troublesome survivors

after getting snow to teleport us to the right place. we went on a journey.

we where on the mountain tops.

I parked the van in an open area covered by shrubs, trees and Bushes.

we set up camp for mom and the kids.

I left David to protect them.

the other's followed me down the mountain with some backpack and skate board.

me and Kai used roller skates instead.

it took us a while before getting to the bottom of the mountain.

it was already getting dark.

nothing but an empty road filled with overgrown plants.

no tall building from where I could see.

but I did see some smoke.

and it was thick.

but I decided to mind my own business and go look for a fuel station.

I wanted an extra 70 gallon of fuel ready for any emergency.

we serach for an hour but nothing, no shops, restaurant,hotels, just farmland and some abandoned looking house.

it was really late and hard to go back to camp now.

so we slept in an abandoned house.

the roof had holes and the walls where falling apart if a heavy rain storm came by this house will no longer stand, I then felt eyes watching me but, I was with people at that time so I couldn't find the exact spot where the person was so I ignored it.

everything was duty and crawling with rats , cockroach and mosquitoes.

it wasn't your average mosquitoes, these where the size of bottle caps.

rats where nearly as big as fully grown adult rabbits.

the cokroaches where the size of a fist.

I couldn't stay .

it's either I kill them or leave.

and I can't kill them with some bullets cause of the sound the others will make.

I slept under the stars in a sleeping bag.

I closed my eyes to sleep.

in the middle of the night.

a group of 8 came to us sneakily.

I sensed kai's heart beat change, the so did Lora and Mo's.

Lora and I where taken.

we where put on a van and taken somewhere.

then then put us on a soft cotton material and tied us up before, leaving.

a few minutes later someone splashed water on us waking me up from thinking of how to kill them.

Lora gasped she wasn't expecting that.

I look at her, she looked mad, Lora's hair is naturally curly she just straightens it a lot.

know you got it wet, when it dries she's going to look like a fluffy hair monster.

if left alone.

I looked at the person who threw the water, it was a ugly looking girl.

white skin, black, dirty hair, brown eyes, moles all over her face, thick eyebrows,a faint mustach, a diamond shaped chin and a nose ring.

she then said, you sluts better serve master well or else,.....

gross, I closed my eyes to check if they where any one else around.

about 16 people in the hole area.

I think we are on a farm .

or someplace...

I got a hot slap on my right cheek.

I was so distracted about where we where I didn't notice her approaching.

I was angry, no one has ever slapped me with such dirty hand before.

she then smiled and walked away, even when she smiles she is still ugly.

I'm burning this place down later.

I told Lora to go threw the cuffs.

and help me do the same.

after getting out it she held my hand and helped me pass threw it.

we sneaked around.

then I had a thought, why don't I just steal there resources.

but there is no where to put them.

only if I had somewhere like that.

but I'll still steal there stuff either way.

the floors where wet and muddy.

the roof was filled with holes.

while walking around in there food room or whatever, I felt a wave off killing intent.

I told Lora to hide behind the crates and I hide behind some boxes.

a man bursted in and came in my direction, I was going to get caught until, Lora pushed a crate and went threw the wall behind her.

a loud crash was heard, the man changed his direction and went over to it

then he suddenly closed the only door out and went on a search.

Loraaaaaaa I am so going to get you back for this.

then a pair of hand dragged me threw a wall.

we ended up outside.

a large crowd of people where waiting for us outside.

they spotted lora.

I stood up .

and I already guessed the leader.

he was an old man in his late fifty's.

he ricks of alcohol and cigarettes.

he has a potbelly and a short stature.

how did he manage to survive this long without dying.

he looks weak and old, then he said why the rush beautiful, I have food, weapons and shelters, and all you need to do is spread them open for me, and all this could be yours, he said that with a disgusting and perverted tone.

I told him , I rather die than sleep with you, plus I have a boyfriend who is way out if your league you old fart and if you ran like that fucked mouth of yours you would be in better shape by now.

Lora then said, I would love to insult you but mother nature already beat me to it,I know you don't understand what that means because of your brain is getting old but, I'm just saying your whole existence is a joke.

that old man was angry, he screams the words, kill them .

we where slowly being surrounded in every direction.

I couldn't let them keep surrounding us.

I looked at Lora and gave her a sign, she nodded and ran the opposite way I did.

I charged straight at there line of defense.

strangely no of them had guns with them only blades .

I didn't give them a chance to react at all.

I threw a round house kick, to create some distance.

I used my telekinesis to retrieve all there weapons into a shield around me.

it's going to get a little bit bloody.

I smiled at the thought, my blood was pumping, this is going to be excellent for practicing my 1 vs 100 fight session.