Blood Thirsty Savage?

OH my god, Liz, did you hear that we got a Chailo Hum's that apply last-minute in our TTRG School."

Liz smiled, nodding. "Yes, I heard it; a boy… is a Hum's Chailo Mix, yes. It is rare to see a Mix like that, even rare than a tiny kitten slave. I wonder why they would want to join the Ranks of TTRG. It shocks me.

"I know, right is it amazing.' Reena shouted, clapping her hands

"Well, yes, but everyone will be after them. I mean, come on, he like one of the only Chailo's Mixes that even got dragged to come to a place like this. Let alone our chances to mate with him. Reena, how dumb are you to think you can win their heart?"

"OH, well, that may be true for someone like you that has no nobility to think about, but luckily for me. I have power behind my family" Reena stuck her finger in her nose and flicked her bugger at Liz. Before bolted out the dorm room door laughing, "I let you be my maid if you can't become a TTRG member if that helps you seem like you are good at cleaning up my messy room."

Her voice trailed off as Liz fell on the small kid's bed. She was gripping her fist. Wanting to yell back at her roommate, As tears drip from her eyes. Whispering, "The world is just not fair at all."

Liz was born on planet 1.5. It was known to be better than 1.2 the trash planet, yet it was not much better. There were fights, and every day Liz felt like it was going to be her last. And when TTRG summoned her to join this school, she thought she would meet people like herself. However, she was disappointed to learn that most of the kid's parents were part of the government. Not one person that Liz met today had gone through what she had. No, most of them seemed not even to know how to fight

Her roommate acted like a spoiled princess looking for a lover to carry her away.

Liz felt like she was the only one in this school who understood how the world truly worked as she was thinking, Reena rapidly bolted back into the room, locking the door.

Liz almost wanted to laugh at her, her thinking that she stepped on shit because this place wasn't scary at all; on the other hand, Liz wasn't going to be rude about it and ask claimed: "What is wrong did you get to reject or something by a boy."

Reena noticed that Liz was in the room with her shaking her head, back at her roommate.

Liz just now realizes how nervous her roommate was. "What is wrong then speak up?" without warning, Reena hid behind the more petite girl than her, " Please save me. You know how to fight and deal with those kinds of people; I pay you to be my protector. Would you please save me? I do not understand the world of the savages like you do Liz. Tell me, are people that cruel." She stumbled in anxiety, clinging to her roommates. Reena fell over onto the hard floor, taking Liz down with her. Reena swiftly stuttered, "I…I…I. I'm scared, Liz, I'm scared.'

Liz rolled her eyes as she got off Reena brushing her uniform. "What is wrong with you? You're acting like you've seen a monster. This school is full of royalty. I doubt there person from the Night Life or even a savage gang member partakes in this school. I am one of the scariest people in this school admitted, and you're hugging me like I'm some saint. Have you lost your mind? I am a murder, Reena, yet you just laughed and called to ask me to be your Maid not long ago. Who could have scared you? When I am the most violent person, you ever meet.

Reena glanced up at Liz like she was trying to scan this so-called brutality that radiated from her roommate before shaking her head. "You're not cruel at all; I doubt you even killed anyone because no, no, you don't seem like that type of person. Or maybe I could be wrong because I haven't met anyone from a savage place in my life. However, you do not feel like a blood-thirsty savage to me. Though I do not know, maybe you hide it so well that I can't detect it. Yet he, no him, yes that, that, Chailo. It is different than you… I think. Please, Liz, tell me how ordinary people live.

Rage boiled up within Liz as she glared down at her "AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH, oh my god, you think I'm not a murder" she tried to act all rough and tough. Still, Reena was right about one thing Liz hated killing people she had, but she did not like, but that didn't mean that she had not run into savages. Liz snickered as she replied to the fearful girl who still looked at her with no fear at all. Which made her a bit disappointed, sighing in defeat, sitting down next to the confused girl, "No, Reena, your wrong. I have killed people before. Although you are right, I am no savage, but if I merely told you what I had to go through to survive for a single 48 hours, you would blackout on me, princess. Now seriously, what happened to that fucking snarky attitude you had just a bit ago."

Reena realized that she was being made fun of and did not like it. "NO, stop making fun of me. I know I am a spoiled little bitch, okay. I know, I know, but for real, I am terrified of that Chailo… He, He NO he was going to kill that student; if it weren't for The Teacher, I don't think I would be alive right now." Reena began crying as her face blanched, hugging her legs as her body rocked back and forth.

Liz became a little worried at what had just been saying, "Wait, for real, but everyone knows the rules in this place, how stupid could that person be to essentially be willing to try to kill someone here of all places. This is a joke, right? Liz was about to laugh when

"He fucking cut off that kid's arm and laughed. I'm not lying; that guy is crazy, right? Would you please tell me most people are not that scary? Yes, I am a spoiled little princess; who is looking for her prince charming, you can laugh at me all you want bitch, but I am not lying right now. I want to know is this something that I should get used to, or is that boy not normal. That is all I want to know. Can you please stop teasing me."?

Becoming stunned by the short blunt, sincerely, though Liz had just met this girl today, what she was saying did not seem like something she thought Reena would be willing to ever admit even to her best of friends. Getting off the ground as Liz walked over to her bed, thinking it over logically, the answer she would give Reena was yes; this was typical. This behavior back where she lived would be expected. Although there was a reason that Liz did not say this, there was one big obstacle because they were now living on a Moon that was exclusive for only TTRG school programs. Liz started to think that this whole dramatic evil Chailo idea could have just been away for Reena to justify her unconventional vulnerable emotions of being rejected by a pretty boy. She almost wanted to laugh if that was the case.

However, when Liz was about to tell her roommate that it's common for people to kill each other, suddenly Liz realized something that made her body abruptly turn to stone—realizing if what Reena was saying was true. Then there certainly was a reason to worry..