Teacher Jade

well the people we came to save where all dead.

the last two survivors shot themselves dead.....

this whole mission was a buss.

After we left the sewers, I was late.

i didn't want this whole trip to be a complete failure so we ransacked different shops , and slaughtered a lot of zombies.

it was getting late so we packed up and head back to the island.

we where moving some books to the helicopter when a swarm of children came rushing at us.

about 7 kids , bruised and injured they where skinny and looked like they where about to starve to death.

I treated them all immediately and feed them.

non off them looked above 10.

while thinking about what to do with them a little girl tugged on my shirt.

I squatted down to her level she was stammering and a bit shaken, I tried calming her down with a hug before she then finally let out a huge exhale, she then said please same them .

she then pointed at a kindergarten.

I looked closer and saw more kids in there.

I asked jinx to follow me and told the rest to go ahead without us.

we broke into the school quietly.

I told all the kids to be quiet as I floated them outside where jinx was.

I searched the whole building, there where no adults insight.

I levitated them all into a library a bit far from the building.

I shoot every single zombie dead before shoving there bodies in the storage room.

I then barricade the doors an windows.

I told the kids to gather around.

I took out some ramen cups out, I then counted the number of kids .

12 kids in total.

I boiled some water with my portable stove.

and cooked the ramen after making sure they where feed I check there wounds.

non of them have any serious injuries but there all very skinny.

Jinx asked how where getting home.

I then levitated her and the kids and took them to the roof.

I jumped down from the library and also started floating before hitting the ground.

it works, I can also use levitation on myself.

I basically lunched them out to sea.

I moved everyone back to the island.

but when I stepped in Jaden island my legs where jelly, my hands where shaking and I had a nose bleed.

I was focused on feeding these children.

after 3 weeks of getting them into a healthy physic I started teaching them .

all the kids I thought them all from the basics of handwriting and spelling.

the teenagers where thought how to make bombs and how to hit at there targets.

and everyone had to learn how to fight.

I thought everyone the basics of survival.

One evening I noticed all the water on Jaden beaches where diapering....

something big is about to hit us...