finding new family Members


Mo stop screaming your already 21 years old, not a kid go grab a weapon.

I tried shooting at the creature but bullets did work, it's a level 2 zombie, it stood about 7 feet .

level 1 zombies can be killed with guns

and blades

level 2 zombie can't be killed with guns, but if you spray salt on your knife or and salt to the gun powder and around the ammo it will kill them, normal blades also work but add salt on it and stabbing there heart, much faster.

level 3 zombies are a whole different ballgame.

you need to use blood pearl weapons to make them which are going to become much rarer in the future.

know at the beginning of the apocalypse it was everywhere but as time goes on even purple blood pearls are as rare as a rain in the dessert.

so we better sock up on them.

level 3 zombies can be killed when a human blood and blood pearls are used to make a weapon, most people go for blades,. axes and so on cause making bullets needs a lot of blood in the long term.

any way I take out two daggers that was strapped to my back and rush at the mutant freak, l leaped cut the head fingers off and stabbed it's thigh, then I accidentally got hit, I was sent flying towards the shack, owe that hurts.

Kai took out his bow and and three arrows at a go and bullseye, each arrow landed on a vital point, I did know how to attack the mutant hand the was no skull I couldn't just pierce the back of it's ear but it did have a neck.

I stood up and rushed at it once again, l jumped, this time I slashed it's neck, I removed where kai's arrow once was and stabbed behind it's neck threw the other side.

the mutant wasn't done yet he threw me again I was heading towards the bikes this time. but I somehow managed to get a foot hold on the ground floor.

and the mutant screams in agony, I silenced it.

I then tore it apart to look for any pearls nothing.

sigh it already started.

Then I look at Mo who was practically useless during the Fight.

I was about to call for him when a wild bull came rushing at him.

I aimed my gun and fired attacking it's head it took me 11 bullets to kill it, it too was a mutant but it wasn't strong nor was it a level 3 beast, the Apocalypse isn't the same.

but it is similar.

I took a butcher knife from the shack and cut the meat Into 1kg portions each.

I rapped it all in a unused garbage bag and followed Mo to the three siblings house the girls where terrified but there brother know never to mess with me.

when we got there I saw that the home was a log cabin very beautiful.

I told them to pack there stuff where leaving.

they had a small farm, two horses, and a wagon. I put all the veggies and fruitinto the wagon, I attached the horses to the wagon and put all other necessary items in the wagon.

I told them to get on bored.

I saw that the girls only packed a backpack full of items and the boy packed some books a and family photos.

I asked them all for there names,

the boy siad his name was Alex, 23 years old.

the eldest Among the two girls said her name was Birdy, 19 years old.

the youngest was called Jinx 13 years old.

I was quite fond of jinx she was a strong girl.

I saw her taking a picture with her polaroid camera before we left the property.

she took a picture of her home.

I told Birdy to drive the wagon while Kai, I and Mo will drive the motorcycles back, we will protect the wagon but just don't make noise.

we took 7 minutes to get here on the motorcycle but with the wagon it took us nearly an hour.

after we got back to the truck we stapped our motorcycle to the back of the truck and then I woke up Snow she hugged me, I then tolder that her surprise is back at home waiting for her but she had to teleport us to the right place for her to get a bigger surprise.

I told her think of the last place you saw the van at.

and she did it but she only to me with her the rest of the people and the van where still on that farm, good job Snow now think of us back in the truck.

we where back on the farm.

baby Snow, let's think of the truck and all the new people with us in the garage.

she sweated a slot but managed to pull it off, all with a stinky dipar.

Shiro, Mo and the rest where shocked.

I took them upstairs and Mo asked where are we.

Jinx was scared and didn't know how to use the excavator that takes us up and down.

I gabbed her hand and we took the excavator together.

her grip was tight.

I always wanted a bunch of kids back then I wanted 10 kids but never had the chance.

I will have to ask her and the rest of them .

we all went to the living room.

and I called the kids over and the two teenager.

I told them I know it so sudden but do you wanted me and Kai as there parents, all of them said yes instantly, snow gave me a thumbs up but Jinx was a bit hesitant, but I get it she just lost her parents.

so I get it. I patted her head and told her I am her for you, as long as you are reasonable.

Now I have four kids,.Snow,Paris, london and Tayo.

Tayo is the oldest he is 14 years old.

I look at jinx one more time before deciding to make cakes and pastries for tomorrow.

I told Kai what to do about the truck, he immediately got to work.

mom helped me in the kitchen and the kids played the teenager watched a superman series, well Tayo listened to it.

soon enough the smell of freshly baked cookies, doughnuts and cakes filled the air.

I took the snacks to the dining area.

the little once munched on it.

I gave 2 chocolate bar to Snow who really deserve it but no more sweets for 2 weeks after she finishes her snacks.

Tayo only ate the chocolate cake, and he eat it fast.

I was so cute.

Jinx took a picture again while munching on some bite sized cookies.