3 little monsters

after shoving all there faces to the ground I stole all there supplies leaving only a box of canned rotten fish.

I levitated all the food supplies out and back to our camp.

after that we had to tie everything under our monster truck .

and left the place .

we where off road for hours.

we eventually stopped .

it was a huge waterfall the place was filled with thriving plants and animals yet to be destroyed by the apocalypse.

rabbits where everywhere.

trees which grew fruit where at there peak.

I asked them to harvest some and put it in our truck.

I looked around and explored a bit with snow.

we found a cave. behind the waterfall.

it was a lot larger than I expected.

food was pilled up in the corner, there where a lot of blankets and mosquitoes nets.

I saw a woman hidden under the blankets.

she was breathing heavily and wasn't conscious .

I touched her, her body was hot.

she needed help.

I looked around I saw a diary and some toys.

I picked her up and the diary and ran to the truck I called my mom.

after a while mom said she had stage 4 cancer.

she was dying.

nothing could be done even with her healing powers.

Kai lays her down on one of the beds.

I sat down in the driver's seat and went through her diary .

"What am I going to do , there still so young I can't die yet." That was the first sentence.

the more I read my heart throbbed .

her kids where still in the cave, Taylor, Tyler, Tommy.

what are kids doing in the wild alone.

I got up and ran back to the cave. no one.

I went around the area and , I didn't find anyone.

I calmed down, I sat on a stone and closed my eyes I put all concentration to my ears.

birds, a wild pig, bears, running water, bugs, I was about to start running again when I hear two iron surfaces hitting each other.

I ran in that direction for half an hour.

I saw a girl sitting beside a small camp fire.

but I didn't see the remaining two.

the first thing the girl did was point a finger at me, a small light appears on the tip of her finger then it was blasted like a bullet.

I quickly duked down.

and the tree behind me got hit.

the damage left a small hoke in the tree I could see threw the tree.

this girl wants to kill me .

she then glared and started shooting rapidly at me.

she shoot down animals and damaged some plants.

I was getting annoyed she didn't allow me to explain.

I don't usually use my powers on children but she is just pissing me off.

I used my telekinesis to grab her and put some pressure on her bones .

she screamed but I quickly silenced her.

she was knocked out.

i layer her by the fire and and went in search of the other two, I caught them butchering a rabbit.

one controlled the wind and sent the other flying at me, the other made an ice fist before land a hit .

I blocked his attack, the ice crystals pierced my arm, it went threw.

then they both attacked together .

I want to shorten the gap between us.

I grabbed one and climbed onto a tree.

I tied him up before going down to do the same for the other.

I removed the crystal and let my wound heal.

within a few seconds it was good as new.

I grabbed the two boys and head for there sister.

they boys where screaming and wiggle I had to keep them silent .

I stuffed my sock into there mouth.

I picked up there sister and went back to the bus.

I lay them on the bed next to there mom.

I asked mom to heal there scratches.

and I got lunch ready.

I made bread and soup for them .

the children where thin and lacked fat and oil.

I should thank Kai for secretly bringing 3 chickens but they are a bit noisy at times.

I sent jinx to go bring there stuff.

after packing it we left the area.

cause went night falls I bet a lot of wild animals will come her .

we went to the city.

I told Kai to drive slowly and quietly.

we went to an under ground parking lot and I cleared out the whole place before locking the underground parking space .

I then searched the zombies for any pearls.

I would only two purple blood pearl out of 26 zombies.

I burnt the zombies body before they began stage two of decomposing.

soon the kids woke up .

before they could do anything I shoved some bread in there mouth.

and told them to let there mom rest.

they where obedient, and quietly ate.

Snow lightened up there mood by giving them a cookie jar.

there eyes twinkled.

I turned on my laptop so they could watch tv together.