Adventures in Taiwan

London has ice powers, only ice powers currently his making icecube for my water.

and Paris has water powers, he can manipulate water, not steam or ice nor fog's, just plain old water. he is helping me with pumping water into our tanks, with Tayo.

Tayo helps with look outs.

he will go on top of the submarine and sit there for hours looking for anything that could be a threat, and he helps David and Leo catch fishes with one of our smaller boats.

they caught a lot of big fishes but I told them to stop. we have enough fish to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner for a month. me basically catch the fish and out them in the big freezer.

or for the smaller ones we put them in our tank.

London is a huge help he makes ice which we use to cover the fishes, meat and drinks to keep them cold.

Kai began to where leather gloves because everything he touches will send memories into his brain and some of it he does not want to know.

Mom powers is healing, when Tayo scrapped his knee she fixed it.

kai's mom can grow plants in an instant to there adult form.

Dad can talk to animal's.

Kai's dad can see through objects and people, he has x-ray vision.

the eldest person here can control sand, she can control a cup worth of sand.

willow has precognition, she sees events that will happen later in the future but is much more like a pip at it, it only happens when she is asleep.

Nathan can fly.

Andrew, kai's best friend can turn invisible but Tayo can still find him though.

within hours our relationships grew stronger, soon enough we reach Taiwan.

Taiwan is famous for it's deliciously bizarre foods.

it's a great place to party.

Kai and lora get on a Motorcycle, I give them the address of Shiro and Mo's farm.

I then picked up Snow too, and follow them after a while Snow got tired.

I quickly hit the gas and drove around the cars and trucks.

soon enough we made it to there farm, it was a two hour ride.

I woke up Snow and showed her around the property twice after talking to Shiro and Mo about us assisting them, they where in tears, the place around there farm is isolated, so zombies rarely came by.

after taking Snow around the property, she got tired again I held her hand and we teleported into my bedroom.

she wanted to climb her crib and go to sleep.

I stop her and tell her to take us back if she did I will give her a surprise.

she stretched her pinky finger and made me promise so cute, this must be Paris work.

I grabbed her an went to the garage where a 40 foot long truck was.

I entered it in with her, and slowly explained what she should do.

she teleported us back to the farm where the lake was. she seems to like the lake.

I drove the truck forward and told them to start loading the truck up with everything they needed, animals, clothes, food,more seeds.

in this farm they majorly produce milk,flour and eggs so we had to transport those a bunch of times.

they also had a cat called whiskers he was coming along to.

Mo told me they're some people who are still alive hiding near here.

how near about 12 miles ahead.

I ask him what do they do, one of them is a mechanic, he helps in upgrading vehicles and his wife is a teacher and he has two daughters and a son who is a zoologist.

I drove for a bit then we had to get off there was a car jam.

I told Lora and Shiro to stay and watch sleeping Snow cause she is our only way back home.

Lora nodded and Shiro was confused, how can a small child be our only hope going back.

I asked Mom if he knew how to ride a motorcycle, he said yes.

we followed him to the house.

it was a cabin like house.

I saw two girls running and a boy ran right after them.

they entered a shack a forceful closed it.

slowly two figure came from the bush, zombies, I reload my gun and took aim I shoot a fat looking man and a woman.

I heard more screams coming from the bush a man was running with a Axe.

he saw us and stopped dead in his tracks.

he looked around and saw the corps.

still pointing my gun at him .

then Mo whispers to me that, that was the communities mad man.

I got off the motorcycle and knocked on the door.

a guy was looking at me up and down and lunches at me I blocked his punches.

I then grabbed his fist and dragged him close I saw he had a bit mark on his on his wrist ,bad .

I pushed him aside and went into the shack, the girls where holding a hammer and screwdriver.

I asked for there names, they glared at me then Mo came in and asked them to put it down they obeyed and Mo explained everything they hugged me really tight I asked them what happened, our mommy and daddy where bitten by the neighbors and they became zombies, our brother tried to protect us but he was bitten to, he hasn't changed into a Zombie yet .

so he protected us.

I went back to him and asked how long have you been bitten?

around 2-3 minutes.

I went to the shack and took a riper's blade , I took alcohol and told him to drink it, I ten told Kai and Mo to hold him down.

I sprayed alcohol on the blade and whipped it down.

I told Kai to stretch his bitten arm and I told Mo to use is weight to hold him down.

I took the blade and cut off the bitten arm off. the zombies DNA hasn't reached his shoulder yet but just in case I cut of his arm from the shoulder.

I poured the remaining alcohol on his injuries.

I made a grave mistake, I tossed the arm into a toxic lake.

who knows what kind of chemicals are in that lake.

within seconds the mutant hand came out of the lake with a body of its own.

a hand for a Brain not good