and gave her a bottle.

we then went to Tayo's room, the blind kid.

I stepped inside and he got up, he was staring at me I moved a little and his eyes followed.

can he see now ?

I called out his name and asked him,

he said I can't see you but I can hear you, I can tell where everything is but I may not know exactly what it is or who ?

so he has echolocation, cool.

I told him to come out and eat something, he ate cereal and the remaining strawberries. I gave Snow to Tayo before going to London and Paris bedroom.

I saw lora in the hall way passing through the floor she seems calm but she has no idea what to do.

I told her to calm down or she might get stuck between the floor and die.

she did so, I told her to think about her state of being and try to see yourself passing down through the floor.

think about heavy stuff.

she managed to get down to the kitchen in one piece.

I went to the teenagers bedroom all three girls where panicking.

one was floating around, one was literally freezing everything she touched, the other girl tried to grab her but it was her hair that did the grabbing.

I went to the gym to get some ankle weight bracelet.

I put on her ankles so she could stick to the ground.

I took the other girl to the freezer near the garage.

I last girl I took a Rubber band and tied her hair into a bun.

I took the both of them to the kitchen.

I went back to the freezer and told the girl she shouldn't touch anything.

the second she stepped out the ground turned into and ice rank, I put her back inside the freezer.

I went to see Mom she seemed normal I asked her to babysit the teens for a bit.

I went upstairs to see David he was occupied with levitating. but he managed to get his feet on the ground he told him to go downstairs. he saw Leo panicking I asked what is it he said there are two of them , I locked them inside.

I open the door to see two other Leo's.

cool he can clone himself.

I told leo they can't harm you but they will stick to you and only listen to you.

I told him to calm down and think of one, single and the two other Leo's fussed into him and I asked him to think of a number 14, that's a lot of Leo's inside one room.

I asked him to go downstairs after making all the Leo's disappear.

I checked the rest of the crew and saw they all had water, fire and wind related powers.

I go upstairs to check on Kai his awake now, I asked him what is his power.

all of a sudden I see a vision.

he already told me his powers, then I saw an image of us fighting zombies, with Snow?

wait I have cosmic awareness which is linked to immortality, but this doesn't mean I don't get hurt or does it I,

need to test this.

but the last person who had such powers went mad an flew to space.

having cosmic awareness mean your like a demo god, but if care is not taking you could go crazy.

I snap out of it and listen to Kai he said.....