The First peacekeeper

As the strange creatures were entering the village, their were some with armor and weapons suggesting these were without magic or any explosive tendencies. They had killed a few soldiers who were battling on the front line and were capturing any civilians they had. Woman , children , and the elderly were tied in chains and whipped if they faltered, while all young man were executed. One of the prisoners was a little girl who was struggling with lifting the heavy chains fell down from exhaustion, one of the creatures noticed this and started walking up to the girl struggling to stand while her mother tried to help her up . The creature growled at this and raised his whip to attack the child while her mother tried to protect her from getting whipped but before he could move a spear went through the creatures chest. The creature in pain tried to remove the spear but before he could something came up behind him and grabbed the spear handle and took it out horizontally cutting off the torso. The creatures suddenly noticed him and started speaking among themselves in an unknown language. Alastair stood their with spear in hand as rain drops fell from the sky and fell on the silver and black armor he wore. Alastair crouched down on the corpse of the creature he killed and placed his hand on its chest. Green lights sparked from his hands and then disappeared , and he was able to understand what the creatures were saying , the ones that could speak had lizard-like features and seemed to be the only ones that could communicate. One of them yelled at a skeletal creature" Call the generals , we've surrounded the source holder". Alastair was confused by that last word* source holder * he thought what it meant but quickly focused his attention at the skeleton trying to make a quick escape, he grasped the spear tightly and took a throwing position and threw the spear with full force causing it to not hit only the messenger but several monsters who were in its trajectory going through and taking their arms , heads and bodies with it until it collided with a tree with limbs and bodies of any monster that got hit by it. "Sorry but your friends can be dealt with later " Alastair said as a small portal emerged on his right and he thrusted his hand inside, taking out a black katana. He then threw an orb at the civilians near him which ended up forming a shielded dome around them , " Stay inside the dome and you'll all be fine" he told the people while getting into a fighting stance against the monsters ," now whose next " he says provoking the monsters to start attacking. All of the monster charged at Alastair with their own weapons but his skill with his sword proved too much for them as he was cutting down monsters left and right with precision and speed, while dodging or blocking any blows they tried to deliver at him, he did get hit by a few arrows and blades but his armor was strong enough to protect him. . But he soon began to notice that their was less room for him to move , he knew he if he didn't act fast he would be overrun, so he jumped back and threw his sword at one of the giant creatures causing his sword to impale the giant through his neck and making it fall over its comrade. Alastair then stood on top of the body and took of his helmet quickly and opened his mouth releasing large flame effecting any monster near him and giving him the cover through the flame smoke needed. He had to create space for him to move so he touched the chest of the corpse he was standing on, Ice suddenly started growing out of his hands and covering the creature and the ground around him creating a large radius. Alastair then took out two daggers and started sliding on the ice using his knives to attack the creatures that came in his range going for fatal strikes . The ice gave him an advantage as his boots were designed to maneuver around any terrain and the creatures were having a hard time keeping balance but some of the creatures were smart and smashed the glass beneath them to create some ground to stand on . Alastair decided to attack these first, he slid near one of them who was using a spear but the creature saw this and tried to thrust the spears blade at Alastair chest, but he was able to evade the blow by bending backwards. Alastair then jammed his knife into the creatures elbow making it scream in pain and the using his second blade to slice its neck. He then noticed that some of the creatures were attacking the shield that was protecting the civilians. So he raised his hand towards the bubble ,causing it to make yellow spikes pop out suddenly attacking any creatures that were near it, but this distraction caused one of the larger ogre type creatures to get the jump on him, hitting him with a large club sending his body into a tree. Although his armor was able to take large blows the club was able to dent it a little and Alastair was able to feel the force of that attack. He slowly got up although he could feel some of his ribs were broken ,while coughing he thought* Dammit I can't heal myself right now or that'll cause the orb to be removed, and I'm already running on fumes for my magic* . He then slowly got up while picking up a random sword from the ground . He noticed that it belonged to one of the knights guarding the town and saw the corpse near him, This caused Alastair anger and sadness but he controlled himself, knowing that if he lost himself to the anger the civilian's in the orb would be at risk, " just have to fight with the pain right now". Alastair then raised his sword while taking out a hidden dagger from his gauntlets ,getting into a fighting stance. The monsters numbers had been halved but their were still too many for him to fight while protecting the civilians. Soon the creatures ran at Alastair raising their weapons trying to land the finishing blow, but Alastair was still able to use super speed and strength as they were part of his abilities and didn't require magic, by doing this Alastair would evade the creatures while killing a few of them making sure none of them were in his blind spot . But even with these abilities he knew it wouldn't be long until they would over come him. He planned to make all the monsters come to him and ignore the civilian's. He noticed that little by little all of them focused their attention on hi forgetting about the civilians. As soon as the last creature came running to fight him he created some space between them by jumping back and then taunting them" Come at me" Alastair shouted ,aggravating them. Alastair then dropped the orb shield signaling the civilians to get out of their while the creatures were distracted. But one of the lizard creatures noticed this and looked back to see the shield drop. It then turned around , wielding its large axe. Alastair noticed this and started to worry" no, no, no , No !"he shouted as he saw the creature run towards the civilians. Alastair tried to run towards them but was stopped by the army of creatures and ogres blocking his path" Dammit I can't jump until my magic recovers properly" he said under his breath. Alastair tried to push through the army slicing and attacking any creature that was blocking his path but was soon stopped by a lizard captain that was able to block his sword causing him to stop" I don't have time for this" he said with anger boiling in his eyes. But then he saw that the lizard had reached the civilians and was about to attack the child. In a desperate attempt Alastair tried to yell" Wait ! Stop!" as he said this his eyes were glowing read as his body was giving off murderous energy and fangs were starting to form . But before he could do anything an arrow came from the trees and flew into the lizardman's eye, causing it to scream in pain , which stopped Alastair's anger and returned him into his normal form. This caused all the creatures to lose their attention on Alastair after hearing the scream but Alastair knew not to get distracted so he elbowed the captain and then slashed his throat with the dagger. Another arrow came out of the trees and shot the lizardman in the throat ,killing it. And soon it was seen that two peace keeper knights ran out of the forest to escort the civilians away. Soon a voice came out of the forest ,yelling" Alastair get out of the way". Alastair ,recognizing the voice quickly used his teleportation ability to get away from the creatures. As he got away he saw his friend Marco running out of the forest with a cyan colored magic circle already formed around his hands, Marco then aimed the circle towards the monsters while shouting his attack" Ice magic! blizzard dragon" As soon as these chants were said a giant cyan colored dragon emerged from the circle and flew at the creatures , before the creatures could react or run the dragon flew through them freezing all of them instantly, In a few seconds all the creatures were frozen. Marco then held up the circle that was in his hand and closed his palms causing all the ice and creatures in them to break shattering and destroying the creatures in them. Alastair gave of a sigh of relief and sat down to see his allies had arrived. Marco saw him and gave a smug look" why hello their, Mister First peace keeper, you tired already" he says to Alastair. Alastair laughed a bit while noticing William jumping down from the trees and waved to him. He then looked at Marco and said "well ... I was fighting an army alone and besides I made it easier for you" . Both of them started laughing about it while Will looked at them with worry * of course these two monsters would laugh after taking on entire armies by themselves.