Chapter 6: First blood

A few days have passed by now and keeping true to his words, Jin went and visited Shuri and Akeno everyday.

During early in the mornings, whenever he had the time, he would often go and visit them at their place, where he would occasionally play around with Akeno, much to her happiness, as well as talk with Shuri and help her around the place.

He didn't neglect his training either. Every day in the afternoon, when he wasn't spending his time with the pair of mother and daughter, he would repeatedly go to the woods and train using his powers, by constantly exhausting and replenishing his mana, as well as train his body, by working out while wearing gravity weights that he pulled out from his gate of Babylon.

As of now he could only fire up to 5 full powered attacks before completely exhausting his mana, which was a completely significant improvement from before, as well as lift up to a total of 100 pounds, much to his struggle.

Currently, It was late at night. Right now, Jin could be seen sitting on top of a tall tree, carefully observing his surrounding area from above.

Today he planned to hunt down some strays in the area of Kuoh, to help him gain some actual combat experience as he believed it to be something important that he needed to acquire In order to increase and improve his own combat power. Besides, he would also be eliminating threats to this town, meaning that he would be killing two birds with one stone.

So that being the case, Jin decided to go out at night and patrol the town, in order to find any strays that were causing any trouble.

"Hmm, Got one."

Having quickly caught sight of one, from above, Jin quickly jumped off the tree he was on and perfectly landed on the ground, before he hurriedly rushed towards the direction they were located at.



"No! Please don't..."

*Swish* *bang*

"Pfft *cough* W-w-why?"


"Huh? are you dead already? No fun."

Slowly walking towards the dead body on the ground, a man with a pair of dark colored wings on his back spoke with a sinister grin of his face.

"sigh, what did I expect from a pathetic human."

Having now arrived near the man's dead body, the man slowly began to lift his foot up above the man's head before he quickly brought it down, completely crushing the man's head in the process.

"Tch, you could have at least lasted a little bit longer. Now you've gone and ruined my fun. Now I have to go and waste my time looking for another human to play with "

Kicking the man's dead body, the man quickly turn around and proceeded to walk away



Instinctively sensing danger behind him, the man quickly turn around and hurriedly summoned a light spear in his hand that he proceeded to quickly swing at the incoming attack.


"Ahhh, who's there!" The man screamed in pain as he held his bleeding shoulder which was pierced by a spear, that he wasn't able to completely block as he was only able to change it's trajectory.

"Show yourself you coward!"

"What right do you have to call me a coward? attacking and killing a defenseless man" Quickly responded a cold and emotionless voice.


Taking a clear look at the direction the voice came from, the man quickly caught sight of a child slowly walking towards him. What really caught his attention though, was the golden portal that was hovering above him, that currently had a spear sticking out of it, which in a second quickly disappeared.

"Y-y-you stinky brat. I'll kill you." Yelled the man in rage. Realizing that the kid was the one who launched the attack at him. Which quickly angered him as he just realized that he was just now injured and even insulted by him, a mere human child.

"We'll see about that." Answered the child, who we all knew as Jin.

"Die!" the man yelled before he summoned another light spear and rush towards Jin and as soon as he was in front of him, he quickly went and tried to stab him in the head

Noticing the incoming attack, Jin just calmly stood there.

Seeing this though, the man couldn't help but smirk, thinking that Jin was just to sacred to do anything. But the next second, the man couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock.

As the attack was about to reach him, Jin all of a sudden moved his head to the side allowing him to dodge the attack and barely avoid it, as seen by the noticeable cut on his face. Ignoring it though, Jin quickly responded and countered back with his own attack, by quickly inhaling in a mouth full of air and releasing a small blizzard, that was a mixture of cold air and ice, out of his mouth.

"Ice demon rage!"

Completely surprised by the unexpected attack, the man couldn't dodge in time. Thus ending with him receiving the full blunt of the attack head on. 

In a last ditch effort, he hurriedly stomp his right foot down onto the ground and proceeded to jump back with all his might while moving his head to the side, as to not get hit by the blast. 


"Ahhhhhhh!" The main screamed in pain

"W-w-what the hell was that attack." The man quickly spoke in horror, as he quickly backed away from Jin. Clutching his bleeding chest, that now had a huge gaping hole in it, that was covered in ice that spread and covered almost half of the whole right side of his body

"Huh? Your not dead? Well doesn't matter I'll just finish you off with the next attack"

"W-w-wait! don't kill me. Let's talk this out."

"There's nothing to talk about. Besides, have you ever listened to those who you've ruthlessly killed? Didn't they also beg for mercy?" Jin replied as he quickly summoned a sword from his gate of Babylon.

"N-n-no please don't kill me! I'll do anything."

"Anything huh?"

"Y-y-yes, anything."

"Then die for me."

With that being said, Jin quickly launch the sword straight towards the man's head, with a gesture of his hand.

"Noooooooo..." The man yelled in complete despair as he was quickly pierced through the head.


Seeing that the man was now dead, Jin then slowly begin walking towards his body. Before he quickly crouched down and put his hand on him.


Slowly, a back figure, who had almost the exact same appearance as the man laying dead on the ground, began to rise above the mans figure. Who in the next second, with on one knee and bowed towards Jin.

"Seems like it was successful." Jin voiced out as he carefully observed his shadow soldier

After a while, he quickly decided to cancel his summon, and so his shadow soldier soon quickly began to merge into his shadow, completely disappearing from his view, before he soon turn around and began walking away

"Sigh, seems I came a little to late." Jin muttered as he quickly took a glance behind him, towards the other dead body laying on the ground, that was completely missing a head. Not at all being disturbed by all the bloody gore or even the fact that he just killed someone, which kind of left him feeling confused as he thought that he would as least feel a little bit disgusted by this scene.

"Hmmm, must be a dragon thing." He guessed

"Anyway, this ended up being more easier than I thought." Jin said as he turned his head back around and continued walking away from the scene.

"I'll just leave the cleanup to someone else." He muttered as he left, wanting to continue his hunt