Chapter 5: Shuri

"Huh?" Jin was dumbfounded. To think that the little girl right in front of him was none other than one of the main heroines of this world. This really was unexpected for him. 

"Hey Jin are you alright?" Akeno asked worriedly.

"Huh? oh, yeah I'm alright." Jin quickly replied to her worries after getting out of his stupor. 

"more importantly, we should probably get moving and start looking for your mother."

"Yeah, your right!" she agreed  

"Alright then, lets get going then." Saying that Jin quickly then grabbed Akeno's hand and began making his way towards the park, pulling her along with him.


"Is this the place?" Jin asked 

"Yeah" Akeno, who was right next to him, replied.

"Alright then, do you see your mother anywhere?"

"No" she replied while shaking her head

"Are you sure? Lets keep searching for her then."


"AKENO!" before they could continue their search though, they suddenly heard a loud shout.

Turning their heads towards the direction where they heard the shout from, they soon spotted a beautiful long black haired woman, with brown eyes, who closely related Akeno, running at them with a worried expression.

"MOMMY!" shouted Akeno as she rushed towards the woman, now identified as her mother.

"Where were you? you had me so worried." Her mother said worriedly, as she tightly hugged her.

"I'm sorry" Akeno answered apologeticaly

"Sigh, it's alright. I'm just glad that you're ok."

"Mhm, I had Jin taking care of me."

"Hmm, who's Jin?" Akeno's mother asked in confusion.

"That will be me." Jin replied, quickly intervening into their conversation.

"Oh! So your Jin? Then I really must thank you for taking care of my daughter.  By the way I'm Shuri and if I may ask, where are your parents? I don't believe a little boy like you should be walking around here by yourself.

" There's no problem and I came here alone."

"Oh that's no good. Did you perhaps run away from home? How about you come over to our place then? " Shuri reprimanded Jin before inviting him to come to her place

" Uh, Its a bit more complicated than that but sure." 

"Alrighty then let's get going." Shuri replied before grabbing both of their hands tightly.

"Can't let both of you get lost now can I." She said, looking more specifically at Akeno, who in response just smiled wryly.

"Uhm, I taught you weren't mad at me." Akeno argued

"Oh? I'm not though." Shuri countered with a smile that made Akeno shiver.

"Eek!" She shrieked

Jin couldn't help but smile at the mother and daughter's antics, finding it to be very funny and amusing.

"Oh, why are you smiling Jin?" Akeno suddenly asked, trying to get out of her current dilemma.

"Oh! Nothing, I just thought about something funny." Jin answered, quickly reverting back to his normal expression.

"Really? What?" Akeno asked curiously 

"It's a secret" Jin replied

 "Hmph, fine don't tell me then."  Akeno pouted

"fufufu." Shuri laughed at their interaction


"This is a nice place." Jin commented, as he was now currently at the mother and daughter's place, which was a nearby local shrine.

"Why thank you, I greatly appreciate your comment." Shuri thanked Jin

"Hey Akeno, how about you hang out with Jin for a while and show him around the place for a bit while I'll go make something for us to eat." Shuri advised.

"OK. Follow me Jin." Akeno replied to Shuri before grabbing Jin's hand and pulling him along with her.

And like that, an hour passed with Akeno showing Jin around the place as they played around with each other, playing different games like tag and go fish, using a deck of cards that Jin secretly pulled out from his gate of Babylon.

"Kids the food is ready." Shuri soon called out

"We'll be right there" Akeno yelled in response.

"Hey Jin lets go, the food is ready."

"Coming." Jin replied, following not to far behind Akeno


"Thanks for the food, It was really delicious," Jin praised Shuri

"You flatter me." Shuri replied

"Well I think I should be getting back home now, its getting pretty late."

"Awww, don't go, cant you stay here for a little bit longer." Akeno begged

"Don't pester him Akeno. He's right. It's getting pretty late and his parents are probably starting to worry for him." Shuri reprimanded

"No, its alright, she's not bothering me at all. Besides, my parents aren't home right now."

"Oh, why is that?" Shuri asked curiously.

" Well, that's because Im living alone right now. Since they left and went to go visit the countryside along with my siblings.

"WHAT!" Shuri yelled angrily, after listening to what Jin just said.

"Unbelievable, how could they just leave you alone like that. Is there at least someone who's taking care of you" She asked, pissed of by the fact that Jin's parent basically left him alone to fend for himself.

"No, but It's okay. I've found it to be pretty comfortable living by myself, as I pretty much get to do whatever I want."

"No it is not okay. A child shouldn't be left to live alone. I've decided, you're staying here and living with us." Shuri said, as a matter of factly.

"Yay" Akeno cheered.

'Umm, Isn't this to fast?' Jin thought wryly in his head.

"No, it's alright. I wouldn't like to be a bother, and to be honest, like I said before, I will rather and be more comfortable with staying at home." Jin hurriedly said.

"Sigh, alright but if anything goes wrong and something bad happens to you I'm taking you with me to live with us, whether you like it or not." She said, leaving no further room for discussion.

"I'm okay with that."

"There is also one condition. You must come visit us very oftenly. I don't want you to be left alone the whole day holed up at home."

"Umm, sure. I can agree with that." Jin answered before getting up from his seat.

"Well then, I'll be heading home now."

"Alright, be careful on your way back."

"Will you promise to visit us again tomorrow." Akeno asked, reluctant to see Jin leave.

"I promise." Jin replied before he started to head towards the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Akeno said with a smile

"Yeah" Jin replied with his own smile before he soon after opened the door and headed outside. quickly making his way back home.