Will I become a magician?[3]

"What the hell is going on?"

Samuel concentrated intensely on manipulating the blue mana particles within the mana store.

He remained immobile, his focus unwavering as he attempted to manipulate the mana.

Yet, despite his efforts, all he achieved was a sheen of sweat coating his body once more.

He couldn't ...

Move ...

The mana ...

At all.

After he did everything he could...!

'Frustrating issue'

Samuel clicked his tongue in annoyance before entering the room where Aaron was meditating, seeking his help.

'I emerged mainly because of the unpleasant odor,' Samuel thought to himself, exhaling a silent sigh as he approached Aaron.

"Fortunately, it seems the foul smell has somewhat dissipated."

Samuel sat on the chilly floor, shut his eyes, and leaned against the side wall, patiently awaiting Aaron to conclude his meditation.

And after several moments, Aaron gradually reopened his eyes, exhaling softly.

A black air emitted from his mouth.

"Finally, I have expelled the impurities that infiltrated my system while aiding the Emperor. I would have been in big trouble if I hadn't gotten rid of them sooner."

Aaron muttered quietly as he rose, dusting off his trousers.

Later, the young magician noticed Samuel nearby and remarked sarcastically,

"Oh, look who's still hanging around, "

'This kid's beginning to annoy me, ' Samuel thought to himself as Aaron added,

"Well done. You're finally a regular size. Quite the achievement."

"You !! "

Samuel felt increasingly irritated by Aaron's snide comment.

'Just wait... you motherfucker..'

Samuel vowed to take revenge on Aaron in the future. He will show him the meaning of torment personally. He planned to make Aaron suffer firsthand.

After calming down, Samuel asked,

"Aaron, is it common for me to struggle to control the mana within me? Even though I sense it, I can't manipulate it like before. I'm guessing this isn't normal, right?"

Samuel paused, feeling frustrated.

Despite knowing a lot of information, he couldn't figure out what was going on with his body.

He explained his complex situation and how he felt to Aaron.

And after he finished explaining,

Aaron took Samuel's left hand and began injecting mana into his body to assess his condition.


Almost immediately, Samuel started feeling intense pain all over.

His veins swelled unusually,

And his face turned red.

"Cough!…. Cough...!"


Samuel commanded Aaron to halt injecting mana into his body.

Aaron stopped abruptly and looked at his emperor with a mix of confusion and concern.

"Strange, your body rejected my mana this time, unlike before,"

Aaron remarked, his voice tinged with surprise. After a brief pause, he added,

"But what's even stranger is that despite being a 5-star mage, I can't sense any mana store within your body. It's as if you never even began the process. If you hadn't undergone physical purification, I'd think the whole thing failed."

"When I touched Your Majesty's body, I felt a strange sensation. It's hard to put into words, but I sensed that if I hadn't stopped injecting mana into your body, I would have died instantly.".


Samuel paused, swallowing nervously as he tried to understand what was happening.

He could still sense his mana store.


For some mysterious reason, he couldn't access it.

Aaron smiled at Samuel and said gently,

"When I go back to the tower, I'll talk to my teacher about your situation. I believe he's the best person to help you with what you're going through."

Samuel felt irritated by Aaron's attitude because he sensed Aaron's happiness about his struggle.

However, he swiftly calmed himself down.

Then Aaron pinched his nose shut with his fingers and remarked sarcastically,

"Wow, did you just unleash a ton of toxins? I have never heard of someone staining an entire room with his body's impurities. Your majesty's aroma is truly one of a kind."

'This motherfucker.'

Samuel held back his anger. He couldn't argue with the young man in front of him due to their age difference. He gently patted Aaron on the shoulder and said,

"Thanks, kid. Now, please take me to my room."

"Haha, sure thing." "

As previously, a white magic circle formed beneath their feet,

Whoosh !

Then they teleported to Samuel's room.

Immediately after, they reached the other side,

Aaron promptly exited Samuel's room to update Magnus on the events.

Meanwhile, Samuel glanced at the round clock on the wall, noting it was


He still has over 45 minutes until Emilia comes to wake him up.

He hurriedly took off his clothes and headed straight to the bathroom for a shower, eager to wash away the unpleasant odor.


He felt happy because he lost the extra weight.

So, he took a leisurely shower with warm water.

After that, Samuel put on a cozy blue suit he found in his closet

It's the same uniform the original Samuel wore for the Imperial Academy before he gained weight.

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he happily remarked,

"Well, now I look very good."

He spoke joyfully, as his appearance had transformed overnight.

His skin became damp after his body got rid of the impurities.

He used to walk clumsily and breathe heavily, like a pig. But now he looked surprisingly handsome.

His posture has improved, with straight shoulders and a steady gaze.

Overall, his appearance has drastically changed,

He gleamed like a polished gem.

He wasn't sure if the servants and nobles would recognize him anymore,

But he didn't care.

In the bathroom, he was able to develop a new plan that suits the current situation.


Samuel felt really hungry after showering because cleaning up often stirs up appetite.

He headed straight to the dining table and dove into the fruit basket for a snack.

- Bite


He savored the sweet flavors of the various fruits before taking out his communication crystal from his bracelet.

With everything set up, he bit into his apple and tapped the blue crystal to communicate.

Shortly after, Magnus's image popped up on the crystal's surface.

[ ... ]

"Did you hear about my current situation from your student? "

[Yes, Your Majesty]

The voice echoed in the room soon after.

"So ..? "

[I really don't know Your Majesty, I need to examine you myself to understand what's wrong with your body... ]


"Alright, we'll discuss it later. The first phase begins in four days. I've given instructions to your apprentice, so start getting ready for the operation right away."

[I looked at the plan, but...- ]

Samuel disliked being questioned, so he cut off the unsure old man, stating with a chilly grin,

"I expect you'll execute it flawlessly. If you're unsure about anything, feel free to ask later. We're in this together, you know."

Samuel's interruption exuded an air of authority, his words carrying a subtle warning beneath their seemingly polite surface.

The hesitant old man, taken aback by the interruption and the cold smile, nodded quickly, trying to mask his discomfort.

With a forced smile, the old man replied,

[Okay, Your Majesty.]

Samuel's smile widened slightly Magnus's response. He knew his message had been received loud and clear.

"Also, please arrange for some reliable magicians to guard me discreetly. I'm uncertain about the number of spies lurking in my palace. But I fear the Duke will soon learn of my changing behavior." 

As he spoke, he extended his hand again, holding another apple after finishing the previous one.

[Got it. I'll arrange for the most trusted mages to be discreetly stationed within the palace grounds. They will operate in the shadows, ensuring your safety without drawing undue attention.]

"Very good. By the way, what's the update on the secret meeting with the rebel leader?"

[I was about to mention that. We'll receive the anticipated response in three days. The rebel camp is located quite far from the capital.]

"I see."

Samuel agreed, acknowledging the significant distance between the imperial capital Dember, and the rebel camps in the south.

Because of this, they'll need to wait several days for the message to reach its destination and for a response, despite the magical technology they have.

Also, Magnus lacks the right coordinates to talk to the leader of the rebels using the communication crystal.

Thus, the aim is to acquire these coordinates from the rebels' response to talk with their leader.

Samuel thought carefully before saying,

"Oh, and one more thing. Look into the backgrounds of my palace staff, especially my personal maid and my immediate knights. I need to know by tomorrow if any of them have ties to the Grand Duke."

[You don't have to wait, I've already looked into it. I'll send you the information shortly.]

"Excellent. I'm glad I can count on your help and sharp thinking. You're truly invaluable."

Samuel remarked gratefully. As he prepared to end the call, he heard Magnus speak up once more.

[Ahem, Ahem .... Did Your Majesty receive the investigation from my apprentice Aaron regarding the nobles collaborating with the Grand Duke ?]

"Oops, I totally forgot about that. I'll look into it right now. Then I will wait for good news from you."


With a gentle smile, Samuel ended the call.

Then he settled onto the bed, diving into the detailed reports Magnus had sent him about the traitors.



Suddenly, Samuel heard a strange noise.

And he felt surrounded by a mysterious black glow as he lay in bed.

[The system is activating.]

[0% ------- > 100%]

[Connecting to the host.]