mini chapter ( bus house)

which is only used for a particular mission get blood pearls.

it had 4 meter tall tyres .

these tyres where ment for off road and on road movement the tyres stick to the road.

on top of that was a your average public bus with a bit of a roof raise and less windows.

at the back of the bus was 5 bunk beds below the bunk was storage space.

then a thin curtain will separate it from the weapon room.

crates of bullets and guns where everywhere.

bombs where hidden in the cockpit.

after the weapon room was a make shift clinic .

basically a place with medical supplies and some cooking supplies.

a curtain sperated it from the drivers place.

the passenger seat was replaced with a tiny bathroom.

everywhere in there was closed off in the bathroom.

I attached the plumbing and added a 80 water tank to it.

I placed a mini fridge in the room.

and another in the kitchen area.

I upgraded the engine and added a little advanced tech.

cameras where placed on the exterior.

I hardened the exterior and added automatic guns and it would know if there is treat.

I had solar panels on the roof I brought all my devices and food supplies.

no fresh food only dry food.

some books and board games.

pads, diapers and toiletries.

know I can sleep 10 people in here .

me,Kai,Lora,Mo,David,Tayo, jinx, Snow, my mom and a soldier.

I took me half a month to build this but it's going to be worth it hopefully.

I have to think of a way to get the bus out of here .

I had an idea.

after packing and getting everyone onboard I sat in the driver's seat and had snow on my lap.

snow is just two years old but she is really smart and calm sometimes.

I showed her a pictures of the city I intended to go to.