never go against Jade

he said he had he had 2, he can tell the past events of an object, and when he took a shower he was super disgusting.

water holds a lot of memories.

he started explain and I got disgusted.

I can read minds.

I tried it with wild Segal's that flew across.

I tried it with a butterfly but it didn't work.

and minor enhancements to my physical capabilities.


I hugged him and took him downstairs to meet everyone.

we had a meeting.

I talked for a bit and the said, congratulations on gaining powers everyone.

but just because you have powers doesn't mean you are to be careless.

tomorrow 5a.m sharp I am going to train you all.

and help you control your powers.

then someone interrupted, asking, what is your power Jade you know ours.

that little bitch, I am helping you yet you question and interrupt me. Jade thoughts are a bit ....

jade just smiled and said well when the time comes we will all know.

an uproar strated.

or maybe he doesn't have any powers

maybe his powers are useless.

are what if ....

then one of them shouted say then why is he still bossing us around.


why are we taking orders from this little bitch.

everyday we work around the clock, while he rests and does nothing.

I agree

jade was angry, but he said to them calmly.

why don't you leave then, his tone was cold.

your so strong and powerful now, that means you can defend yourselves, he continued.

he used his telekinesis to lift them all up he then went down unto the deck and threw them inside the brushes near Shanghai, which it's population is mostly occupied with zombies.

he looked at them the 16 people who wanted to fight him after he feed and sheltered them, they where complete strangers then and now, most of them had element related abilities which where weak, throwing rocks, making small fire balls and heating water into steam, some teenager who thought they where strong, those three girls who where having trouble earlier please .

he closed the submarine before going to the control unit and heading towards other parts of china.

where heading toward Taiwan.

another modern and populated place I heard they consider themselves not part of china.

well I didn't pay attention to history.

anyway where heading there, to meet Shiro and Mo.

and also stock up on people and food.

In my past life Mo was my best friend, he was sweet and dangerous.

And shiro his twin older sister was really protective of him.

Mo was powerful but he lacks patience.

Shiro and Mo are the only ones aside my family that I could trust with anything.

Shiro's parents owned a farm and they grew up in it.

but her parents died when they where only 13. they quit school and made a living by farming.

whicjy was sad because Shiro was genius when it came to academics and Mo was very athletic.

right know it's going to take us 32 hours at the speed that we are moving but I am worrying about gas .

we have a ton but I refuse.

I deploy autopilot.

and went into the kitchen, we are now 19.

half of the adults are gone.

but I don't really care, not like we needed them in the first place.

1 baby, 2 kids, 2 teenager, 7 adults and 5 elders.

I was good with that.

and more space 41 bedrooms are free. and only 9 bedrooms are occupied.

are they are shared among us.

we would have less mouths to feed.

the 5 elderly are our parents and one of them is my mom's Friend, and by elderly I mean those above 46 years old .

the elderly are in charge of the farm I gave them scooters to use.

Me,David, Leo, Tayo,London and Paris are in charge of cooking and cleaning.

Me,kai,Lora, Andrew, willow and Nathan are in charge of the control unit, engine room and Navigating.

me, My mom are teaching the kids.

And Snow is in charge of movies.


the next day we are closer to Taiwan but we still need at least half a day to see the land which Taiwan is built within.

lately I noticed that Snow is pretty smarts, building blocks and games helped me a lot.

she now's about 40 phrases and three hundred words.

that's a bit scary for the fact she is just 18 months now.

she can walk and I see her climbing a lot. sometimes she even runs.

Tayo is really making progress with the whole can not see thing.

he is quiet and pops up everywhere.

and echolocation is not his only power.

his powers are resemblance to bats.

he to can also turn into a bat of various size.

he can fly and has a great sense of smell.

but I recently mistakenly took him for a rag and used him to clean up spilled water on the counter.

so currently we don't see eye to eye.