Crazy Fine Print Legal BS

Liz After sitting down tapping at her head, she gazed down at Reena, who was glaring at her waiting for a response.

"Well, I can't say it's not uncommon for people to be that way. Although The people I grew up around were too afraid of TTRG to do something like what you just told me inside a place like this, so no, it's also not common. What I'm trying to say, Reena, yes, the world would generally be like what you just saw; however, if what you said did actually happen, There are a lot of possibilities, but my biggest concern would what would you rank his fighting ability, because if he is not good at fighting, then the person is just foolish, however good at fighting then their good reason why TTRG would take them in even if tits reckless on their part and that there would be something to be scared of indeed Because cut off some kids arm on the first day of on a moon that is built exclusively decided for TTRG training and see if we qualify to become a member for the government, is not something even the most savages person back where I lived would dare risk doing.

Trembling hearing what her roommate had to say as she thought about it all, Reena muttered, "I don't want to be scared. I want to overthink, but Liz, my parents, are Silver Rank TTRG Member. They trained me how to fight, and I couldn't move under the pressure of that kid's murderous intent, and the other kids couldn't either. The scary part is I wasn't even that close to the fight, nor was Zim even looking at me, and yet I could still feel his glowing purple eyes glaring at me. The scariest part is that if I wanted to run away, it wouldn't have been possible if he didn't let me. I'm not saying my mom and dad ever went serious on me during training; however, I got the impression that Chailo did have to fight my mom and Dad. I don't want to admit it, but my mom and Dad would be coming home in a coffin.

Sitting their wide-eye hearing what her roommate had just told her. "I hope what you're telling me is you only miss judging of this situation of how strong that boy was because if that is true… I'm terrified. Because We don't see silver rank TTRG members, and we don't want to, because just 1 silver rank member can destroy a top rank Gang leader and member in a blink of an eye, they say."

Reena chuckled. "Well, what you say isn't a lie. My mom and dad do get sent out a lot to kill off a lot of people that Go against TTRG Laws, but because I know this, it is also a reason I'm so terrified because that boy, I'm sure he could kill my mom and dad, and I what I felt I felt like it wouldn't really be hard for him. I think he may be a high-rank Silver rank fighter or almost Gold rank fighter,"

"That is impossible; the school doesn't accept a student that is that good at fighting because the Trainer is only at a gold rank Combat teaches," Liz pulled up and something on her U chip and created a hologram. A paper with no word on it spread out into the room from her left pale eyes. Liz continued zooming in on the part that she was looking for; until she finally pointed at the tiny little dots that began appearing on the empty page; Liz repeatedly zoomed in until letters became readable.

There see it says right here, "Any student that has a fighting ability is over that of a Gold Rank. Will not be admitted on to school grounds or allowed to part take in TTRG Training School. If a student does enter, it will be dealt with ASAP; a loud alarm will ring out through the building and will suddenly be activated when they enter the moon.

By signing this permission form, you allow your kid/ child to be monitored 48 hours ( = 1 day In the future) within every second they live here to be an activity scanned by these advanced noseethem scanners are everywhere. In all the bathroom, shower stall dorm rooms, hallways, classrooms. Nurse's room. Under your bed, in the bedroom, under their sheets, over their beds. On the beds. In the toiled bowl on the toilet bowl above the toilets. In and around the showers. The School and TTRG are not responsible or liable for any damages caused by these scanners; they sometimes get attached to the kid's body by accident, but don't worry. They will not know or feel anything if that so happens. We are not reliable for any pornographic images that may or may not be a leak to the outside or inside sources, that could possibly be spread on the U chip by such scanners of your naked kid's bodies. That could or could not be placed on some U chip site for later profits or free content for the world to see. If you're not okay with this, let us know, and we will terminate your kid's chance of ever becoming a TTRG Member. Thank you so much for being so understanding; it is, after all, for the safety of your loved ones."

Hearing what Liz was reading off as Reena grabbed her body, trying to cover herself up as best she could, feeling eyes gazing at her and around her. "Wow, I didn't even know they were watching us that closely. I now fear my body being seen by perves rubbing one out to my naked image; how did you find that. It is not even seeable until you zoom in 400x and not even readable until 500X. That is some serious fucking crazy fine print legal bullshit right there. Although it makes me uneasy, I'm glad to know that Chailo's not a Gold-rank fighter.

"Well, I think it would be best if we stop talking about this since we are being spied on," Liz said as she closed the hologram.

Reena nodded as she smiled at her roommate. "There lot of time left before classes start up. however I know there of thing we got to do before that. Sorry I'm not good asking this but do you by chance, want to hang out with me? I could use the company."

Liz smiled "okay, sure, there is a place I've been dying to want to go to as well.

"Oh where

"To the underground market to get a weapon; my old is badly damaged, but i also really been wanting to got to it ever since i learn that TTRG schools have a door portal to the place. I was going to go alone, but I feel it be a lot more fun to explore with a friend."

A cold chill made its way up Reena's spine as she glace up at Liz. "Oh, The underground market well, um? Hmm yeah.. no you shouldn't go to that place alone. No you really need to be careful of that place," But then Reena suddenly shook like a new idea replaced her old thoughts. "NO it should be fine if you take me with you. I been to that place many time with my parents is should be okay if your with me that is. Since people know my mom and dad are silver rank members no one should be willing to harm you if your with me. because people there don't mess me, so yeah, but FYI, don't go into that place without me, okay Liz."

Liz nodded, confused by the mixed message, "Awe okay yeah, but what if i need to go someday and your well made new friends and don't care about me anymore. Is it really that bad of a place to go without you?"

"Well, it's a market that sells everything and anything. So this also means if someone wants to buy you that is also possible. But since I'm registered with a family who are TTRG silver rank members. It will be fine if you stick close to me, however its pretty dangrious if you have no influence at all. So like I said, don't go there without me. But why do you think i woudhn't want to hang out with you anymore your crazy we are roommate, I doubt i beable to make many friends here Liz. My parents reputation is something that most people would well respect but also deep down don't understand. What I mean is I feel like most people here know who my parents are and they wouldn't really want to get close to me because of well my parents reblious nature of society standers."