Chapter 2: Awakening of sacred gears

It's already been a few days since Irina left for England to start her training as an exorcist. Jin was down casted at first, but remembering that they'll be meeting each other again in the future, he soon regained his spirit. 

Currently he was in his room laying on his bed, just seemingly staring at the ceiling, carefully contemplating on what to do.


He was soon abruptly brought out of his thoughts though at the sound of his name. Looking at the direction from where the voice came from. He quickly caught sight of a little light brown haired girl, with a pair of green eyes, and about the age of 11, peaking through the door.

 "Hmm? do you need something Aoi?" Jin asked 

"Mom and Dad are asking you to come downstairs for dinner."

"Oh, what's there to eat?"



"Yeah, hurry up and come downstairs before Issei and Sara finish eating everything." She replied before she snuck her head back out of the entrance of the door and immediately headed back downstairs. 

"Hey, wait for me!" Jin yelled out as he got up and quickly followed suit 


"So how are you feeling bud?" Goruo questioned

"Hmm?" Jin replied in confusion to his father's question, still chewing down on his food

"We know that you were sad about Irina moving to England so we want to know how you've been holding up" His mother answered.

Having swallowed down the food in his mouth, Jin soon replied to their question.

"I'm doing good. I made a promise to Irina that we'll meet again in the future. So there is no reason for me to be sad."

"Well that's very mature of you son." said his father

"I agree. Now then, hurry up and finish eating your food so that you can go watch tv with your older brother."  Jin's mother said to him

"Can I also go watch tv?" yelled out Sara

"Not after you finish eating your vegetables." Her mother replied

"But I don't wanna!" Sara cried out

"Then I guess you wont be able to watch tv then."

"Awwww, why do I even have to eat these stupid vegetables." Sara said while sulking 

"Because they're good for you. Look at Aoi, she's not complaining. So hurry up and finish eating young lady."

"Finneee" Sara relented


"Hey don't laugh Aoi!" Sara yelled

"I don't know what your talking about? You must be imagining things." Aoi said

"Alright girls don't fight." their father spoke

"But she started It!" Sara voiced out

"I don't care who started it. Now both of you hurry up and finish eating."

""Yes Dad"" they both replied in unison

"Pfft..." Jin let out, trying to hold in his laughter  

"Now don't you get started too young man." his mother reprimanded

Hearing that, Jin quickly shut his mouth and continued to finish eating his food

"MOM. DAD!" Issei yelled out excitedly as he came running into the dining room

"What is it issei?" Miki asked worriedly

"Look, look, look," Issei said as he showed her his arm, which now had a red gauntlet on it

"Oh my god, what is that?" Miki asked in complete shock as she got up and began to touch the gauntlet 

"THATS SO COOL!" Sara yelled out

"Yeah" Aoi also agreed with sparkling eyes

'Is that the boosted gear? Why did he awaken it this early though? Did me being here really cause that much of a change?' Jin pondered in his thoughts

"Issei how did you get that?" Goruo asked, sincerely interested in knowing  how his son got ahold of such a thing."

"Yeah, tell us Issei. I also want to get one." Sara said

"Yeah" Aoi nodded in agreement

"Yeah, tell us son" Miki also added in

"Well, I was just watching the newest episode of dragon-so ball. And seeing Goku trying to tap into his inner power, I also decided to try and do the same. In the end I think it worked out as my arm began to glow and this thing just suddenly appeared." Issei said, to the utter disbelief of his parents who were still trying to comprehend what he just said

"What! I also want to try." "Me to." Sara said, followed by Aoi, before they both soon tried imitating Issei 

Not shortly after, a bright light began to emit from both of their hands, which blinded everyone. Soon the light dim down, allowing everyone to finally set view on what appeared on both the sisters hands. 

"What! No way." Miki soon yelled out, not believing what she was just seeing

In Aoi's hand appeared a long black sword, that was decorated with two purple gems, which was emitting a strong oppressively aura. As for Sara, two gauntlets appeared on each of her arms. A golden one on her right and a blue one on her left. The golden gauntlet emitted a strong wave of heat while the blue one emitted a strong sense of chilliness.

Seeing this, their parents were both flabbergasted 

"WOW! this is so cool!" Sara cried out

"Whoaaa" Aoi said with stars in her eyes

"COOOOOl... You guys also got one." Issei excitedly said

 "Yeah" Sara replied to Issei before she turn her attention back to Jin.

Hey Jin, why don't you also try it out?" She said to him

"Huh?" Jin answered, still stupefied seeing his sisters easily awakening their sacred gears. Leaving him with only one thought in his mind. 'Since when did sacred gears become so easily obtainable?' 

"I saiddd, why don't you also try it out." Sara responded

"Oh! sure." Jin soon replied after getting out of his daze.

He then closed his eyes and immediately tried doing the same thing as his siblings. But after a while, nothing happened.  

Seeing that things weren't going anywhere, he decided to stop and quickly opened his eyes. Where he was greeted to the sight of his family eagerly waiting for him.

Seeing him open his eyes though, his family soon became disappointed. 

""Nothing?"" asked both his parents, who had already tried awakening their own sacred gears only to come out emptyhanded.

"Nothing" Jin answered back, to the disappointment of his parents. While also being down casted at not being able to use any of his powers still.

"Haha, loser. Your the only one out of us four that didn't get one." Issei laughed out loud, quickly breaking the silence.

"Hey, don't say rude things about Jin." Aoi soon voiced out

"Alright, alright, don't you start fighting with your brother Aoi." Miki soon interjected 

"Whatever, I'm going to go outside and try this baby out." Issei replied in annoyance before he ran outside.

"Me to." Sara soon joined

 "Why don't you also go join them Aoi?" Miki turned to her daughter

"But... Jin" Aoi asked worriedly 

"Don't worry about your little brother. He'll be alright. He's a big boy after all. Now go and join your brother and sister. We'll be right there in a sec. We just have to make a quick call."

 "Ok" Aoi soon yielded before quickly heading outside.

Seeing her daughter had left, Miki soon turned her head toward her husband

"I think we should call you parents and ask them if they know anything about this."

"I agree."

Soon both the Hyoudou parents walked away. Leaving Jin all alone.