
I've been walking around the whole island and honestly it's isn't big enough to accommodate a lot of people at a time.

so I'm thinking of going to another island 16 km away from here.

I bought it way before the apocalypse but, it wasn't really a place that could accommodate me cause it was so large.

About 716 acres, it was just to much.

I originally planned to keep it as a farm land owned by mother nature.

we have to move.

maybe other survivors will benefit of it.

Hahhh only if I was that generous.

I called every water bender to help me use the waves to push the island to the west.

I will forcefully merge these islands together.

it was like hell.

9 days of hell.

on the last day I went to the bigger island and used my telekinesis to drag the island Jaden over.

I got a little help from Mo.

After nearly passing out 17 times I asked the earth bender to tie the roots of the trees together and try to fuss both islands.

the end product was ugly but that was any easy fix.

I told the adult to help eradicate and potential threat.

we found over 74 wild carnivores and 32 poisonous plants .

I didn't wait to turn those wild cats and bears to dry jerky .

and collected all poisonous plants and extracted there poisons to be used in battle.

we cleared the a large space for farming and building of houses.

me , Kai, Lora, David and snow had to teleport back to the submarine and move it to our new home.

later that day I got an emergency call from Lora, she needed more pads and girl amenities.

I told her to use Cotton if she wanted pads.

she looked me dead in the eye and said, I WANT PADS and using cotton balls from the medic bay wasn't an option .

I felt my brain rolling it's eyes.

I called the crew and we where heading out tomorrow 6 a. m sharp.

we used a van to get around.

normally I would try to avoid formally populated areas, but this one was practically empty, no cars , no zombies, it didn't fell right obviously.

I only saw bikes and scooters.

not much cars.

I felt we where being watched.

I was about to turn this whole van around.

until Tayo tapped my shoulder.

he said they are at least 600 of them.

I know almost all of them are female.

I stopped the van and got out, I rise my hands in the air and yelled come on out , I mean no harm.

slowly various girls were creeping out of the shadows.

they all looked skinny but very muscular .

they all had tribal paint markings.

on off them stood out the most.

she had short white hair and blue eyes all her markings where white which really stood out on her black skin.

she was strong, but she seemed very quiet.

her green eyes pierced my body like daggers .

but she looked the skinniest of them all , I could she her ribs.

they all where dressed in comfortable yet flexible outfits .

the combinations where out of this world horrible but ... what works, works

I greeted her then quickly asked if they had any shops that sold pads .

loud whispers and mumbles from everyone.

there leader rises her hand into a palm before making a fist with it.

the mumbles stopped and the crowed went silent.

she then said what's in it for us.

I asked what do you want....

she smirked and said food and clean water the most precious things in the world right now.

okay what about a box of pads in exchange for a box of fresh food.

she was taken back at my statement, like what I just said was untrue.

she didn't hesitate to say yes, but if you are lying, your head is coming off.

I asked Mo to bring the box of fresh food and he dropped it in front of the leader.

she ripped the wooden lid open like it was a piece of paper.

fruits, vegetables, snacks and drinks where filled to the brim of the box.

all her followers came rushing they gathered around the food, everyone rushed the food, there leader was mad, she hit her staff on the ground and everyone froze.

she told them to move she then took a basket full of stuff before allowing them to continue.

she then went to those younger kids who didn't stand a chance in grabbing anything and started distributing the food in the basket.

she was only left with a few berry's .

she sighed and then took us to the shopping mall to give us what we asked for.

she gave us 2 large boxes of pads.

after receiving it she then ate the berries and lead us out.

I felt bad, I went to her privately and asked her if she was doing okay.

she glared at me before I she nearly walked away.

I said what if I could take you to a place where by.

you could eat all the food you want, you could breath fresh air, swim and much more.

so what's in it for you she asked, I will gather everything you have and move them to that place with your people , the catch is that you have to teach them how to fight and survive .

that's it she replied, she stretched her hand and I shook it.

but then she then asked , wait haow are we gonna get there.

I grabbed my walkie talkie and rang up Lora, I told her to bring the shipping boat and a lot of food .

I told her in three days a boat is gonna arrive here to take all her people there, in the mean time we she pack everything in these malls that could be useful in the future.

she told all the girls to gather everything in the malls, hospital, Library, and apartments.

we even had the chance to get more stuff that wasn't even in her territory.