you just got jinxed

a week after we got more members we gave them each a role here,

Mo, Alex and Birdy are in charge of the animals and they are going to help in reproduction of more animals in the mating season.

and they will help in pulling weed and fertilization.

Jinx knows a lot about mechanics and chemicals so she's in the garage and with my parents sometimes, she even helped me fix a engine which I keep pushing the schedule for it's repairs backwards.

Shiro is helping mom with her medical research and with our equipment she made a sleeping pill.

I asked her for her age she said 21, well she is very smart.

But Jinx is a bit experimental, she is a bit crazy, she found some gun powder and she made bombs, but her bombs where special she mixed a toxic chemicals and gunpowder together which made it harmful before and after it explodes, even she had to wear gas max and a safety suit.

Today we are testing out the bombs

we dock on Taiwan again and we moved, we ended up in a alleyway filled with mutant dogs , before doing anything I asked her can you jump and climbed, she told me just watch.

mutant dogs came rushing at us and I started scaling the walls fast jumping and climbing on windows and brick walls.

I made it to the top and jinx was right behind me.

she whipped out the grandes she even had time to paint them, it had (+_+) she used neon paint for this, they where the size of a gulf ball.

she removed the pin and dropped the grande .

we quickly put on gasmasks and hide behind a water tank.


the grande was small but it did the job.

I looked around and saw that these building are really close to each other just 4 meters separates them.

I run and jump threw the gaps.

jinx followed.

we ended up in a open area it looked like this place was really busy back then, a lot of zombies gathered here.

I asked jinx for 5 grandes and gave her a hand gun and dagger.

I laid down flat and brought out me sniper rifle.

I set it up and took aim I looked inside the stores no sign of human life.

I took out 3 grandes and threw them down.

it killed about 47 zombies and the Gase release after that was melting the surrounded zombies skin.

I then brought out my Bombs they where the size of wedding rings.

I scattered all 14 of them on the ground below us. I took jinx four neighbors hood away while she dropped her bombs and I dropped me in total we used 37 bombs.

I then told her to hide behind a roof top house.

when we both where safe.

I gave her ear plugs and opened my bag there I took my ipad, and selected something I pressed the button and boom, some buildings came down flat and crushed the zombies.

jinx stood up to look at the damage.

she was baffled.

and said so small yet so deadly.

I laughed a bit and grabbed her hand we jumped over buildings and cars, jinx got tired fast, but no good, we have to run our bombs invited zombies both far and wide.

we had to go back to the submarine.

her legs where sleeping at some point.

I had to carry her and run.

after 30 minutes of running we where on the beach side I used my walkie y to call Kai to come pick us up.

but the zombies in the area had other plans, they where coming towards us.

what is it we where not loud.

I looked at jinx and saw she had a cut at the back of her thigh. it was kinda deep, I asked her where did you get it from.

she said you know that time we jumped off from that coffee shop, when you landed a sharp iron pole tore my skin.

I looked at her and said why didn't you tell me.

she looked at me and said I did tell you but you where so caught up in getting us out of her.

damn it,this time I carried her bridal style and ran towards the a life guard watch bay, we climbed it and I took out alcohol and bandages, I gave her a extra bandage for her to cover her mouth with.

she laid down on her belly and I poured alcohol on it she shrikes and tears fall, I quickly rapped her up and told her to sit still.

I called Kai again and asked him where he was, he said in the middle of a fight.

I grabbed my binoculars and searched for him.

I saw nothing.

I went over to the other side nothing.

I jumped down from the bay watch and ran towards a huge water tank, it was at least 100 meters in the air.

I scaled it and look for him again.

wait was he fighting a level two zombie alone, I looked closer, I smiled for some reason.

my man was calling me while fighting a level two zombie.

Ahhhh, it will take me 3 minutes to get there if I run at top speed.

I got down and started racing there.

soon enough I arrived the beast was about to claw Kai I rushed I and gave it a round house kid which made the beat tumble a bit before it could get up I was already behind it and stuck me dagger behind it's neck.

I then cracked open the skull.

I took a knife and open up it's belly and searched for a pearls.

it was red good.

I went to check on Kai and he was fine.

I hopped at the back of his motorcycle and went to Jinx.

jinx's saw us and climbed down.

then Kai pushed me behind him, and and the ground began vibrating.

a huge earthworm came up to the surface this thing was as long as a 40 foot truck how did I not notice it.

we can't fight such a monster right now.

it's exterior where like metal plates my bullets and daggers will do no damages.

the worm opened it mouth

and I shouted RUN!!!