Azaroth , The Void emperor

After the intense battle , both Marco and Alastair decided to sit down and rest while waiting for the soldiers who had taken the civilians to safety. While Will was helping pile up the corpses of the beasts they had fought. He was also examining the creatures as well as he had not seen anything like them before. What surprised him more was that only Alastair had taken on the actual living monsters and the strange skeletal enemies where as other peacekeepers had to fight only the skeletal monsters.* If these creatures are on the same side, then they aren't just random monsters attacking us together, their organized and from the looks of their uniforms and Armor , they've even gotten ranks among them.* Will thought as he was looking at their clothing and weapons. While Alastair and Marco were also chatting about their current predicament, "So your telling me you know the language of these things" Marco said looking strangely at Alastair and doubting him . While Alastair just gave a small nod , Marco sighed and then looked at Alastair while continuing" Okay say I believe you ,how do you know it" . Alastair just shrugged and said" how am I supposed to know , these guys were talking in front of me and I wanted to know what they were saying and suddenly I just had this feeling to crouch down on a lizards corpse and absorb all his memory on language." This made Marco even more confused " wait your telling me you can learn any language by touching people, then why the heck have I been your translator for foreign lands and why didn't you get any info on who these guys are." Alastair chuckled knowing that his friend would still remember something like that in dangerous situations and tried to calm him down." well first off this ability I got is new like i just got the feeling of how to use it but that doesn't mean i can talk the same language and also the guy died before i could get any memories." Marco looked disappointed and spoke in a faint voice "so we still have no idea about our enemy "."Actually we do" Will said while walking towards them and confusing both of them." you found something" Alastair asked , Will nodded and showed them a piece of cloth with a strange marking on it." From what we've gathered the enemy isn't a bunch of random monsters banded together nor are they any monsters from our database" . This surprised Marco as he interrupted him" hold on Will your saying these things are not from here, maybe their just a new hybrid breed of the forest beasts or a new experiment of alchemy" but before Marco could finish his sentence ,Will spoke in a little higher tone from frustration" no they aren't , I checked these things aren't even foreign, their not from around here." He said shocking both Alastair and Marco as they both realized they now have to fight an enemy they've never seen before. Will continued" There's more ,I checked the creatures anatomy , and found out that the skeletal creatures are being controlled through necromancy." Alastair was surprised by this * forbidden magic*, and spoke " but doesn't necromancy effect the user as well, if you use necromancy on more corpses it causes headaches and causes the user to go wild, even a well trained and experienced necromancer can control up to 50 corpses at a time, their were thousands of those things here how were the corpses still being controlled if the user had lost his mind." William just shook his head " I don't know, but if i had to guess who ever was controlling them wasn't human, and from the looks of it these guys are an organized military too". Marco looked confused "what do you mean?" . Will pointed to the weapons and Armor" look at what their using ,swords ,bows, helmets and chest pieces, all of which are in excellent conditions. Why would creatures with fangs and claws clean their equipment" . Alastair wanted to say something but he wanted to wish it wasn't true but he spoke with a heavy voice " your saying that this isn't over" , Will then spoke with a little worry" I'm saying this was planned from the beginning and its gonna get worse. Alastair stood up and spoke up to raise some confidence "well then we better get ready, lets head back to base we need to alert all or allies for the war that's coming." Will looked at him with confusion and then looked at Marco and realized" you haven't told him yet , have you ?" . "Told me what?" Alastair asked looking puzzled. Marco remained silent looking down , not wanting to tell the heart breaking news about the other peacekeepers. Alastair noticed the regret eating away at Marco and spoke in worry" Marco what happened". Marco took a deep breath and was about to talk but suddenly the trees at the end of the forest started following and the ground started rumbling. Alastair and his group got their weapons ready as they saw the enemy approaching to the field where the last battle took place. Suddenly a huge army emerged from the forest consisting of the enemies both Alastair and the peacekeepers had fought but included even more different creatures like winged beasts with spears and goblins riding large wolves. One of the peacekeeper knights was scared and confused by this and whispered" Aren't wolves and goblins enemies?". To which another soldier replied" They hate each other and keep fighting for territory, their natural enemies". Alastair decided to focus up the soldiers" Everyone in formation" he ordered. The 10 knights including Marco and William, stood together in formation. Forming an arrow like shape with Alastair in the lead. But the monsters didn't charge they just stood there silently not moving an inch. Alastair and the knights were confused , then Will noticed something and tapped on Marco's shoulder" Hey you notice something weird about their eyes" . Marco was confused by what Will meant but he noticed it as well. All the monsters had purple glow leaking out of them. *their being controlled* Marco thought. "That explains how local enemies are allied here" Marco whispered. Soon the ground started shaking violently causing the peacekeepers to almost lose their footing. But they were able to stand firm to see what was happening, most of them thought it was an earthquake, but then they saw several ogres lifting a throne ,what was strange was that there was nothing on the throne , it was empty what the peacekeepers found more strange were how the ogres looked, they were twice their normal sized and had their bones were sticking out like spikes along with other different deformations. "Get ready I think their gonna introduce themselves" Alastair ordered his men. One of the knights who was confused and terrified at the army they were up against asked in a frail and worried voice " W-Who?". " If I had to take a guess" Will said as he was checking his quiver and counting the arrows" we're about to finally meet the big bad wolf in our story". As the ogres placed down the throne a creature appeared to be sitting on it which wasn't there before. It was wearing a tattered and black robe over it ,so no one was able to see its face but its hands could be seen showing it was skeletal and only that green liquid was dripping from its face. Soon it spoke "Ahh if it isn't the Unworthy and his companions" the creature said while still not showing its face ,Marco recognized the sick and twisted voice of the creature and spoke to himself" Its him". Alastair was confused and looked back at Marco" Marco do you know who he is". "His" but before Marco could complete his sentence the creature spoke " I am Azaroth, the void emperor and leader of acolytes".*Acolytes ?* Alastair thought as he heard their name for the first time. Azaroth then continued" We have been searching for you Unworthy and now that we have found you we will be taking the gifts your kind has so unjustly stolen." Alastair knew he didn't have time to ask questions about what Azaroth was talking about , all he needed to do was keep his allies safe. "Alright I'm gonna use air and dirt to create some smoke, this will cover us for a time ". Alastair said . Will asked "and then what ?" . "And then we retreat to the base and get ready to defend it , we cant take them head on so it'll be advantageous if we get more men and better equipment for this." The knights looked at him confused by what he was saying except Marco and Will. Marco the finally decided to speak up" Alastair I'm sorry" Marco said while looking down knowing he failed his best friend." they attacked all of us" . Alastair looked shocked and worried" what do you mean attacked, when and how?". Will then spoke up knowing Marco was having a hard time explaining the death if his comrades, Alastair didn't want to believe it , all of his friends and allies were attacked in one day. "They must have made it out right , I mean I know half of them ,I trained them " Alastair said quickly hoping that he was right he then remembered" that's right Rourke, Michael and Trent and the others, they lead most of the bases what about them they should be fine right". Azaroth heard this and started cackling , " oh yes we did see such brave heroes in our siege " . Alastair looked back at him at anger and worry about what he meant and took out his sword" What did you do" Alastair said fiercely staring at the king of the Acolytes. Azaroth signaled to one of the creatures that stood up and picked up the sack it was carrying as Azaroth spoke" Well they were quite brave as they fought to evacuate every man ,woman and child from that pathetic excuse of a fortress you use." This made the peacekeepers angry as Azaroth continued" But they were defeated like all others before them, I normally wouldn't care about insects but one of my lieutenants thought it would be a great addition to his collection" as he said this the lieutenant handed him the sack and Azaroth threw the sack at Alastair's feet. As the sack landed and opened up to show what was inside it , all of the peacekeepers were horrified at what they saw . And when Alastair saw it , it blanked out all emotions of sorrow and worry he had, there wasn't even despair .When he saw the decapitated head of his friends ,all that was left in him was rage and it was something he held back knowing that using his powers with emotion would have dire consequences. But he didn't care about that anymore. He had untainted raw rage inside and he wanted to release his wrath upon the monsters who desecrated his friend corpses. His eyes started glowing red as large amounts of magical energy started seeping out from his body. Alastair looked then looked at Azaroth " Let me make you a promise then, when all is said and done I'm gonna make sure there isn't even a speck of dust remaining from your corpse" as he said this he put on his helmet and charged at the army along side with the rest of peacekeepers."