Chapter 1: Awakening in a new world

"Ugh, what the hell! my head hurts." Complained Jin who was at the moment clenching his head, as he was right now suffering from a massive headache that he received upon awakening.

A few minutes later though, the pain stopped.

"*Huff**Huff* I see, so it seems that the old man wasn't lying to me and I have actually been reincarnated into the world of High school dxd. It also seems that I became the little brother of Issei, if the memories I received are anything to go by. But it seems that this world isn't the same as I remember it like in the anime. I don't ever remember Issei having sisters, well there is also the fact that he never actually had a younger brother. I guess me being brought into this world caused a butterfly effect of sorts?"


"Hey Jin are you up?"


quickly turning around, Jin noticed a small dark brown haired girl, standing there in front of the open door of his bedroom.

"Oh! what do you want Sara?" Jin quickly asked, recognizing who this little girl was from the memories he acquired just a few moments ago.

"Huh, is that how you speak to your big sister? humph. Anyway, Irina came to visit and she keeps asking about you so hurry up and come downstairs." she said in obvious dissatisfaction before leaving the room.

"Alright I'm coming."

Jin replied as he soon went ahead and got up from his bed before heading out and going downstairs.



upon arriving in the living room, Jin was suddenly tackled onto the floor.

"Ugh, Irina, haven't I told you many times to stop doing this." Jin complained as he lifted his head up and made contact with the short orange haired girl.

"Don't you remember what happened last time?" he questioned

"I don't know what you're talking about" Irina responded as she shamefully looked away.


"Hey don't laugh at me." Irina said while pouting.

"Alright, alright, so Sara told me that you were looking for me."

"Oh yeah, right, can you please come with me and Issei to the park?"

"Sure, but you should get off of me first."

"Huh?" Irina replied in confusion.

However noticing a few seconds later that she was still sitting on top of Jin, her face immediately began to reddened before she hastily got off of him.

"H-h-hurry up and lets go." Irina said before running away.

'That was amusing' thought Jin as he got up and hastily followed behind her.


Currently Jin was outside playing around with Irina. Noticing that issei, who in this world now identified as his older brother, much to his dissatisfaction, wasn't' with them though, he decided to ask Irina about it. As he was pretty curious if anything had changed about him with his presence here.

"Hey Irina, do you know where Issei is?"

"Uhm, I think that he went over there towards the swings." Irina pointed out

"Ok, can you wait here for a sec? I'm going to see what he's up to." Jin asked


Getting her approval, Jin went ahead and headed towards the direction Irina pointed out.

Upon arriving there though, he quickly caught sight of Issei sitting on one of the swings staring at a high school girl with a twisted grin plastered right on his face.

Seeing this, Jin just sighed and made his way towards him.

From having watched the whole dxd anime, Jin never really had a good opinion of issei. Sure, he did admire the guy's determination in fighting to the death for his loved ones and the fact that he helped many of the heroines deal with their own personal struggles. But, in the end, if you think clearly about it, aren't almost all anime protagonists like that? If you look past all that, What else is there to see in him?

He really hated how lustful and perverted lssei was. Not to say that he himself wasn't lustful. Which will be hypocritical. But he at least showed some restraint when it came to it. Issei however never really showed restraint. In the anime, he was always seen and shown openly ogling girls and spitting out comments about their breasts as well as constantly trying to peek at them changing, along with his duo of friends, without any care about the girls. There is also the fact that he literally used the boosted gear, a god slaying item, in order to create a move that could tear women's clothing off. Sure that may not sound bad and many may say that they wish to have a skill like that. But if you look at it, in reality, he was literally forcibly stripping girls, who were already with someone else, in front of crowds of people to see. Imagine if it was your girl who was in that situation? Jin also kind of hated the fact that he demeaned the title of the red dragon emperor into a complete joke. Changing it to the boob dragon, who got powered up by thinking of and as well as touching breast. There was also the situation with Raynare. Jin couldn't fathom how Issei could act like he was betrayed by her and later go on to be all emotional about it, since it was literally his fault in the first place for deciding it was a good decision to go out with a random girl who he only just met. Did he not even find it suspicious that a girl would just randomly come up to him and ask him out, when he was literally hated by the whole school? or was he just too focused on her breasts and whether or not she would bang him?

He in all honesty liked mc's more like Basara. Since Basara at least was pretty cool and wouldn't be yelling out loud and letting everyone know that he loved boobs.

Anyway, Jin just decided not bother to much about it. Since Issei was currently still just a kid.

"Issei stop ogling her like that. You're going to make the girl uncomfortable." he said out loud as he finally got close.

Having heard what Jin said, the girl soon turned around and noticed Issei staring at her. Seeing the expression he had on his face though she quickly decided to turn around and walk away.

"HEY! why did you do that ? I was just about to get a good view of her boobs." Issei complained

"I swear, when are you going to stop focusing on breast all the time." Jin asked in annoyance.

"Never, because my goal is to become the harem king!" Issei shouted

"Are you really still on about that? "

"Tch, shut up. You're just jealous of me since you're just a loser that won't ever be able to get a girl in the future." Issei said before he got up and walked away.

"Haiss, I guess I should get back to Irina."

Saying that, Jin turned around and began to make his way back.


Upon arriving back though, he noticed Irina sitting on the bench with a down-casted expression. Having seen this, Jin Immediately walked up towards her to check up on her.

"Hey Irina what's wrong?"

"Oh, your back?" Irina said upon noticing Jin

"Are you sad because I left you alone?" Jin asked teasingly

"What! No! I mean Yes! Wait it's not like that!"

"Hahaha" Jin laughed at her antics

"Don't laugh this is serious." Irina shouted, not being able to hide the faint blush on her cheeks.

"Okay, okay, but do you feel better now?"

"Yes" Irina replied

"Okay, now can you tell me why you're sad?" Jin asked

"Well, it's because my dad just told me yesterday that we were going to move to England tomorrow which means I wont ever be able to hang out and see you anymore. *Sob* and *sob* I *sob* don't *sob* want *sob* that." Irina said before breaking down and crying.

seeing this, Jin hurriedly went and hugged her.

"Don't cry Irina, I'm sure we'll meet again." Jin told her, trying to comfort her, knowing fully well that what he was saying was true.

"Really?" asked Irina, with her head still buried into his chest.

"Yes, so please don't cry anymore." Jin softly said with a warm smile on his face.

"You promise that you wont ever forget about me even after I'm gone?"

"I promise"

Hearing him say that, Irina promptly broke free of his hug and Immediately went ahead and kissed him on the cheek.

"Well you promise. If we meet next time and you don't remember me, I won't forgive you, got that?"

"Don't worry that won't happen."

Having heard him say that, Irina quickly ran away and headed back home, while making sure to turn her head around and wave Jin a final goodbye.


" Well it seems that she's finally starting her training as an exorcist and making her way to becoming a holy sword wielder." Jin spoke to no one in particular, still having stayed at the park even after Irina had already left. In order to try and test his powers out, which didn't go as planned.

"sigh, well it seems that I still can't use any of the powers I've wished for yet. I've already tried up to everything to bring them forth but nothing has happened. Well, there's no use complaining about It. I guess I'll just have to wait . For now, I'll try spending time with the new family I have been given."

Jin said as he quickly got up and started heading back home.