As the Communication Crystal shattered all the officers in the room were shocked ,confused and terrified. All of the officers now panicked, not knowing what to do . Marco stood their silently , trying to understand the events that just passed , the peacekeeper bases had just been attacked by an enemy of unknown origin and their abilities are unlike anything seen before also not to mention their numbers are unknown. Marco knew that the odds were against them heavily but if anything was picked up by him from his lazy peace bringing friend ,it was to never give up cause that's the one thing your opponent wont expect. So Marco yelled at all the officers in the room" EVERYONE QUIET " and as he did the panics and the worry stopped and all the officers turned to Marco as he continued " Right now the enemy wants us to panic so that they can finish us off, well lets not give them the chance. " The officers calmed down and one of them then stood up and asked" what are your orders sir ?" . Marco then gave each of them orders " get the wounded patched up we may need to move as their might be another attack, I need the names of every peacekeeper who can still fight " he then picked up a communication crystal he had" Will you there " . Will responded through the crystal" I hear everything " he said while smiling" what do you need" . Marco then gave him orders" I want you to get a spell book from the archives , it will help in restoring the communication crystal and contacting the surviving bases ,we don't know if their still listening in our Call's so the book will help you in removing any way of them listening to us talk ." Will understood and left for the archives.
1 Hour later:
Most of the soldiers were packing gear and getting ready for their orders while waiting for their superiors who were in a meeting, while Will and a few others were distributing small crystals for communication to the soldiers and another group was burying the fallen peacekeeper who died in combat. Soon Marco and a few officers came out of a building and all the soldiers stood straight. Marco then spoke up" As you know we were attacked by an unknown enemy and unfortunately most of are allied bases have also suffered the same damage." this shocked most of the soldiers as they didn't know anything that had happened to the other bases, but Marco continued" The enemy currently expects us to be in panic and worry but we are peacekeepers, we don't break to kings or tyrants" .This motivated some of the soldiers but some of them were still unsettled and Marco saw this" But I know most of you are afraid and that's alright, we are all human and honestly I'm a bit afraid too. So if anyone wishes to leave ,you are allowed to leave, you will not be judged nor will you be cowards. It is understandable if you wish to retreat but know this if you are with us we will face the enemy head on and we will avenge all our brothers and sisters, if not for yourself do it for the men and women around you because after today they will do the same for you. ." After Marco said this , none of the soldiers moved ,one of them forward and shouted "I will fight beside you major". Another knight also stepped forward and yelled" so will I" soon all the knights cheered and showed they were ready to fight. Soon Marco gave orders to each of them" first of all we will need to leave our headquarters". this shocked most of the knights because for them it felt like running away. But Marco then continued" the reason we are doing this is because our defenses have already been broken and the only way for us to win this battle is to play with intelligence not only strength." This calmed most of the soldiers as Marco explained his plan" We will all move in group of 5 , one group will be sent to an abandoned mill south of here , there you will meet up with the surviving members of the surviving bases ,we don't know how the enemy operates so remain as quiet as possible , Major Lance will be leading this team." Marco said as he pointed to a blonde officer who had a small scar on his cheek and he nodded to Marco. Marco then continued " A second team will be moving to Lancaster fortress , the king of that region has been an ally to the peacekeepers and is a friend of Commander Alastair , it was gifted to the peacekeepers a week ago so we can use it as our main base. We don't know if the enemy is attacking unaffiliated bases so once you reach their secure the fortress and wait for the rest of the survivors . This team will be lead by the remaining officers as they will help establish the base of operations." The soldiers thought that these were the only orders given to them but Marco gave one final command" And now the last objective and this is voluntary so if you do not wish to take part it is understandable" all the troops stood silently as Marco spoke" who here will help in the rescue of Commander Alastair".
Alex's Village
Ash and smoke covered the air in the village as people were running and panicking as the town guards were trying to lead them away from the attack. As they were running strange eight legged creatures were crawling out of the woods with green saliva coming out of their disfigured mouths. These creatures while running on all 8 legs were trying to chase the people, while avoiding the guards attacks. During the chaos while people were running away from the attack and the guards were trying to hold a defensive lines even with their low numbers. Among the fleeing civilians was a little boy who was running away from the creatures that were chasing civilians and had killed few by ripping out the necks of the towns people. The boys mother was also dragging him quickly away from the creatures and desperately trying to get to the guard lines while the creatures were gaining on them. Suddenly the mother tripped over and fell. Her son saw this and tried to help her get up but she had sprained her ankle while the creatures were almost about to reach them. The Guards saw this and two of them ran to save the mother and child while trying to use their magic and abilities to stop the creatures by using ice attacks and earth abilities to stop the but the creatures had excellent agility and most were easily dodging the attacks . This made the guards realize that they wont be able to reach them in time. The mother also knew this and begged her son to run to safety but he refuse to leave his mother . The creatures were almost on top of them , the guards were running quickly to them but knew they will be late. One of the guards out of desperation tried to yell at the creatures "WAIT STOP" but the mindless beings leaped up at the family and opened their jaws ready to attack the mother and her child, but before they could come in contact with them two arrows passed through the guards and went straight into one of the creatures mouth pinning it to one of the house walls while the other got shot in the head and landed back to the ground, The guards looked back to see Alastair with a crossbow attached to his gauntlets. He then started walking ,while taking off the cloak he had, revealing an obsidian black armor with two swords, one was a kitana and another was a claymore. As he passed the guards he gave them orders" all the townspeople have been evacuated to the south side, take the women and child and take them to safety. " One of the guards nervously asked " what about you sir ?". Alastair put on his helmet at that time which had the engravings of a lion. He stopped to look back at them and replied in a cool calm yet terrifying voice" Ill be hunting the monsters".