Shadow Guild [1]

[Connecting to the host.]

[Checking host data.... Scanning... ]



"What is this …?"

A blue screen popped up in front of Samuel, showing different notifications.

It was his first encounter with this screen, but it felt oddly familiar. It reminded him of the moment...

When Taylor Moon, the protagonist of the novel, inherits the cosmic Gacha system from his father's necklace.

' But why did the System suddenly appear before me? '

' A gift.' 

Right after that, Samuel recalled the Void Creature's promise of giving him a gift. 

[I see that you still retain your original primal desire. But, unfortunately, you have to leave in order to achieve our old goal. You will know it when the time comes, so become stronger. Use my little gift for # @ # # @ @.]

"Ah, so this is what he meant by the gift."

He extended his hand forward in hopes of seeing if he could touch it, but as his hand neared the window, it simply phased through.

"..... So I can't touch it."

That became apparent after a couple more tries.


Samuel took a deep breath. .

He received a mysterious system as a gift, like in hero stories, yet he's unsure of its purpose. Could it be meant to enhance his abilities?


Then again, maybe not.


Samuel let out a soft sigh, gently massaging his forehead

He needs to stay positive. ...

Because Taylor Moon, the main character of this world, also has a crazy system designed to make him invincible in the future.

- Shock -

Suddenly, Samuel felt like countless ants were creeping all over him, causing pain in every part of his body.

He clenched his teeth tightly and squirmed on the bed, letting out a loud groan as he tried to fight against the spreading pain with all his strength.

" Aah! "

Samuel let out another deep groan.

He also accidentally scattered Magnus' report papers across the bed, creating a mess in the room.

Shortly after, another blue screen popped up with fresh notifications.

[Scan complete.]

[Access to all information temporarily suspended.]

[Host privileges temporarily revoked.]

[Get ready for your first mission, Host. The mission is set for April 12th according to the Imperial calendar ... At 12 PM]

[Countdown begins now.]

[Switching to silent mode temporarily.]


"What is this?"

Samuel was deep in thought, struggling to grasp what had just occurred. 

"The date is April 12th."

Soon, all the notifications vanished from the blue screen, replaced by a countdown in the middle.

 [25 days, 11 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds]


' Countdown ?!'

"On April 12, the Empress's selection ceremony takes place. Is this just a coincidence or does it hold deeper significance?"

Samuel whispered these words, experiencing for the first time the confusion that overtakes the main characters in books when they encounter the system for the first time.

Honestly, Samuel thinks that getting the system is completely ridiculous and makes no sense at all.


Given his current circumstances, it's incredibly beneficial to him.

Consider a determined knight who has trained tirelessly since childhood, relying solely on their own efforts and the limited resources of their family, to attain the rank of a 5-star knight.

Meanwhile, a hero from humble beginnings quickly rises to the same rank or even surpasses that of the knight within a short time frame, thanks to the support of the system.

Hence, the system is deemed to be cheating.

Suddenly, an idea floated in Samuel's mind, and he opened his mouth to mumble.

"Open Status."

The initial utterance of any protagonist upon acquiring the system invariably consists of these two unique words.

But contrary to Samuel's anticipation, the system remained unresponsive.

" Open Status Window.... "

"Oh system..."

The system remained silent ...

If not for the blue screen displaying a countdown in front of Samuel's face, he might have believed he was experiencing delirium or hallucination.

"System, answer me..."

He urged, but all he received in return was silence.

He speculated that the silence might be related to the silent mode the notifications mentioned earlier.

'Is it possible to cancel it?'

'Is that possible?'

Samuel felt his brows slowly come together into a knit.

"Deactivate silent mode... "

"Operate the system..."


Samuel attempted to deactivate the silent mode by uttering different words. However, as usual, he didn't receive the anticipated response.

"Okay, I just have to wait."

When the time comes, he will know what he wants.

Samuel looked down.

" Huh, what a mess … "

Report papers were scattered everywhere, which made him feel slightly annoyed.


Fortunately, by the time his first mission arrived, he would have completed his plan and resolved the issue with the Grand Duke.

"Close Window."

Samuel muttered, and in a flash, the blue screen vanished.

"Well, at least, it is working as expected. "

"Very Good"

He remarked with a faint smile before swiftly returning his attention to the array of report papers strewn across his bed. 

 "Haha, don't let me down, system," 

Samuel added in a cold mutter before silence enveloped the room once more.


Four days went by smoothly,

Over the course of the past days, Magnus diligently executed Samuel's instructions precisely and efficiently, in order to set the stage for Samuel's plan.

Under his curly eyelashes, a slight darkness appeared, showing his excessive fatigue.


The weary elder settled heavily onto his office couch, emitting slow, pained groans.

"It's been ages since I've felt like this,"

Magnus groaned loudly as he lazily stretched his aging frame.

"Huh, I'm exhausted. Ha, this damn brat is going to kill me."

With a frown, Magnus murmured these words before closing his blue eyes to alleviate their discomfort. 

Recollections of the peculiar events he had encountered in recent days flooded his mind.

Gritting his teeth hard, he reflected on the considerable suffering and workload he had endured lately.

' Is he a demon?' 

'I'm really starting to regret following him.'

Since pledging his loyalty to Samuel of Hanover, the son of his dear friend and Emperor of the Griffin Empire, 

Magnus often felt like he was simply running errands for his master. 

Whenever Samuel needed something, he would incessantly bother Magnus by contacting him through the communication crystal.

" Oh my God, is this my punishment? Why did I choose this path? Why did I rush into pledging my allegiance to that brat? "

"I didn't take enough time to think it through. I rushed into pledging my loyalty to Samuel like a fool."

The grumpy old man muttered softly, shaking his head with bitterness.

Then, He rubbed his eyes with his fingertips.

What bothers him the most is the current state of the Magic Tower.

He initially thought ousting Alexander Turman would be simple.

A lowly magician who works quietly to decrease Magnus' power within the Imperial Tower, hoping to gain control of leadership in the future.

However, upon discovering two days ago that the Grand Duke was secretly backing Alexander, the situation changed drastically. 

This has become a source of frustration and concern for Magnus.

Although He managed to weaken Alexander temporarily by sending his forces on difficult or lengthy missions.

Alexander still retains support from young and new magicians within the tower. His influence has even reached some prominent magicians. 

Additionally, Alexander has not openly violated any laws of the Magic Tower, giving Magnus no legitimate reason to confront him and his supporters.

"Wow, these days are pretty gloomy."

Magnus came to a conclusion about his emperor: he's wicked.

A black-hearted villain who enjoys seeing loyal followers like Magnus suffer.

This realization came to Magnus after a private chat with Samuel following a secret meeting with Red Claud, the leader of the southern rebels.

" Ahem... -Your Majesty, can I assign Aaron to supervise the final preparations for the plan? "

Magnus wanted a day to rest, since he was constantly working on both the plan and his secret project.

He couldn't forget the smirk on Samuel's face as he replied with a sly tone, patting him on the shoulder, 

"Trying to dodge your duties as my subordinate, huh?"

Samuel's smirk only widened as he continued,

"Take this as payback for not showing me proper respect before. Keep an eye on things and make sure the tower is taken care of. Heard you've had a rough patch with failures lately."

" .... What did I do to deserve it? " 

Magnus let out a tired smile as he mumbled softly, 

"Finally, the attack starts tomorrow. Been struggling to scatter them... Hopefully, it goes smoothly."

With that, Magnus drifted off to sleep, and the office descended into silence.