Chapter 7: Attack on the Himejimas

After having had come across upon and having killed his first stray, Jin still continued on with his search for any strays that were lurking around inside the area of Kuoh and before he knew it, time quickly passed by and the night soon abruptly came to an end.

In the end, Jin was only able to come across upon two more lower class strays, who he quickly made quick work out of and converted them both into his shadow soldiers, before he couldn't come across upon anymore. Thus, in the end, he ultimately decided to give up on his search and eventually headed back home


"Oof" Jin exclaimed as he fell face flat onto his bed

"That was tiring" he muffled in between his pillow.

"Anyway, today was a pretty productive day." He stated, as he quickly turned around and laid back on his back

"I was able to obtain a few more shadow soldiers to add into my arsenal, and was finally able to see beings of the supernatural. Though, if I had to say, they weren't as strong as I expected them to be. I guess that was probably because they were of lower rank though."

"Maybe next time I'll encounter one of higher rank."

"Well, anyway, I should probably head to sleep now, so that I can wake up early in the morning and go visit Akeno as I did promise her that I would come and visit her again tomorrow." He said tiredly before turning off the lights and quickly falling asleep, as he was already exhausted from staying up all night.


"*Yawn*" Jin yawned as he woke up the next day

"Hmm, what time is it?" He asked groggily, still half awake, as he quickly went ahead and grabbed the alarm clock on the table next to his bed.

"Huh, 7 in the afternoon!" He exclaimed in surprise.

"Umm, I didn't expect to sleep that long. I guess I must have been more tired than I thought." He said wrly

"Sigh, I hope Akeno doesn't get mad at me for not showing up today. As I really don't want to spend another hour of being scolded by Shuri again." He complained as he quickly got up out of bed.

"Well I should probably get changed and go visit them anyway. I wonder what kind of excuse I should come up with though? he said as he proceeded to quickly get changed before heading downstairs and getting a quick bite to eat.

"Well, I guess I'll just worry about that when I get there " he muttered outloud as he reached his front door, while still munching on a loaf of bread.

"For now, let's just start making our way over there before it starts getting too late ." He said to himself as he soon open the door and headed outside before he began making his way towards the Himejima residence.



"Are you still upset?" Questioned Shuri to the now sulking Akeno


"Don't be upset, maybe Jin just had to many things to do and so he probably just lost track of time" Her mother tried soothing her

"But still... He promised" Akeno finally responded in a low voice, clearly upset at the fact that Jin didn't come visit her today.

"How about this then. Next time he comes over here I'll make him have to spend the whole day playing with you."

"Really?" Akeno asked expectantly.

"Yes, now hurry up and go to sleep so that you can be full of energy to play with him tomorrow."

"Ok" Akeno finally relented as she got up and began heading her way towards her room

"Sigh" seeing that her daughter had finally decided to go to bed, Shuri couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"I swear, that girl, sometimes I believe that she loves Jin more than she loves me


"Hmm? Who could that be?" Shuri asked confused as she began making her way towards the door.

"It's probably Jin." she convinced herself

"fufufu, let's see how he explains himself for coming here so late." she laughed in a scary voice that would cause Jin to shiver in fear If he heard it

*knock* *knock*

"Coming" she yelled


"Huh?" finally opening the door, instead of seeing Jin like she had expected , she instead caught sight of a familiar middle age man standing right in front her, with a group of men, who were all covered in black cloaks, standing right behind him.


"Hey Shuri"

"Umm, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to convince you one final time to come back to the clan."

"Sorry... but I can't "

"Why? Are really you still hell bent on staying together with that damn fallen?" he yelled

"We already talked about this." she whispered

"I don't care. now either you come back with me willingly or I'll take you by force." he responded, leaving no more room for discussion.

"umm mom?" as Shuri was about to argue, she suddenly heard the voice of Akeno behind her, which quickly caused her to turn around in panic

"Huh, Akeno what are you doing here. Quickly go head back to your room. You can't be here right now" she whispered

"But..." Akeno replied worriedly

"Its okay, there's nothing you need to worry about. So please, go head back to bed." She replied in response to her daughter's worries

"Is that girl the spawn of you and that filthy fallen." her uncle suddenly interrupted

"Quickly get away from her, I'll finish her off before she has time time to grow." he said as he proceeded to push her aside before making his way in.

"No, I won't let you hurt her." Shuri quickly retorted as she quickly ran and stood in front of the now frighten Akeno

"Move aside Shuri, we cannot allow her to continue to live."

" No, I wont allow you to kill her."

"then you leave me with no choice. I won't allow there to be a disgrace to our clan" saying that and with a signal of his hand, the men behind him all soon lifted their hands as they began to quickly charged a ball of fire which they immideatly fired at the pair of mother and daughter.

Seeing the incoming attack, Shuri instantly went and pushed Akeno onto the ground as she quickly covered her in an attempt to protect her from the incoming barrage.

