Liwei had already paid for her necklace, and she came back to him, as he was still lost in thoughts.
"Aren't you going to pay ?"
Her voice snapped him back into reality.
"Huh ?"
She smiled, "If you don't pay and keep looking at his things like that, you'll look like you're trying to steal."
Lan's eyes widened. Stealing never crossed his mind, but would he really come off like a thief ? Maybe he did act a bit strange after all ?
"I'll go pay. Just wait for me here, okay ?"
She nodded, "Sure."
As Lan joined the file, she looked down at the qiankun pouch in her hand. She smiled faintly for herself at what she hid inside. Then she gave a small shrug and tied the pouch back to her belt, tucking it on the inside.
When Lan returned, his hands were empty. He had put his things away in his qiankun pouch as well.
"I cheated off of you." he said once he reached her.
"Cheated off what ?"