Shadow Guild [2]

The next morning in Dember, the griffin empire's capital city.

The sun rose brightly, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets.

Shops opened, people carried out their usual routines.

The sunlight made the capital city look cheerful and pleasant.

Everywhere people looked, vendors enthusiastically touted their wares, while diligent workers went about their tasks. Meanwhile, vigilant guards maintained order through vigilant patrols.

And the people adorned the city for the upcoming founding festival and empress selection ceremony.

Three individuals walked through the slum,

The first young man, with brown hair and green eyes, wore a light brown robe and pulled up his hood to conceal his identity. .

Following him closely was another young man, his follower perhaps, with yellow hair and purple eyes, dressed in a fancy black robe, not bothering to hide his face.

The last person, a man in his forties, had dusty black hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a worn-out black robe and had a stern expression on his face as he observed his surroundings.

The three observed the dire situation in the neighborhood: poverty and homelessness were rampant, with people suffering from malnutrition scattered around. 

" Please help me ."

"A loaf of bread, please."

"Ahh, my daughter is sick. Please help me..."

" Please help ..."

They heard pleas for help, cries for food, and requests to aid sick loved ones. 

Despite witnessing heartbreaking scenes, they remained indifferent.

These three individuals were none other than Samuel, the current Griffin Emperor, Aaron, the young magician, and Magnus, the old magician. 

"Let's go!"

Without letting the surrounding distress affect their resolve, they pressed on towards their destination.


'I have to change this situation in the near future.'

Samuel quietly muttered to himself, feeling the weight of responsibility as he gazed upon his suffering people. 

He changed the color of his hair and eyes using an illusion-type artifact he got from Magnus. 


Because he wants to avoid attracting attention due to his red hair and eyes, which are distinctive traits of the Hanover royal family.

It's rare to find someone with these features in the empire.

Aaron and Magnus also used magic to alter their appearances. Aaron changed his hair color and facial structure to avoid being recognized, while Magnus transformed from a frightening old man to a handsome middle-aged one.

"Hmm, magic sure is remarkable."

Samuel glanced at his companions, thinking about how easy it was to change one's appearance with magic. However, if the disguised person found themselves near someone stronger than him, their facade could be easily exposed.

And since Samuel couldn't manipulate mana, he relied on a golden ring on his finger that had illusionary powers to change his looks.

As they ventured deeper into the slums, 

Anger slowly welled up within Samuel as he observed the dire circumstances of the impoverished individuals around him.

On the other hand, Aaron, the young magician, was accustomed to the surrounding sight because he had experienced a similar situation before.

He felt grateful to Magnus, who had saved him from poverty and become a father figure to him.

"We're almost there, Your Majesty," Aaron said with a hint of sadness in his tone.

Samuel gave Aaron a cold look and replied sharply, "I'm well aware. And didn't I tell you to call me Samuel?"

"Alright, I'll start calling you Samuel," Aaron said firmly.

He smirked briefly, seeming to like the idea. Then, with a mischievous grin, he chimed in, "Nah, Sam suits you better. Samuel's too long and kinda dumb, don't you think, teacher?"

And before Aaron could continue his rude comment about Samuel, Magnus abruptly interrupted by giving him a sharp smack on the back of his head.

With a stern gaze fixed on Aaron, Magnus responded with a frown, 

"Control yourself. You're in front of your emperor."

"But..." Aaron mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up, you fool. Just act more mature," Magnus snapped.

He then glanced at Samuel, who was grinning widely as he checked his watch.

The old man's face fell when he saw his emperor's sinister grin.

"Oh no, that grin."

Chills ran down the old man's spine.

It was the grin of impending disaster,

A grin that meant endless and exhausting work without respite.

A grin that made his last days dark.

"Rest in peace, Aaron," Magnus muttered bitterly.


Samuel quietly glanced at the watch on his wrist.

Noting it was ...

[ 1:29 PM]

"Just stay quiet and follow me," He whispered, urging his followers to hurry to their destination.


Suddenly, Aaron's cold shout made Samuel stop in his tracks, and he swiftly pulled him behind his back, positioning himself like a shield in front of him. 

Following Aaron's actions, a group of dark figures emerged and quickly surrounded them. 

These shadows eyed them like hungry wolves spotting easy prey. 

They were members of the local gang that ruled over the slums.

Their leader, a strong, bald man with a scar on his cheek, grinned wickedly. He had heavily tattooed hands, wearing tight pants, a leather coat, and worn-out shoes.

With a mocking smile, he said, "Give up all your belongings and come with us quietly. I promise you'll be safe if you obey."

Then the group leader slowly approached them.




As the leader approached step by step, his followers smirked, enjoying their boss intimidating the helpless victims.

The trio remained silent, glaring coldly at the clown before them.

If this fool knew he was trying to steal from the emperor of his empire, the head of the magic tower, and his successor, he would've been terrified.

The leader of the small group thought that their silence and stillness showed they were scared, so he kept coming towards them in a flashy way.

"Let's deal with you first," he said.

Then he pointed at Samuel and gestured for him to remove his hood.

With a mocking tone, he added, "Take off that silly hood, so I can see your face better. Maybe I can sell you to a nobleman if you're pretty. It will be an honor for you."

- Slash -

Suddenly, there was a sharp noise, and before the leader's hand could touch Samuel, it was severed, spraying blood and causing a terrible smell.

"Ahhhhh ! "


His bloody hand fell to the ground.

The leader's scream pierced the air, echoing through the neighborhood, as he writhed in agony, blood gushing from his mangled limb.

"What... what just happened?"


"What in the world happened?"

Everyone was shocked and confused. They didn't understand what had happened. The leader's hand lay on the ground, and he was in agony, his face turning pale because of blood loss. 

They didn't understand what just happened?

Suddenly, one of the followers tore off his shirt, hastily wrapping it around the gaping wound to stem the torrent of blood.

Panic gripped the gang as they stared in horror at their incapacitated leader.

Fear spread among them, but the leader quickly regained his composure. He knew he had underestimated his opponents.

But his pride as their leader prevented him from admitting defeat.

Even if he fled now, his newly disabled hand would soon cost him his position. Without acquiring one of the costly potions, his leadership tenure would be short-lived.

His only hope was to overpower the experts with their greater numbers.

"Attack them now," he urged, ordering his followers.

But they hesitated to attack the monsters in front of them.

With another shout, he reassured them: "Attack now. Use your numbers. Whoever kills them can have my position."

His words boosted their courage.

"Alright boss."

"We'll avenge our leader. Kill them all."

"Mark, get your weapon out. Don't be scared."

"Attack with all your strength."

They tightened their grips on their weapons and charged towards the mysterious figures with fierce determination.

But Aaron's cold voice cut through their bravado. "Are you that foolish? Can't you see the difference in strength between us? Even a child could see it."


In an instant, Aaron snapped his fingers and a white magic circle surrounded them, causing all the gang members to vanish, leaving their leader frozen in place.

The leader of the gang retreated. Fear and regret washed over him.

Then he trembled vigorously, staring at the monster in front of him with signs of fear and astonishment.

" Are you... a magician?" he stammered in horror, realizing his mistake.

To him, magicians were powerful and terrifying figures, far beyond his reach.

" Hahaha, Bingo " Samuel chuckled.

"Where are my followers?... You monsters!" the gang leader cried out from the ground.

Ignoring him, Aaron turned to Samuel and Magnus, explaining, 

" I've sent his associate to the capital prison to be dealt with by the authorities. As for him... "

Aaron slowly pointed his finger at the gang leader, adding.

"Should I kill him?" "

"Dispose of the scum, his life means nothing," Samuel agreed with a nod.

In light of the recent actions of the gang leader, it seems evident that he has engaged in numerous unlawful and unethical activities throughout his life.

So it's better to get rid of him .


The gang leader, his face drained of color from blood loss, was stunned by the sudden turn of events. With horror in his voice, he exclaimed, "You don't know who my older brother is..."

"Spare us your words." Aaron interrupted, snapping his fingers once more. The terrified gang leader was instantly reduced to a bloody mist.

"In your next life, be a good person." Aaron muttered softly as he awaited Samuel and his teacher's next move.

Samuel looked at the scene with an unfazed gaze. It felt like something out of a martial arts story, where the main character faces off against a notorious gang, setting the stage for his own epic journey.

"Tsk, let's move."