First snow

Lora came a little bit late but it's okay, I board everyone and everything.

I told Lora to go to a place filled with abandoned shipping containers on the beach.

the girls, mo and I moved the shipping containers on board.

the girls were shocked by our abilities, I told them one day you too could get powers.

we moved the shipping containers on board before setting sail to Jaden island.

on our way we saw a pretty recked boat.

I did really see much in it but I couldn't take my eyes off.

9 young adults came to the deck of the boat and started waving at us furiously.

they were foreigner, they didn't look asian at all apart from two of them.

they went on there knees begging for us to save them.

I sighed and dropped a ladder made of ropes so they could climb it.

when they got on board they thanked me a lot.

they didn't speech good Chinese but they where trying.

I heard a loud WOW from one of them, the other to also followed, they where shocked at how the girls where looking at them.

know that I think about it , these girls are real beauties .

Two days later:

we reach Jaden island.

the the new recruiters couldn't believe there eyes.

we offloaded everything.

I gathered everyone to come see our new family members.

Kai pulled me aside after the gathering, he said, jade I love that you have a big heart for kids but , you left for a few days and came back with this....., we don't have housing for them yet.

I said I know that, but this is for the future.

we started constructing container homes for them.

more like a container complex actually.

a week passed and we managed to build new homes for 700 people.

we grew more plants and built a shelter for weapon construction.

the boys we picked up where, Dawn, Dexter, Ebony, Cain, Aidan, The boys.

Mara, Lilith, zanena, and kub these are the girls name, honestly there parents have bad naming skills.

what is Kub ?

why would you name your daughter Kub ?

basically they where gonna go from China to Korea on a boat when a wild unforgiving storm rocked there boat , so for an entire year they where at sea, all the time they would eat fish they caught and left it to dry in the sun.

they where so sick of eating fish but they had no other choice.


back on Jaden island everything was organized and peaceful.

every thing was calm except the training grounds.

kids and adults spared each other mercilessly to the ground.

the saying by there coach( Darcy) was buried deep in there skulls ," if your weak, you die, if your scared you die, if your over confident you die, if your to emotional you die".

basically one wrong move and you die.

within the past few weeks I have concluded that Jinx has a crush of one of the boys from the ship reck .

well one's she gets her heart broken she wouldn't fall in love again.

but her love life is non of my business, yet....

I grabbed a chocolate bar on my way up to the room, a gush of wind sent shivers to my spine , I covered myself up with , I close my bedroom window shut.

I lock the door and went to bed, I covered myself but it was still freezing, I put on two thick cotton hoodies,

this is not gonna be a regular storm.

something wasn't just right.

I could see the clouds turning greyish black.

and lightning traveled around the skies.

I went outside with a large megaphone in hand.

everyone get the domesticated animals into the barn.

harvest everything as well and take them to the basement, get all vehicles into the garage.


I know, a blizzard in a tropical region.

get the kids to safety, lock all windows and doors, no one left behind.

as I was repeatedly shouting I felt a heap of snow land behind me, I looked up at the sky and saw a bunch of large clustered balls if snow making there way to the ground.

wind, lightning, snow I don't want to get hit.

the lake was beginning to freeze,Darcy was rushing at me I told her to tell the girls to lock there windows and doors and make sure to wear thick clothes.

I ran back home and lock the door tight, I went up to the attic, it's my little work space and I stayed there observing the weather,I looked away to get my book to record the event and when I turned back hail was falling down, loud bangs hitting the roofs of the house.

I heard snow crying, I couldn't ignore it, I went down to check on her.