Boros{Around this month dragon ball should start}
Many things have happened to Boros in these last 11 years
In first year Boros have ordered training again but this time not only to soldiers but also to civilians now average civilian have power level of 1000 while average soldier 20 000 while Belzard power level is now 1 000 000, average soldiers from legion have power level of 25 000 while super soldiers have around 40 000 .PHOENIX team power level is Exes is now 1 100 000 while other members have 500 000-800 000 Which members are Arias male human power level 510 000 his specialty is engineering Dr have given himself weird name but it's also his profession being super doctor with power level of 610 000 race human ,Manda fighter power level 600 000 , Ken power level 700 000 and last member of PHOENIX team is Enes with power level of 820 000.They weren't only people that improved more there is Gelda with power level of 4 000 000 she did extra training to this level and last but the strongest mortal in galaxy Boros.Boros power level in first form is now 100 billions ,second form power up is 100 times which means power level of 10 trillions and in third form with with power up of 10 000 it means his power level in this form is 1 quadrillion even Boros is shocked by this development .It seams that he finally tapped on his real potential ,mainly because he was training like crazy and almost dying few times.
In second year there was massive expansion of territories in part of unexplored galaxy where Unity have conguered thousands of planets with many different races and many non populated planets.And massive summoning Unity now have army in hundreds thousands of soldiers mainly humans or human looking ones.Unity numbers of planets are in thousands and thousand moon's and planets that are currently colonizing.
In third and fourth year ,Boros was establishing order and killing potential rebels in dark and all other things he did on planet Eaps.
in fifth year Unity is mass producing all versions of spaceships .And improving technology greatly.Hiearchy is established with emperor Boros being on top, in below him is empress below her is prince below him is senate that are mostly giving advice .
in sixht year Boros have began mass training again where now average soldier have power levels of 50 000 .
Seventh year Boros have began giving some of his weaker techniques to specials schools for civilians which have improved their power levels from 1000 to 5000.In this yer two unnamed saiyans now have names First is Aple and other is Kaktus they are named as demonic duo with both of them having power level of 7 000 000 .While bardock have seem come to his limits with his power level being 20 000 000 with seing his not improving power level Bardock began creating dozens of techniques in which is somethin similar to kaioken.It's called Saiyan rage mod in this form bardock can multiply his power level to similar way like kaioken but have big downside ,if you use this form more than 30 minutes it began injuring your body .Bardock now can to multiply his power level in this form six times which makes his power level 120 000 000 in this form.
In eight year Boros have made entrance in to universe little is to be said but all great powers were shocked with this revelation knowing such powerful empire being below their noses even frieza force .Bardock and Gine now have Daughter Gin.On one of his mission bardock have meet Granolah and have adopted him in to family .Broly power level is 100 000 000 in base form he have one time accidentally go in ikari form in which he has power level of 1 000 000 000 little is to say Bardock was exited about knowing broly power level and began teaching him to control his emotion even better.
[AUTOR NOTE:I haven't read manga any longer than moro arc ,so i don't know where is granolah at this time,so if it's known where is he at this time , I am very sorry for not knowing it then]
In ninth year galactic patrol and frieza force have come to agreement with no-agression pact with Unity.Also at this time every soldier and civilian know ,how to sense and control ki. So everyone is thinking that power level of average soldiers is 2000.
In tenth year Boros have meet Jaco and Tights who is younger than she should be she is 22 now, traveling around Unity .Boros have found to love her and same thing could be said for Tights.
In eleventh year Unity began conquering planets that are in unexplored sector again ,this time number of planets were two hundred non populated .
[AUTHOR NOTE:I would like to get some advices about granolah, i know almost nothing about him]